Motoring Discussion > Insurance - dearer to park in your drive Miscellaneous
Thread Author: BobbyG Replies: 16

 Insurance - dearer to park in your drive - BobbyG
An article in the latest Auto Express is saying that you may be charged more if you park in a driveway rather than in street.
Apparently due to the number of break ins to houses to steal keys for obvious cars sitting outside. They say if car is parked in street then it can be less obvious which house or flat it belongs to.
Sort of, kind of, makes sense I suppose?
 Insurance - dearer to park in your drive - Shiny
Interesting tip! Thanks.
 Insurance - dearer to park in your drive - Aretas
My wif's car was insured as parking in the garage. When we had to fill garage with a divorcing daughter's bits the car went on the drive and the premium increased by £1.38 a year.
 Insurance - dearer to park in your drive - rtj70
My wife's insurance is up for renewal soon. The car is usually in the garage for more time than it isn't. So it's insured for being garaged overnight - it's even garaged most days due to my wife cycling to work.

But in the new house it would be convenient to leave on the street when she returns from work in the evening - it is a bit of a faff to put it in the garage. Gates to road, garage door etc. And the gates cannot be opened from the road side for security...

So the increase to leave it on the street overnight at our address... about £3.70pa. On renewal it will be changed to street parking but we'll mostly keep it in the garage.

Now I do wonder what the insurance would make of a house on the corner of the street. We have parking for one car out front (currently mine) and about 4 at the side of the house. The side of the house/garden is a different street and post code.... hmm
 Insurance - dearer to park in your drive - SteelSpark
Ah, so that explains it!

When I was signing up with Admiral last year, I was playing around with their online form, to see what effect different criteria had.

I was very confused to be quoted more for parking in the drive than parking on the street, and I even called them up to ask why. Nobody at the call centre could tell me, but now it makes sense.
 Insurance - dearer to park in your drive - rtj70
Well I looked at renewals for my wife's insurance. With the current company but doing a new quote it more than doubled. With Tesco about the same as her current policy renewal.

So tonight (after reading the Alfa 159 thread) I thought I would do a fictitious quote for myself with a two year old diesel Audi A4 2.0d Executive SE. It was about £1200! I then changed the mileage and car to be my wife's.... still nearly £600!! My wife's is about £280 at this same address with that car.

So if 20k miles pa and a nice car is over £1000 then I cannot see why I'd not go the company car route again.

This insurance business is a rip off ;-)
Last edited by: rtj70 on Sat 1 Jan 11 at 23:49
 Insurance - dearer to park in your drive - RattleandSmoke
And is the the lawyers pockets were are lining when we pay massive premiums.
 Insurance - dearer to park in your drive - Bill Payer
>> When I was signing up with Admiral last year, I was playing around with their
>> online form, to see what effect different criteria had.
Same for my daughter's car with Bell, who are an Admiral group company.

I don't buy the break-in theory - that's a pretty rare event. Surely many, many more cars are crashed into or vandalised on the street?
 Insurance - dearer to park in your drive - Skoda

>> Sort of, kind of, makes sense I suppose?

Aye it does when it's put like that. Cheers for this, had been niggling away in the back of my mind for a while.
 Insurance - dearer to park in your drive - Cliff Pope
The thing to remember about insurance is that it has nothing to do with reason or common sense, purely on the proven likelihood of particular kinds of cars/people/areas/parking making more or fewer claims.

There may ultimately be an underlying cause, but they don't need to know what it is to work out an insurance quote.
 Insurance - dearer to park in your drive - Iffy
Few of us live in stately homes, so a 'drive' is likely to be not much longer than the car.

My guess is insurance companies see this type of parking as the worst of all worlds - it's obvious where the owner of the car lives, but the car is not hidden from the public road, and is still susceptible to theft/damage from passing vehicles/pedestrians.

Last edited by: Iffy on Sun 2 Jan 11 at 09:27
 Insurance - dearer to park in your drive - captain chaos
Just a thought, if you state that your car is kept on the driveway overnight and one night you left it on the street and it was damaged could your insurance company refuse to pay out?
 Insurance - dearer to park in your drive - CGNorwich
Yes, and legally they could turn down any claim, not just one for damage whilst on the street.

Failure to disclose a material fact.
 Insurance - dearer to park in your drive - Zero

The material fact is that it is USUALLY left in a garage. Not ALWAYS.

Read the proposal. They would however get difficult if they could prove your usually left it in the street.
 Insurance - dearer to park in your drive - CGNorwich
Must admit I didn't notice the "one night" bit. You would probably get away with it if it was not your regular practice but the insurers would no doubt question that point.
 Insurance - dearer to park in your drive - PeterS
Perhaps we should park on our neighbour's drive then... ;-)
 Insurance - dearer to park in your drive - captain chaos
:-) Reminds me of the time my brother had his Merc CLK in for its first service. They delivered the car to a neighbours house halfway down the street and dropped the keys through their letterbox. Must have thought Santa had come early...
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