The following is a link to Smart Business Detroit and what Bill Ford Jnr. has made of the last couple of years and where he sees his products and brand going.
I thought it an interesting few pages though he obviously doesn't give much away.
he basically said a few months back that ford need to rationalise models across the world
ie a focus for everywhere etc but one that is economical in todays world and also profitable to sell
they are loking away from large suv type stuff and concentrating on going back to what they did best
cars for the masses
i wish them luck but just wish their spares prices were not set by ford of england at too high a price to be uncompetative to other mainstream dealer prices
there is a company i use that imports all their genuine ford parts from outside the eu (they came out of the ec to go to this country i talk of) and their prices thrash the dealer senseless
Anyone is going to hunt around for the best deal, can't fault you on that one.
How does it work if you get a faulty part ? What does your supplier do with it ? Does it go back outside the EU or can he afford to bin it due to high volume, low prices ?
not been a problem so far
guess he writes it off if faulty
sorry dont know