Motoring Discussion > Brief Trip to Germany Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Perky Penguin Replies: 3

 Brief Trip to Germany - Perky Penguin
Lincoln to Dusseldorf (area) and back, motorways both sides and Tunnel for the crossing.

When it is running well the Tunnel is unbeatable! £20 return with T*sco vouchers; 5 minute check in and the ability to depart early if space is available. We came back 3 hours early without penalty. Passports not even inspected on the way out! Checked on the way back and and a pleasant enough Q & A with the Border Agency asking where we had been and what we had bought.

The Calais to Brussels M Way has some pretty vile potholes to avoid. Diesel was euros 1.44 on average, we filled up twice in Calais @ 1.36, at a Total station in the Eastern Industrial estate, near all the wine warehouses. Petrol varied a bit but was around 1.65 and over 1.70 at some garages in Germany.

Holland has reduced the off M way NSL to 70 kph and Holland and Belgium have reduced the M Way limit to 120 kph. France remains 130 dry and 110 wet.

Any more specific queries please email me. I will help if I can
 Brief Trip to Germany - Mike H
>> Holland has reduced the off M way NSL to 70 kph and Holland and Belgium
>> have reduced the M Way limit to 120 kph.

Belgium has been 120kph for years, assuming you haven't got a typo in the original post. I thought the same applied to Holland, but I haven't driven through there for years. One of the more local EU countries has introduced a lower limit for wet conditions a la France, but I can't remember which one it is.
 Brief Trip to Germany - Perky Penguin
My trips have me as a passenger so I am not that aware of changes! Belgium has probably been 120 for a while - I just haven't noticed but thanks for pointing it out so tactfully.
 Brief Trip to Germany - Boxsterboy
How was Dusseldorf? We go to Cologne each year for the markets, but this may be an alternative one year.
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