Motoring Discussion > Another insurance beware Miscellaneous
Thread Author: BobbyG Replies: 6

 Another insurance beware - BobbyG
In our local paper, an article about an insured driver.

To cut to the chase, woman changed insurers, paid her annual premium up front and assumed she was insured. She did this all online.
New ins co wrote to her requesting proof of no claims. When she hadn't replied after a month or so they cancelled the policy.

She subsequently had an accident and found out she was not insured.

Now on the face of it, she must have had her money refunded and must have ignored a few letters so only herself to blame.

But I must admit, I have a tendency to ignore any letters that come in from insurance companies as 99% of them are sales stuff wanting me to take out new policies and get a free pen in the process. I wonder if she did likewise?

As she said in her defence, all it would have taken was a phone call (remember that personal contact) to her to advise her that they still awaited the proof of no claims.
 Another insurance beware - Bill Payer
One from me - and this actually happened to us, it's not a 3rd hand story.

Changed insurance companies on daughters car late last year - all done over the 'phone. Letter came a few days later with docs and daughter dumped it in the big pile of letters for Dad to read. Another letter came a couple of days later and, unusually, she opened it. It was an urgent reminder that her insurance had expired.

They'd set the new policy up for the previous year, so it had immediately expired!
 Another insurance beware - ....
Playing devil's advocat here but didn't she request a discount on a product based on previous purchases ?
Didn't she fail to provide such proof ?

I know it's a pain in the bahookie but thems the rules.

Usually an email with a pdf of the renewal notice is enough. Extreme cases I have had to send the actual renewal through.
 Another insurance beware - Ted

Not just about ignoring letters either, Bobby.

Last week the neighbour from 4 doors up popped a couple of letters through my door. Both were addressed correctly to me. One was bumff but the other was a hospital appointment which I did want to keep......Relief postie on that week. Probably couldn't read English !

I have also had other peoples insurance delivered here. One had the same surname but the documents gave an address 80 odd miles away.

 Another insurance beware - Dave_
Wouldn't she simply have had to provide proof of previous no-claims as part of the paperwork following the crash? If she'd bought the cover at a price based on her previous indication of no-claims bonus, then surely as long as she could prove that bonus was in order between renewal date and crash date there shouldn't be a problem. Should there?
 Another insurance beware - -
Certainly got to keep on your toes if your going to tart around changing insurances every year, i really can't be bothered unless my own company start taking the mickey.

By the time you've equalled the covers and benefits there's seldom much difference in price...though often a world apart (in more ways than one) when you need them.
 Another insurance beware - Pat
I've always had to provide proof of no claims bonus within 28 days, but as gmac says an email with a pdf is usually all it needs.

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