Motoring Discussion > Wet interior Miscellaneous
Thread Author: smokie Replies: 13

 Wet interior - smokie
Just went outside and all my car windows and sun roof were open, and it's been raining quite hard for some hours so inside is pretty wet. I think the sun roof etc all open when the alarm goes off, it's happened before but I can't remember why...

Anyway, re the wet interior - other sites recommend dehumidifiers and other expensive equipment, but I'm incline to just put a few towels around to soak up what I can then leave windows open (on fine days!) to get rid of the rest. What with no work ( = no income) the car doesn't get used a lot anyway.

What do we think?
 Wet interior - brettmick
Drive the car until the engine is warm, turn the heating up to full and open the windows a bit. Turn on the air con if the car is so equipped.
 Wet interior - Bellboy
i just open two windows an inch on a standard car
put the heating on full on the floor and leave the engine ticking over for up to 4 hours depending how deep a valet the car needed
 Wet interior - Runfer D'Hills
What kind of car do you have now Smokie? Just the once my Mondeo opened all its windows and sunroof while unattended. Only thing unusual was the fact it was parked directly under an electricity pylon but of course that might be irrelevant. It never did it again so I didn't bother to get the phenomenon checked out.

I might be inclined to let it tick over with the AC on and the heater up full blast for an hour or three if there's somewhere you can do that. Air conditioned air ( if you see what I mean ) dries things quicker due to its relative lack of humidity.

Edit - Like he said !

Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Sun 27 Feb 11 at 17:31
 Wet interior - bathtub tom
Son-in-law's old Mondeo has a function on the remote key fob that opens all the windows if you hold a button down for a period of time.

He didn't know about it until he let one-year-old son play with his keys.
 Wet interior - Stuu
Id be inclined to use an electric heater with the windows open a half inch, thats how I dry out car interiors ive cleaned, works pretty well.
 Wet interior - Old Navy
My Focus had what Ford call "Global opening and closing" controlled from the key. Someone pressed the button. :-)
 Wet interior - VxFan
There is a sensor on my windscreen that automatically closes the windows if it starts raining.
 Wet interior - Zero
throw some creosote around the interior, that will soak it up.

Oh you tried that a while back I seem to recall.
 Wet interior - smokie
Well remembered Zero... :-)

Yes Humph, still the Mondy. I think I've seen discussion somewhere about this "all windows open" phenomena - maybe it was us...

So it's outside now, engine running, aircon blasting at it's hottest and heated seats on full - with windows open a crack.

I already tried using a Vax but that didn't seem to shift much - I suspect there isn't a huge volume of water, just spread well around, and soaked in deep, which Vax won't touch.

Not too bothered about it as I have all tomorrow I can work on it (hairdryer is favourite I think), but I have to drive about 100 miles to an interview on Tuesday and don't want to turn up with a wet backside...might give out all the wrong signs!!

Ta for advice...
 Wet interior - -
And Ford owners (and ex) think they're the cats whisker's?

 Wet interior - Zero
They cant wait to dump them GB.
 Wet interior - Runfer D'Hills
It did it once. In nearly 200,000 miles it did it once. That, a couple of bulbs and an exhaust hanger strap. Cat's whiskers? No sir, Dog's b******s !
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Sun 27 Feb 11 at 19:26
 Wet interior - -
>> It did it once. In nearly 200,000 miles it did it once. That, a couple
>> of bulbs and an exhaust hanger strap. Cat's whiskers? No sir, Dog's b******s !

And to show your appreciation of that sterling service?


Hope my car is as good from now on, somehow i doubt it.
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