Motoring Discussion > Satnav installation Miscellaneous
Thread Author: L'escargot Replies: 18

 Satnav installation - L'escargot
What's involved in installing a satnav? Do they just plug into the power socket or is it more complicated than that?
 Satnav installation - R.P.
Simple as that snaily...
 Satnav installation - Perky Penguin
Yes that is the power supply sorted, are you also asking about the mounting on the screen or dash and the aerial which you may have to any traffic info service? Sarcasm NOT intended BTW!
Last edited by: Perky Penguin (p) on Thu 13 Jan 11 at 14:49
 Satnav installation - L'escargot
>> Yes that is the power supply sorted, are you also asking about the mounting on
>> the screen or dash and the aerial which you may have to any traffic info
>> service?

I probably wouldn't be bothered about traffic information, just route directions. I can manage mountings.
 Satnav installation - Zero
you just lick the sucker and slap it on the screen.
 Satnav installation - L'escargot
>> you just lick the sucker and slap it on the screen.

Start forming a queue, all you suckers!
 Satnav installation - bathtub tom
>> you just lick the sucker and slap it on the screen.

I find mine responds to a slap on the rump. ;>)
 Satnav installation - Kithmo
>> you just lick the sucker and slap it on the screen.
Or you can buy a weighted, non-slip pad with a sucker mount on it and sit it on the dash where it doesnt obstruct the windscreen.
 Satnav installation - R.P.

Probably cheaper on fleabay.
 Satnav installation - Alastairw
I prefer a vent mounted clip instaed of the suction cup, cos its brings the satnav screen lower down and within my easy reach. Also no mucky marks on the screen.

That said, the clip was a bit wobbly in my old Focus, due to the curvy shape of the vents.
 Satnav installation - Crankcase
Depending on the car, a bean bag mount can work well. One fits in my car just perfectly, as there's a flat little shelf over the radio that could have been made for it. No fiddle and no attaching things to windscreens or vents, so easy to just lift off when required.
 Satnav installation - Runfer D'Hills
I tried one of those beanbag mounts but discovered that I must corner a bit too fast somtimes....

I now use "Brodit" clips. Very good they are too.
 Satnav installation - Iffy
...but discovered that I must corner a bit too fast somtimes...

I use an atlas, which falls off the passenger seat in the same circumstances.

 Satnav installation - Zero
Everything in mine is secured
 Satnav installation - Runfer D'Hills
Mine too, with the exception of my sandwiches which vary in size too much to warrant the purchase of a specialist accessory...

 Satnav installation - VxFan
>> Do they just plug into the power socket or is it more complicated than that?

They don't work unless you use the AC - reason being the sucker won't stick to a damp windscreen.
 Satnav installation - Zero
mine stays stuck, aircon or not. The secret is a clean screen.
 Satnav installation - Runfer D'Hills
Oooh no, can't be doing with anything stuck on the screen. I even change dealer tax disc holders for the small round ones to reduce "screen clutter". Have to use a dash mounted clip for the TomTom. Mine sits down behind and to one side of the gearlever. I can see it if I choose but it's not in my primary line of sight.
 Satnav installation - CGNorwich
Do they just plug into the power socket or is it more complicated than that?

It actually less complicated since they will run on their internal rechargeable battery for quite a while if you don't want trailing wires. My Garmin last for 5 hours
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