Motoring Discussion > Think you've got frozen locks? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Alanovich Replies: 9

 Think you've got frozen locks? - Alanovich
 Think you've got frozen locks? - Tooslow
I reckon you need to let nature take it's course otherwise you'll do damage.
 Think you've got frozen locks? - Clk Sec
He'd forgotten to plug it in...
 Think you've got frozen locks? - Bellboy
what a drip
 Think you've got frozen locks? - bathtub tom
I saw something similar during the recent cold snap. A leaking water pipe meant the road was permanently wet and the resultant splashing from passing vehicles had the same effect - in Surrey!
 Think you've got frozen locks? - Old Navy
>> - in Surrey!

Shock, horror, cold in Surrey!
 Think you've got frozen locks? - Zero
Yes in Surrey.

We are not prepared to put up with this blight on our ordered and serene lives, so we have complained to our MP.

He assures me that steps will be taken to export our cold weather north of the border, hopefully in time for Scottish independence.
 Think you've got frozen locks? - Old Navy
>> hopefully in time for Scottish independence.

That won't be till after hell freezes over, the sensible locals know which side their bread is buttered. :-)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Tue 25 Jan 11 at 15:12
 Think you've got frozen locks? - madf
Yes it's funny how the circle of prosperity of the Celtic nations collpased with the banks and the Nationalists have all gone quiet.

Darien Mark 2
 Think you've got frozen locks? - Cliff Pope
Notice the eagerness of the Scottish parliament to bale out RBS themselves, without troubling the UK government?
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