Motoring Discussion > Car thief 9 yr sentence after killing student Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Westpig Replies: 7

 Car thief 9 yr sentence after killing student - Westpig

We're getting there, but the sentence still isn't enough, he'll be automatically out in 4.5 years and probably out sooner.

The problem is the amount of them that do this day in day out and who through sheer fortune don't hit anyone, their sentences are ridiculously low.
 Car thief 9 yr sentence after killing student - MD
Wake up UK. The death sentence is too good for these clowns.
 Car thief 9 yr sentence after killing student - Injection Doc
So with his record its safe to say that his driving ban for 7 years won't mean anything & he will do it again and Kill someone else, plead remorse and get anothet couple of years ! His record is appalling. Time for the death sentence to return for wasters. Human rights eh, what about the human rights of the victims, it would appear they are not considered.
 Car thief 9 yr sentence after killing student - Lygonos
Lifelong extra 10% tithe on their income/benefits after release.

Add/subtract from the %age depending upon offending/non-offending.

Better than an ASBO.
 Car thief 9 yr sentence after killing student - -
This type seem to have one thing in common and that is they are terrified of a days work.

Whatever sentence the judiciary see fit should mean at least 50 hours of every week of their incarceration hard labour...chain gangs, clearing ditches, dragging canals wanna work, get nothing other than basics, eg food and water, no heat no telly, nothing.
Get them into the habit of having to work to provide fro themselves, might be the first time they've ever done anything constructive.
Even 3 years of this they wouldn't want to go back for another dose.

As Lygonos above, % compensation to be paid to the victim or in the case of death, dependents/family of the victim(s) out of whatever future income they have if it takes the rest of their miserable lives.

We've seen what being soft on ne'er do wells produces, however we haven't got a politician with a full set in sight so changes unlikely to happen.
 Car thief 9 yr sentence after killing student - Snakey
When its not an 'accident' like this surely its got to be regarded as manslaughter at the very least?

Stealing a car, joyriding and the subsequent chase are all effectively premeditated.

Utter scum. Lethal injection for the lot of them.
 Car thief 9 yr sentence after killing student - FotheringtonTomas
Not having been there, I can't disagree with the sentence - the maximum is 14 years. However, I do object to automatic "early release" if it happens in this case, and I object to it in others as well.
 Car thief 9 yr sentence after killing student - DP
"Gaskell, who also pleaded guilty to aggravated vehicle taking and driving whilst disqualified, left the car and ran onto a flyover, where he fell about 20ft to the ground, breaking his leg."

Shame it wasn't his neck. Would have saved us all the expense.

I have no sympathy, understanding, or tolerance for these people. They are vermin.
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