Funny thing of the 4 or 5 we owned they all ran and pulled superbly with no tuning issues. One was bought with worn cam lobes (remember that issue?) and I fitted a new cam but otherwise the engines were bulletproof. The manual went through two gearboxes in a year (jumping out of reverese issue) and all the autos had various degrees of corrosion. I guess we were running them at 4-7yrs old.
My first *prestige* car was an early 2000SC, later I owned a facelift 2000SC and got to use a 2200TC a fair bit. Always found the 4cyl engines a bit coarse... preferred the Triumph 2000 with the 6cyl if a 2lit was the option.
Last edited by: Fenlander on Tue 25 Jan 11 at 11:53