Motoring Discussion > New Year's Eve travel, Kendal - Reading Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Focusless Replies: 13

 New Year's Eve travel, Kendal - Reading - Focusless
Currently with parents in Kendal and original plan was to drive back to Reading early-ish on New Year's Day (and not drink much tonight). But I would rather get home tonight - if we set of at 6-ish, taking M6 (toll probably) M42 M40 M4, is it going to be ok?

The trouble spot is usually on the M6 heading towards Brum, but I'm hoping by the time we get there (8?) it should be fairly quiet, and getting quieter.
 New Year's Eve travel, Kendal - Reading - Falkirk Bairn
Should be a an easy trip as traffic volumes will be low.

Failing that the toll road is not a lot of ££s used on the odd occasion - daily it would add up.
 New Year's Eve travel, Kendal - Reading - Runfer D'Hills
You'll sail down tonight Focus. There'll be nothing much on the motorways.
 New Year's Eve travel, Kendal - Reading - Focusless
Thanks chaps. Sounds like I should be back in time to catch Jools's Hootenanny.
 New Year's Eve travel, Kendal - Reading - stan10
Used the M6 toll last monday, north to south, there was absolutely no advance warning of the increase, but when i got to the pay booth i had to stump up £5.

'Tis the season of goodwill, and rip off to all motorists !

( i very much doubt i would have used £5 worth of diesel crawling along the regular M6, and with a 3 1/2 hour journey eventually taking 6 1/4 hours, the time saving was probably negligible anyway )
 New Year's Eve travel, Kendal - Reading - Runfer D'Hills
At least you didn't have to spend all of the journey with "the others" though Stan. Gotta be worth a couple of quid alone that.

 New Year's Eve travel, Kendal - Reading - Focusless
When I came up on Tuesday morning (via Daventry) I didn't bother with the toll - traffic was quite heavy but it kept moving. However there were a number of stationary queues going the other way.

I see it as you're paying for the convenience - any fuel saved is just a bonus.

 New Year's Eve travel, Kendal - Reading - stan10
.... At least you didn't have to spend all of the journey with "the others" ....

Oi - you might be talking about fellow posters ? :-)

What i couldn't understand was why i was sharing an M-way toll road with some people racing along at 50mph - looking for somewhere to picnic maybe ?

... traffic was quite heavy but it kept moving...

which is why i wouldn't normally pay a toll, dunno the actual, but a glance at googlemaps seems to show that the M6 toll is longer than the regular M6, so keeping moving on a shorter route would be favourite for me. ( used the toll because i had the dog in the back and i felt sorry for her ... aaah !, and i thought i would save some worthwhile time )
 New Year's Eve travel, Kendal - Reading - Focusless
>> but a
>> glance at googlemaps seems to show that the M6 toll is longer than the regular
>> M6

I thought that, but switching between the toll and non-toll routes for my journey doesn't alter the total distance (257 miles).
 New Year's Eve travel, Kendal - Reading - Iffy

Six pm is approaching - are you loading, ready for the off?

If you decide to stay and go tomorrow, you really will need to watch the drink.

You'd never live down getting pulled on a New Year's Day morning.

That's a real mug punter's thing to do, and as I know you are no mug, I'm sure it won't happen. :)

You might enjoy a snifter all the more later tonight with that journey under your belt.

 New Year's Eve travel, Kendal - Reading - Focusless
Thanks for the warning iffy, but I did set off at 6, and was home before 10 - I wish it could be New Year's Eve every day, to mis-quote the song. And that was with mostly keeping below an indicated 75. No need for the M6 toll, although that did mean a stretch of roadworks at 50.

Plenty of time for a bottle of oyster stout when I got back, and a measure of whisky to toast in the New Year. Need a clear head - ordered my new PC while away, except I decided to go for the DIY option to keep costs down. So there were 2 big boxes of bits in the doorway when I got back.

There's nothing to beat that heart-in-your-mouth feeling when you try turning £300+ pound's worth of kit on for the first time...
Last edited by: Focus on Sat 1 Jan 11 at 08:39
 New Year's Eve travel, Kendal - Reading - Iffy
...ordered my new PC while away...

Pleased you got home safely.

I have relations doing a 200 mile trip from the West Midlands to the caravan in chilly and soggy North Yorkshire this morning.

They are also hopeful of a steady run.

Will you post the details of the new PC and the build on computer related?

I'm sure there's plenty on here who will be interested to see what £300 and some know-how buys you.

 New Year's Eve travel, Kendal - Reading - Zero

>> There's nothing to beat that heart-in-your-mouth feeling when you try turning £300+ pound's worth of
>> kit on for the first time...

I know it well. Try it with 1400 quids worth of bits!
 New Year's Eve travel, Kendal - Reading - Focusless
>> >> There's nothing to beat that heart-in-your-mouth feeling when you try turning £300+ pound's worth
>> of
>> >> kit on for the first time...
>> I know it well. Try it with 1400 quids worth of bits!

I'd rather not! :)
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