Horizon:Surviving a Car Crash on tonight BBC2 9pm.
Might be worth a look if you're interested.
Last edited by: corax on Mon 7 Feb 11 at 18:43
The Volvo GPS idea was clever although I wasn't convinced the driver was fully in control of his automatic. The car was automatically prevented from pulling out of a side road into an oncoming car by having the brakes applied, but once the danger had passed and because his foot was still on the accelerator, he surged forward again.
In a real life situation with a less competant driver at the wheel I can see cars being flung forward into the other side of the street. In the heat of the moment and being flustered, a driver, having been stopped by the car's sensors may also think their foot was on already the brake and press down harder on the gas pedal. Ouch!
Yeah, I thought he was going to crash into the barrier opposite, which is what anyone else would have done there...
Typical of Horizon though, in that there was a lot of flim flam, but very little actual facts.
It also seemed like attempts to add technology to save people from internal injuries could be very expensive, the airlifts alone could add billions to our tax bills/charity subscriptions. They weren't exactly clear why predicting the kind of injuries and cutting the time to treatment saved lives either. I would have thought that most of that kind of trauma is beyond treatment anyway? Not that I'm an expert in that field mind...
Regardless, it made me want to go and buy another Volvo, which is no doubt why Volvo were so heavily involved in the programme... :)
so you think Vovo anti crash system is great! the watch this clip !
It failed !
Money would be better spent in training of drivers to a higher standard and general accident awareness and may be everyone should have a spell in a truck and on a motorcycle as well !
That's probably why that particular system wasn't mentioned in the programme!
I agree that drivers could and should be trained to a higher standard, but let's face it, it's never going to happen. Make the driving tests too hard and people will just drive without a licence, make extra training optional and people won't do it. Can't win!
Theoretically perhaps but in in practice it is technology that has driven the massive reduction in fatalities arising from motor accidents and it is technology that will reduce them further. People will always drive badly, do stupid things and take unnecessary risks however much training you give them. You have to protect them from themselves. A bit depressing but true.