This sums it up -
He added: "With these things you need to make sure you are not spending more money enforcing the restrictions than is being raised in fines."
Last edited by: Old Navy on Thu 24 Mar 11 at 17:09
>> The war on motorists is over?
Deja Vu
War on motorists over? - Old Navy Fri 4 Mar 11 13:04
Gimme a break, I am old and senile. :-)
>> Gimme a break, I am old and senile. :-)
In your defence, it is a different link and a different capital city.
The war on the motorist is over in a pig's goddam ear.
I were in that Lunnon today. It were mostly orrible.
I did let a BMW 330i convertible out of the garage in Castelnau, and was rewarded with a good read of its number plate, BUT 15 IT.
Don't often like cherished number plates, but chapeau!