Motoring Discussion > Break down cover Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Tooslow Replies: 13

 Break down cover - Tooslow
Any thoughts? I got a good deal a few years ago for 2 drivers with Green Flag / DL but this year SWMBO has her VW cover so I'm on my own. Now the "brilliant deal" for 2 drivers is working against me as I'm wanting to cover just one car (or driver, whichever is cheapest).

It is a very long time since I've used any recovery service (touch wood), GF were fine when I needed them. So what thoughts on price / service?

 Break down cover - SmileyNially
Hi John,

If you're looking for the 'cheapest' cover, check out AutoAid -

They're a pay yourself and claim back service. I've been with them for a year, although I haven't called upon them. They seem to get good reviews.


 Break down cover - Stuartli
Although I've got VW breakdown cover (RAC) after changing cars, I already had the RAC cover included in my Zurich car insurance package; the premium last July was £217 (fully comprehensive).
 Break down cover - Iffy
The AA offered me £56 for the full monty when the one-year cover included with the CC3 ran out, so I'm on that until March.

The autoaid pay and claim service has been widely recommended on here and on the old place.

Might give that a try if the AA refuse to play ball this year.

Like the OP, I've not used a service for a long time, so I've no idea how the various providers compare when it comes to service delivery.

Edit: Seems Nial (above) has heard the same about autoaid.

Last edited by: Iffy on Mon 3 Jan 11 at 12:21
 Break down cover - Falkirk Bairn
GEM - 2 x cars, 2x drivers - pay & claim was approx £60 -
Called them last month and their repsoner was excellent - well mannered, did the deed - top marks

If they pay then the premium was about £80

DL/Green Flag were over £150 IIRC
AA/RAC was a joke @ over £200
 Break down cover - Tooslow
Thanks all. Not looking for cheapest. I know the difference between "value" and "cheap" but it sounds like I need to look at Autoaid & GEM. It also sounds like I need to check out Zurich at renewal time - cover included, hmm.
Last edited by: Tooslow on Mon 3 Jan 11 at 16:03
 Break down cover - jc2
Britannia Rescue.
 Break down cover - Tooslow
Thanks J.
 Break down cover - Bigtee
AA Now for the past twenty years and get free Homestart something around £50.00 per year approx.
 Break down cover - Clk Sec
My Norwich Union Rescue renewal last year was about £65 for the full works. Fortunately, I'm not able to comment on their service.
 Break down cover - Perky Penguin
Like iffy. I got a cracking deal from the AA when the free AA cover that came with my new new Ford expired after a year - same as his = £56 for the full package of UK cover
 Break down cover - ....
You've been given some good tips here but you'll need to do some legwork as the age of the car could work against you. £56 quoted here by two are for 13month old cars still under manufacturers warranty.

It starts climbing at 5 years by the time you reach 10 years old they want you to pay a deposit on a new breakdown truck regardless of the service or breakdown history of the vehicle.
 Break down cover - -
I've been with these years, been recovered twice following write off accidents...roughly 250 miles and 80 miles.

Not the cheapest by a long chalk.
 Break down cover - Roger. ........................

gave us a good deal on UK breakdown (for when we return, hopefully later this month) for a nine year old car: £57.95
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