Motoring Discussion > just a quick question! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: devonite Replies: 36

 just a quick question! - devonite
Not having had a car (or even driven) for the last six years, i`m just a bit "rusty" on the "small print" side of things!
One of my friends is going into hospital on Wed, and has offered me the use of her car so that i can go and visit her (she is Scrabble mad, so that`ll be the real reason). In the past when i`ve borrowed a car, i1ve had my own insurance which allowed me to drive another car third party, buy even if she adds me to her policy temporarily, will i need any other cover?

 just a quick question! - Tooslow
"if she adds me to her policy temporarily" then you're covered.

What a good friend. I hope it's nothing serious. Take her some grapes. :-)

 just a quick question! - devonite
Thanks for the quick reply! - thats it then! i`m legal. time for a quick "burn-up" on Tesco`s to get some practice in! ;-) (joking!)

>>hope it's nothing serious. Take her some grapes. :-)<<

Hip-replacement! - Grapes??? noooo! twill have to be bottle of cider disguised in a Lucozade bottle!
 just a quick question! - Tooslow
ah, a woman of good taste!
 just a quick question! - Alanovich
If you wanted to you could get your own temporary cover here:
 just a quick question! - Iffy
...will i need any other cover?...

Quick answer: No.

Longer answer: Your friend adding you to her policy is the best way to do this, because her insurer can assess the new risk and ask any questions, such as will the car be parked overnight at a different location.

The insurer might stipulate 'any named driver over 25' or something like that.

But your friend needs to explain fully how you are going to use her car.
 just a quick question! - devonite
Thanks all! - thats a result!
 just a quick question! - Stuartli
To drive another vehicle using your own insurance (it must be clearly stated in your policy that it is available and, in addition, is only Third Party cover), the other owner must give permission for you to drive it and that vehicle MUST have its own valid insurance cover.

It's a myth that you can just drive another vehicle using your own insurance cover unless the above conditions are fully met.

Just to confirm:
Last edited by: Stuartli on Mon 17 Jan 11 at 15:24
 just a quick question! - Harleyman
I would consider asking your friend to give you something in writing to state that you have her permission to drive the car, given the possibility of you being stopped and her being in hospital and perhaps unable to be contacted directly.

Would also help in the unfortunate event of you being involved in an accident.
 just a quick question! - Mapmaker
>> To drive another vehicle using your own insurance (it must be clearly stated in your
>> policy that it is available and, in addition, is only Third Party cover), the other
>> owner must give permission for you to drive it and that vehicle MUST have its
>> own valid insurance cover.
>> It's a myth that you can just drive another vehicle using your own insurance cover
>> unless the above conditions are fully met.
>> Just to confirm:

snip Stuartli. And pointing us to some tinpot website that happens to agree with you doesn't impress me.
Last edited by: Pugugly on Mon 17 Jan 11 at 17:53
 just a quick question! - Stuartli
>>snip, Stuartli. And pointing us to some tinpot website that happens to agree with you doesn't impress me. >>

.********** (temporary cover)

The only point I missed, because I've since realised I skimmed somewhat through the original thread, is that the OP doesn't have his own insurance now, so the third link might prove of interest (there will no doubt be other providers).
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 17 Jan 11 at 19:43
 just a quick question! - PeterS
The first link has this quote:

"The only advice that can be given regarding the use of another person’s vehicle in the case of an emergency is that you are legally licensed to drive it on your own and that either your insurance or the insurance of the vehicle’s owner covers you whilst driving it. Without this insurance – as we have already mentioned – you are not legally entitled to drive the vehicle and as such as libel for any damage caused to it or other vehicles whilst it is in your care"

Which explicitly states that "either your insurance or the insurance of the vehicle’s owner covers you whilst driving it." With the word "either" being the relevant one ;-)

But as the OP is hopefully being added to the policy of the owner, it's should all be a bit academic!!
Last edited by: PeterS on Mon 17 Jan 11 at 17:57
 just a quick question! - Stuartli
The main line of the above post's reply to Mapmaker somehow got deleted by the swear filter...:-(
Last edited by: Stuartli on Mon 17 Jan 11 at 17:56
 just a quick question! - R.P.
Was spotted - I know what he said and how !
 just a quick question! - Iffy
Not sure if any of the linked sites are very clear or authoritative.

I'd certainly not rely on the one which prints the word 'libel' instead of 'liable'.

 just a quick question! - PeterS
"To drive another vehicle using your own insurance (it must be clearly stated in your policy that it is available and, in addition, is only Third Party cover), the other owner must give permission for you to drive it and that vehicle MUST have its own valid insurance cover."

While I'm sure this has been done to death on a million forums, I agree with the first three of those conditions. No policy I've ever had has made any reference to the fact that is MUST have its own valid insurance though...
Last edited by: PeterS on Mon 17 Jan 11 at 17:47
 just a quick question! - bathtub tom
>>No policy I've ever had has made any reference to the fact that is MUST have its own valid insurance though...

That was precisely the addition made to my policy at renewal. I'd never seen it on a policy before.
 just a quick question! - PeterS
Will have to watch for that on renewal then - a bit sneaky if not highlighted. Just checked though, and no change to the wording from Admiral when we renewed my partner's insurance in December, but mine's up in the next month or so!!
 just a quick question! - henry k
>> Longer answer: Your friend adding you to her policy is the best way to do
>> this, because her insurer can assess the new risk and ask any questions, such as
>> will the car be parked overnight at a different location.
>> But your friend needs to explain fully how you are going to use her car.
There maybe an increase in the insurance charge and most probably an admin charge of
IIRC often about £30.
 just a quick question! - RattleandSmoke
Good luck :). I am not sure how rusty you would be, I had a break of between several years when learning and when I started again I was very rusty but now I have about 5000-6000 miles I have done since passing I suspect it would be a lot easier to pick up.

You have a very kind friend :).
 just a quick question! - Manatee
Not to muddy the waters, if Devonite is licensed and he is added to the insurance then he has no problem of course.

The business about 'DOC' and whether the OC you are D-ing has to be insured in its own right I have had cause to consider before.

I found it very difficult to get a definitive answer, but in practice I believe it should be if you want to be sure of avoiding a problem; the reason being that the car is likely to be on a public road when you are not actually driving it. You might have difficulty arguing that it is insured in those circumstances, as I believe it has to be.
 just a quick question! - devonite
Had a little runabout in it tonight to get a feel for it, - just like riding a bike!

I`m added to her ins as a "tempory named driver" - £55 for the week (which i`ve shared with her), as i`ve got custody of it till she comes out, this may be extended if she gets used to having a chauffer!

Ive got all relevent docs etc. off her, but cover note in post. Taken note of suggestion to get her to write me a cover note for permission, so all taken care of! - and i bet I never see a policeman all week! '-) hopefully!

Suzuki Jimneys are ok!

Thanks all!
 just a quick question! - Pat
Do we have the potential for the first car4play wedding here?
Should I go and buy a new hat:)

 just a quick question! - Zero
for gods sake, he has only borrowed her car, not put her up the duff.

I hope?
 just a quick question! - Pat
But how do we know that? :)

 just a quick question! - Tooslow
"Do we have the potential for the first car4play wedding here?"

I was thinking that too. She hasn't loaned the car thinking "he said he needed to take some heavy stuff to the tip". She's looking forward to having a visitor. And he knows her taste in pop. I reckon there could be a Mrs devonite in the offing :-)

Any more ladies logged in? We need a few more if ths is to become a dating site.

Last edited by: Tooslow on Tue 18 Jan 11 at 09:10
 just a quick question! - Iffy
..."Do we have the potential for the first car4play wedding here?"...

The poor woman has a knackered hip so there will be no chance of consummating this unholy union in the near future.
 just a quick question! - Alanovich
devonite said the friend wanted him to visit in order to play Scrabble.

Some of you are evidently obsessed with the other sort of scrabble.
 just a quick question! - Zero
With a name like 4play, I am surprised we haven't had more women on offer a large chest for sale.
 just a quick question! - Tooslow
Bottom drawer needs attention?

I'm gonna get banned

 just a quick question! - Pat
We must have hit the nail on the head because he's gone all shy and bashful now:)

 just a quick question! - Aretas
Others have answered your insurance question. Your other problem may be finding somewhere to park at the hospital, particularly if the location is not known to you. Allow plenty of time so you don't get flustered.
 just a quick question! - devonite
Ay-up!! - Whats triggered this line of thought!! ;-)

Me already livin with a future ex! - me only playin Scrabble! in return me got wheels again.
Today me already done 3 tip runs with borrowed trailer, and been beaten 426 - 245! (well i had to let her win to help her feel better). wouldn`t waste any money on new hats, unless they are the "furry" type that keep your ears warm. (frosts back last night!)
Had a look at the "scar" - ugh! - an noticed they haven`t even fitted a Grease nipple! - or are generic ones already in place?? !
 just a quick question! - Tooslow
Modern rubbish - sealed for life, no user maintainable parts :-(

 just a quick question! - Pat
Well, it was worth a try:)

It's all up to you then Rattle, for the first car4play wedding:)

 just a quick question! - BiggerBadderDave
"It's all up to you then Rattle, for the first car4play wedding"

More chance of it being old Armel Coussine than it being Rattle.
 just a quick question! - Pat
Don't you call my mate old;)

He's just been around a bit.....

Much like you come to think of it!

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