Motoring Discussion > ITS NOT FOGGY!! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: hobby Replies: 130

 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - hobby
For those car drivers who were driving in and out of Brum last night and this morning... ITS NOT FOGGY, so for Pete's sate turn your rear fog lights off!!

If you really think its foggy then can I suggest you take a trip to Specsavers... If you can see them as your eyesight is obviously failing...

Rant over, I feel better for that!!

For those of you with the same problems this moring please feel free to add your location to the list of places where there are drivers who can't see and have no common sense...
If I ruled the world, abuse of foglamps (and the overtaking lanes on the motorway) would carry a substantial fine and points.
Both represent selfishness and incompetence.
 It's not foggy!! - L'escargot
>> If I ruled the world, abuse of foglamps (and the overtaking lanes on the motorway)
>> would carry a substantial fine and points.

What you call abuse of foglights lets everyone know you are cool.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Wed 29 Dec 10 at 09:25
What harm does it cause?
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Woodster
It doesn't. It's a kind of warning sign: ''Richard Head at the wheel''
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Runfer D'Hills
Well said Woodster. I take the same view of chavved up, loud exhaust equipped and speeding cars. I don't mind the odd one around on the basis that it might be diverting attention from my heinous offences of mobile sandwich eating and coffee drinking.

 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - madf
I don't care about foglighjts - we all make mistakes.

But driving on a dull and dark morning/evening with no lights....
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - CGNorwich
"What harm does it cause"

It seems to raise the blood pressure significantly amongst some people but has no effect on the majority.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Runfer D'Hills
Agreed CG. I worry much more about how others are driving than how many lights they have on while doing it.
Front fogs cause excessive light reflection off of damp surfaces and rear fogs are quite painful to my eyes.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Bromptonaut
The OP is expressly about rear fogs. We drove from Alcester to Northampton around 21:00 yesterday. Misty in places but not really foggy except very near to home where the stuff was hanginig round the Nene. Bad enough in a few other places to make main beam uncomfortable; the front fogs provided some improvement on dips and remanied on thoughout.

All along the A46/A45 we were passed by cars with blinding rear fogs. Absoltely no need for them.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Runfer D'Hills
Odd isn't it what bothers different people. As it happens I almost never use front or rear fogs unless it's a real pea-souper of course. Nor do I sit at traffic lights with the footbrake on. But..I can't say I give any thought to whether others do any of those things. I just don't look directly at the bright lights and get on with my journeys. More to worry about usually. Doesn't bother me at all in truth.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Woodster
Bromptonaut - if you needed front fogs how could you possibly not need rear fogs? Special weather with no fog to the rear possibly???? It might be time to refresh your understanding of the highway code!
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Skoda
I use my front fogs where i don't need rears. Driving down the crap road surface between Barrhead and Paisley last night, it was raining lightly and water doesn't drain or run to the side on that road. Water just seems to sit where it lands there.

You end up with a spray from the constant stream of traffic coming the other way that's tall enough to obscure the poorly marked road surface (no cats eyes and the white paint is below the surface water level).

Front fog light == the business, without them, you can't safely drive more than 5mph in those conditions because you simply cannot see everything. Sure you could do 30mph but you'd be driving on misplaced trust & assumptions.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Woodster
So you're not looking ahead then Skoda? I reckon it would be a good way to settle this old argument if we equipped a car with front foglights and were able to turn the headlights off completely, then drive in the dark. About as good as driving with a hand torch I think.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Skoda
Looking ahead at what? It's black. There's nothing to see.

There's no street lights. There are (poor quality) road markings but you can't see them without low down lights (they're under water). There is 3-4ft high spray lit up by oncoming traffic's lights and your own dipped beams.

No lights would be better for me the driver, half the problem is the reflection of dipped beams on spray. Unfair for other road users though.

Add in fog lights, and suddenly you can see road markings, the boundary of the road. With that information your brain can understand much faster what the road further ahead is doing.

EDIT: forgot to mention the reflections off water on the surface, which was the other half of the problem. The fog lights don't reflect off the surface water, they penetrate it effectively.
Last edited by: Skoda on Wed 29 Dec 10 at 13:08
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Woodster
''Add in fog lights, and suddenly you can see road markings, the boundary of the road. With that information your brain can understand much faster what the road further ahead is doing.''

How does being able to see the road markings at the side of the car, and the boundary, inform you what's going on up ahead?
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Skoda
If you've not been able to clearly see what's up ahead, you don't trust it until you can see it. That's a lot of a brain drain dedicated to immediately around the car when you're also trying to balance:

The long term - is that town lights ahead and to the left? Ok so the road should probably trend in that overall direction.

The medium term - does that hedgerow turn right or is that a T-junction 200 yards along, round the corner?

The short term - is that a pothole on the corner?

The immediate - how's my road position?

Without knowing for sure the immediate (and it's the only bit that's really hampered by the spray - the short term i can use oncoming traffic for clues among other things, the medium and long term are above the spray) i have to keep checking it more frequently than i want to.

That means lower road speed.

Or, with fog lights on, i can go at the same speed as the other drivers who are either a) much better at this than me or b) going on local knowledge and the fact there wasn't a black HGV tyre on the road at this point yesterday.

I'll avoid or stop for the tyre, directly attributable to me using front fog lights in those conditions where rear foglights would make the conditions much worse.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Old Navy
>> EDIT: forgot to mention the reflections off water on the surface, which was the other
>> half of the problem. The fog lights don't reflect off the surface water, they penetrate
>> it effectively.

They do reflect, towards the oncoming drivers. Totally inconsiderate behaviour, they are called Fog Lights for a reason. If you can't see with headlights it is Specsaver time or you are driving too fast for the conditions.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Wed 29 Dec 10 at 13:21
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Skoda
>> They do reflect, towards the oncoming drivers

Driving along a road every oncoming foglight is glaring in your eyes? Just how low is that Ceed ON ?

I don't buy that one i'm afraid. While i can see fog lights, i've never had glare from one in my life unlike dipped beams over a bump or full beams on a corner.

You'd have to do it on one hell of a funky road section to successfully get a glare from a fog light reflection.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Bromptonaut

Rear fogs are about being seen, fronts about seeing your way. There are plenty of circumstances in which you might use one and not the other; why do you think they're seperately swithched??

Visibilty was significantly impaired, there was backdazzle on main beam and the front fogs improved the situation. It would have needed a very pernickity copper to pull and ticket a driver in those circs.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - L'escargot
>> There are plenty of
>> circumstances in which you might use one and not the other; why do you think
>> they're seperately swithched??

Mine are on a sequential switch which doesn't allow you to use the high intensity rear lights unless the front fog lights are on.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Bromptonaut
Mine are sequential as well. My point was that the set up allows fronts on and rears off for the very good reason of not dazzling those behind.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Runfer D'Hills
Why does anyone care? I don't. Just don't look directly at any light which bothers you. It's quite easy. You should be looking mainly beyond the car or vehicle in front of you anyway.

So there.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - L'escargot
>> Why does anyone care?

We don't care. We just like a good argument about this perennial subject!
Last edited by: L'escargot on Wed 29 Dec 10 at 13:34
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Runfer D'Hills
Oh, OK, I understand now, fair enough.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Woodster
Indeed! Still think you're wrong Brompto. Both sets are to be seen with, that's why neither has a directional beam. Come down my way one night, tape up your headlights and we'll go for a spin together! We can have little drink after, a jolly good argument and tell everyone on here the results!
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Woodster
Car makers set the switches so that Richard Head can drive around with his front fogs on and because there's no legislation to make them operate in unison.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Woodster
And I'm going out now ( In the fog!) so if I appear to have withdrawn from this lovely argument, rest assured I haven't!!! (shouting now!!) back tomorrow....if I haven't crashed.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Skoda
Give yourself a fighting chance woodster, get some lights on the front of that machine. Stop mimsing ;-)
Well, I think you're both right to a certain extent, but I've found that not all Coppers agree either:)

I'd delivered to Varfell Farm, here
one winters afternoon at 5.30pm. I'd never been there before and taking an artic and tall trailer up Cornish lanes in the dark is a little worrying until you find the farm you want.
I turned my fog lights on to see the edge of the bank which was almost on the bumper of the lorry anyway, and to avoid any rocks sticking out as there usually is in Cornwall.

I then went down to Penzance to park up for the night and found they had put barriers on the car park by the bus station since I'd been there last. My first drop the following morning was at Newlyn Pilchard House so I drove along the sea front towards Newlyn and came across another car park by the sea wall.
There was a Police patrol car parked in the entrance so I thought I better do the right thing and ask if I could park there overnight, as I only had about 5 minutes time left for the day anyway.
Mr Nasty ( the driver) didn't answer my question but proceeded to give me a right royal telling off for having my front fogs on. I told him where I'd been and why they were on but he wasn't satisfied. Mr Nice Guy ( the passenger plod) fully understood and I ended up standing there while those two argued the rights and wrongs of it.

I finally butted in and said 'look can I park up and argue about this once I have my tacho out'.

By the time I'd driven down the bottom, struggled to turn round and found myself a spot where I could watch the moon on the sea all evening, they'd driven off!


 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Bromptonaut
>> Both sets are to be seen with, that's why
>> neither has a directional beam. Come down my way one night, tape up your headlights
>> and we'll go for a spin together! We can have little drink after, a jolly
>> good argument and tell everyone on here the results!


We'll have to agree to differ. While fronts may assit in being seen their primary function is to throw a beam along the road surface and under the fog.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Woodster
When gentleman say that they'll agree to differ they don't add a closing statement. So, yes, we'll agree to differ but where does it say that the primary function is as you suggest. I'll say again, if they throw a beam then tape up your headlights and have a go at driving at night on your fogs.

Skoda, I fear I may be turning into a mimser. All that training and I've bought an Octavia Elegance with a Diesel engine! Off to the sales for a cloth cap and steering wheel cover. Tally Ho!
Last edited by: Webmaster on Sat 1 Jan 11 at 02:07
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Bromptonaut

We have different views on this. I don't think the law as set out in the lighting regs is much help because we're on the margins of 100yd visibility. I'm not therefore going to get into a to & fro about 'where does it say' etc.

Neither will I rise your mildly offensive comment about 'gentlemen'.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Wed 29 Dec 10 at 14:39
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Woodster
Bromptonaut: ''While fronts may assit in being seen their primary function is to throw a beam along the road surface and under the fog. ''

How does a beam of light along the surface and under the fog help when your head is at, well, head height? Do you lean out of the drivers door and look under the fog?. (presumably more of that special fog that now neither exists behind the car or down at road level!)
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Old Navy
>>>> How does a beam of light along the surface and under the fog help when
>> your head is at, well, head height?

It does not reflect back at the driver anywhere near as much as dipped headlights. In real (thick) fog, front fog lights should be used without headlights.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Woodster
Rubbish. Rule 226 from the highway code: you MUST use headlights when visibility is seriously reduced. You MAY also use foglights.

No option in law to turn headlights off and use only foglights.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - henry k
>> No option in law to turn headlights off and use only foglights.
In law maybe but in thick fog, my seeing the road is more important to me than a bit of paper generated in another world.

IMO Rule 226 is the rubbish for the bin.
>> Rubbish. Rule 226 from the highway code: you MUST use headlights when visibility is seriously
>> reduced. You MAY also use foglights.
>> No option in law to turn headlights off and use only foglights.

Hey Woodster!

Pppffffttttttttt < makes load raspberry noise - and raises the finger >

Go stuff your regulation where the sun don't shine.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Bromptonaut
>> Bromptonaut: ''While fronts may assit in being seen their primary function is to throw a
>> beam along the road surface and under the fog. ''
>> How does a beam of light along the surface and under the fog help when
>> your head is at, well, head height? Do you lean out of the drivers door
>> and look under the fog?. (presumably more of that special fog that now neither exists
>> behind the car or down at road level!)

Not biting. I've made my views clear; they can stand or fall.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Manatee
>> tape up your headlights and we'll go for a spin

I've already done this experiment when both my dipped headlight bulbs popped when I turned the lights on a couple of weeks ago as I was about to drive home. 20mph was about the limit I should say, and I wasn't very happy with that! (and it wasn't foggy).

I do like the way in light fog that they pick up the edge of the road though. Not so I can look at it, but the peripheral information gives a much better context somehow for peering into the murk, so I wouldn't agree that front ones should be used without rears - not to mention the point that, when you pick up a follower, it's helpful to turn off the rear one anyway.

What makes so many people think they can possibly need a rear fog light when they also think it's safe to be doing 70mph?

As it happens you can operate fornt and rear separately from each other and from the headlights on the CRV.

 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Harleyman
>> What harm does it cause?

Come and sit in my lorry cab and find out. When you're higher up, the glare from the rear fog's reflection on a wet road plays hell with your eyes. Peugeot 207's are amongst the worst offenders for two reasons; firstly because the rear fog lamp is mounted centrally and low down, and secondly because they seem to be driven by the kind of div who doesn't know what that idiot light on his/her dashboard is for.

I've said this before, a simple fix would be to make the fog lamp switch work in a similar fashion to that used on most heated rear windows, ie once the ignition is turned off the switch has to be operated again before the lamp will work.

I've sometimes had to pull over and stop for a few minutes when forced to sit behind drivers who leave rear fogs on unnecessarily, as the glare actually gives me a headache.

It's also worth pointing out that the majority of modern tail lights are big and bright enough to render rear fogs unnecessary in all but the most extreme conditions; remember they were first introduced in the late 1970's when rear lights were not so efficient.
>> I've said this before, a simple fix would be to make the fog lamp switch
>> work in a similar fashion to that used on most heated rear windows, ie once
>> the ignition is turned off the switch has to be operated again before the lamp
>> will work.

I would think that 99% of modern cars have this feature, or one very similar. Vauxhall since approx 1995 - either turning off the ignition or the headlights switches off the fog light(s) and won't come back on again until you press the relevant buttons.

The last Citroen I drove (a Berlingo) turned off the fogs when you rotated the switch on the indicator stalk to turn off the headlights. I would imagine Peugeot have the same or very similar system.

Half the time it's the idiot behind the wheel manually turning the fogs back on again.
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 30 Dec 10 at 02:13
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Old Navy
>> Half the time it's the idiot behind the wheel manually turning the fogs back on
>> again.

My Cee'd only defaults the rear fog to off with the headlights, the front ones will stay on as long as the switch is on. Its the first car I have had for a while that does not default front and rear fogs to off. Not a problem though, I am a clever old sod who knows what the idiot lights on the dash mean. :-)
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - FotheringtonTomas
Isn't it odd how people ignore the OP and suddenly launch into a defence of indefensible (and illegal) motoring practices.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - madf
>> Isn't it odd how people ignore the OP and suddenly launch into a defence of
>> indefensible (and illegal) motoring practices.

Nothing odd at all.
I find it totally normal for this site :-)

Last edited by: madf on Wed 29 Dec 10 at 14:31
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Skoda
I'm not going off on one but... (p.s. definitely wasn't going off on one at Woodster before, or at least didn't mean to if it came across that way!)

>> Nothing odd at all

Along with factually incorrect, unsubstantiated opinion presented as gospel, it's all part of the craic :-)

FT, which laws? Quotes?

Lighting and use, reg 20, 2) b) i) seems most relevant - "used in conditions of seriously reduced visibility" but it doesn't support your position.

*thumb on nose, waggling fingers in a childish manner*
Should that read 'stirring it' Skoda? :)

 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Skoda
Haha :-) guilty as charged :-( i'll come quietly!
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Tooslow
"Along with factually incorrect, unsubstantiated opinion presented as gospel, it's all part of the craic :-)"

We've done religion, it's not due to come around again until March :-)

 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - hobby
Just back and everyone behaving themselves tonight... The reason I was annoyed about it this morning was that there were many driving in clear weather with them on and many cars seem to have them situated close to the brake lights... So in answer to your question, Humph, it's because the incorrect use of them distracts away from you and I having a clear view of that cars' and others' brake lights...

In four words... Its Dangerous and Illegal.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Old Navy
I don't know of any cars with high level fog lights.
But there are many cars without high level brake lights and that's where the confusion begins.

 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Runfer D'Hills
In three words...It doesn't bother me.

 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Runfer D'Hills
..or four.

 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - CGNorwich
I'm really looking forward to the introduction of DLRs :-)
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Old Navy
>> I'm really looking forward to the introduction of DLRs :-)

I already have them, they were known as dipped headlights before LED's were invented. :-)
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - madf
I'm old and I need to wear galsses. But even I can identify fog lights from brake lights...

I think they introduced high level brake lights to resolve any confusion..

But I refuse to raise my blood pressure over the issue. Nurse says I have to keep calm..
That's because you're only looking at the car in front of you and not the 10th one up in the line ahead as you should be:)

 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Runfer D'Hills
...and if you are lookiing well ahead as I quite agree you should be, then the intensity of the lights is of no consequence is it?

 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - hobby
If you are stuck behind several cars all with them on travelling at slowish speeds and no opportunity to overtake then you have little choice, you never know when they are going to brake, and the fog lights just confuse the issue and many cars have them close to the side/brake lights...

I gather that you couldn't care less, Humph, you've made the point at least 10 times (sorry, 7) in this thread for some unknown reason, perhaps the record stylus has stuck? I have obviously got on your wick with my comments, so...

Sorry, kiddo, I'll go away and stop being such a silly boy... ;-)
Last edited by: hobby on Wed 29 Dec 10 at 19:55
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Runfer D'Hills
Just wanted to make my position clear y'know ! Just to avoid any misunderstanding and so on...

 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - hobby
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Lygonos
Make them bright pink with "I am Gay" emblazoned on the lens.

Would work in the same way as renaming ASBOs "Nancy Badges" or "Man-sausage tokens".

Idiots might not be keen to boast about them then.
"you never know when they are going to brake, and the fog lights just confuse the issue and many cars have them close to the side/brake lights..."

The clue is that brake lights go on when cars slow, and off again when they don't. Fog lights don't do this.

As a personal thing, I put on my rear fogs when I think I have trouble seeing the lights of the car in front, bee it fog, snow or heavy rain/spray. I turn them off when I feel its improved.

With the front fog lights on, I put them on when I feel the need to, they provide good near space and verge illumination.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Bromptonaut
>> With the front fog lights, I put them on when I feel the need
>> to, they provide good near space and verge illumination.

+ 1
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Dave_
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - madf
>> That's because you're only looking at the car in front of you and not the
>> 10th one up in the line ahead as you should be:)
>> Pat

Thanks for the compliemnet Pat but I cannot see that far ahead - it's my eyes:-)
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - FotheringtonTomas
>> FT, which laws? Quotes?
>> Lighting and use, reg 20, 2) b) i) seems most relevant - "used in conditions
>> of seriously reduced visibility" but it doesn't support your position.
>> *thumb on nose, waggling fingers in a childish manner*

This tells me that you do not know your law - and do not know your Highway Code.

So, "you haven't the foggiest" - ha ha!
The annoying thing for me is when you pass someone who has their fog lights on for no reason and you can actually see the orange warning light on their dashboard but they don't seem to be able to see it!
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - FotheringtonTomas
It does - very occasionally - happen. A following policeman flashed me to stop some years ago when driving in a town - I'd got the rear fog lamp on. The car was a Ford Escort Estate; the fog lamp switch was easily pressed when starting the engine, and the light in it obscured by the indicator housing. Pretty poor design. I made sure I checked it after starting thereafter.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Skoda
>> So, "you haven't the foggiest" - ha ha!

V. good :-)
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - L'escargot
If someone coming the other way has front foglamps on unnecessarily, I put mine on to let them know that I'm a cool dude as well. I put them off again after we've passed each other.

Last edited by: L'escargot on Thu 30 Dec 10 at 09:19
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Old Navy
>> If someone coming the other way has front foglamps on unnecessarily, I put mine on
>> to let them know that I'm a cool dude as well. I put them off
>> again after we've passed each other.
>> :-D

Are you sure it means "cool dude"? :-)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Thu 30 Dec 10 at 09:27
>> If someone coming the other way has front foglamps on unnecessarily, I put mine on
>> to let them know that I'm a cool dude as well.

Unless there is someone behind them or in front of me, I put my high beam lights on. If they need their front fogs on to see where they're going in clear visibility then I give them a helping hand by giving them even more light.
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 30 Dec 10 at 14:05
>>Unless there is someone behind them or in front of me, I put my high beam lights on<<


Presumably the reason you've given can't be the real reason.

>> Presumably the reason you've given can't be the real reason.

Yes and no. Half the time front fog lights on cars are misaligned and dazzle oncoming motorists, the other half the time they produce glare from a wet road surface, which again dazzle oncoming motorists.

Therefore the natural reaction is to flash the person coming from the other direction if they are dazzling you with their lights, or in my case just give them a face full of high beam. This practice is best carried out just before you pass one another as 99% of the time it doesn't give them time to react and put their high beam on.

Got no time for idiots who drive round with their fog lights on (front or back) when they're not needed. They'd soon turn them off if it restricted their speed to 30 mph.
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 30 Dec 10 at 17:45
So the safest situation is to have not one, but two dazzled drivers driving towards each other?

Sounds a bit like 'mines brighter than yours, to me.


Well it's either that or instant ban for fog light man if the C4P highway code ever became law. Until that happens I'll just continue showing them that mine is brighter than theirs ;-)

>> Yes and no. Half the time front fog lights on cars are misaligned and dazzle
>> oncoming motorists, the other half the time they produce glare from a wet road surface,
>> which again dazzle oncoming motorists.

You must live in some parallel universe, certainly not the one I drive around in. I never get dazzled by badly aligned fog lights, or bouncing off wet roads - well no more than headlights anyway.

>as 99% of the time it doesn't give them time to react and put their high beam on.

Ah so its ok for you to dazzle them but no the other way round. I sorry I forgot you have such sensitive eyes, and its ok to blind the other driver and cause an accident as long as its behind you.

No doubt you will delete this post as well.
I sincerely hope posts arn't being deleted.

I don't approve of selective moderation.

>> Ah so its ok for you to dazzle them but no the other way round.

The point is that they are dazzling me - hence why I return fire.

>> No doubt you will delete this post as well.

As well as what other post of yours today? Apart from a disagreement between 2 forum members in the early hours of the morning that got personal and one of them making threats toward the other, I've not used the delete button today.
>> The point is that they are dazzling me - hence why I return fire.

Then the sensible thing to do would be to let them know that as soon as possible so they stop, and not "best carried out just before you pass one another as 99% of the time it doesn't give them time to react and put their high beam on"

Last edited by: Zero on Thu 30 Dec 10 at 18:03
Sorry, I don't do sensible on the road.
Well that's clear to all now isn't it.
>> Well that's clear to all now isn't it.
Well of course it's clear. All the ruddy lights are on.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Runfer D'Hills
Threats ? - Aw I missed that !
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Thu 30 Dec 10 at 18:10
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - BiggerBadderDave
"I never get dazzled by badly aligned fog lights"

Because when you approach really old age, your eyes let in much less light.

And you start to smell.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Cliff Pope
>> Because when you approach really old age, your eyes let in much less light.


Sorry, could you repeat that in a larger font please?
>> Sorry, could you repeat that in a larger font please?

Because when you approach really old age, your eyes let in much less light.

sorry, abusing mod privileges
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 30 Dec 10 at 21:16
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - corax
>> And you start to smell.

Of what? Old spice?

>> Because when you approach really old age, your eyes let in much less light.

So whats your excuse for marrying the first wife then young Dave?

 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Runfer D'Hills
>> And you start to smell.

Apologies in advance for major thread drift but it is the holidays after all...

My wife decided we needed to go into town today to purchase among other things, a bean-bag for my son's playroom. Why he needs one I wouldn't know but that's a tangential matter. We fetched up in an emporium by the name of "Dunelm", a strange place on the site of an erstwhile B&Q. Full of the most royal tat I've ever seen. Mainly towels, bedding and brick-a-brack of the most appalling nature. Purple plastic bar stools were one of their more prominent offerings for example.

However, that in itself is not the point either and I promise to focus in on that in a moment if you'll just bear with me.

The thing which struck me the most about this outing was the disproportionate number of fellow shoppers with personal hygeine issues. Never have I encountered so many unwashed in such concentration. Now the thing I'd like to get to the bottom of is how a penchant for unpleasant household wares correllates with an aversion to cleanliness ? I mean, if you were inclined to set of in search of a new set of towels or a particular shade of plastic mug rack wouldn't it occur to you to nip in the shower first ?

Maybe it's me. Awfully sorry Hobby., back to those equally dreadful people with no sense of propriety re foglights... Just had to get it off my chest.
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Thu 30 Dec 10 at 20:36
>> My wife decided we needed to go into town today

It's this bit that gets me, why does the lady of the house have to inflict one of the most dreadful experiences known to man on the poor suffering husband, namely going shopping in the Christmas holidays, or indeed any other time when the shops are open.

From traffic to the hell of parking, and then being forced into the company of ill mannered illiterate (ignore my speeling and punct'n;) smelly flotsam and jetsam who wander aimlessly about in their tracky bottoms and trainers, topped off by a football strip with a baseball cap covering the shaved bonce and pulled low over the jutting brow.

Wouldn't be so bad but the average female (apparently) accompanying these types looks like them anyway, not even a sly bit of leching leering or perving at some nicely drerssed totty to relieve the boredom.

I've been working this week and the queues just trying to get into the parking areas at the various retail hell holes i pass daily has been unbelievable.

Why do chaps put themselves through it, do i need to offer classes in how to train your wife/partner to hate shopping as much as you?

And there's another thing...dont worry i'll wind down in a bit, but Hump started it so blame him...why do fella's allow themselves to be cajoled into driving up to a hindred miles to go to a certain shopping centre to...exactly the same boring cloned shops selling identical cloned tat that their local town provides.

darkened room beckons.

and that's not mentioning the children of smelly parents yet.
Last edited by: gordonbennet on Thu 30 Dec 10 at 21:10
You is ma Bruvver GB. Innit.
>> You is ma Bruvver

peace bro.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - hobby
>> Maybe it's me. Awfully sorry Hobby., back to those equally dreadful people with no sense
>> of propriety re foglights... Just had to get it off my chest.

Fine by me... I think it went off topic a while back... I think you've also highlighted why we have so many adverts for those air fresheners that release their odor every few minutes... Its to cover up the smell of the humans living in the house!
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - corax
>> I never get dazzled by badly aligned fog lights, or bouncing off wet roads -
>> well no more than headlights anyway.

I can't say I've ever been dazzled by badly aligned front fog lights, you can't align them anyway, they are built into the front spoiler without adjusters - unless your car has had a bad front end smash, they always point in the right direction.

Badly aligned headlamps are annoying though. But they soon go past.
>> I can't say I've ever been dazzled by badly aligned front fog lights, you can't
>> align them anyway, they are built into the front spoiler without adjusters

On my Vectra they can be adjusted. Pic taken of my previous 2004 Vectra, but my 2006 has the same adjuster.

>> On my Vectra they can be adjusted. Pic taken of my previous 2004 Vectra, but
>> my 2006 has the same adjuster.

Indeed, as you see its a PITA to do it, so few do. Many more round your way tho it seems.

Last edited by: Zero on Thu 30 Dec 10 at 21:25
>> Indeed, as you see its a PITA to do it, so few do.

Yes, it's a right pain to use an allen key and turn the adjuster so the beam lowers. Probably as difficult as turning the ignition key to start the engine and almost as complicated as reaching for the fog light switch.
Except you don't do either on year knees in the dirt in front of the car do you.

Face it - they don't get adjusted,
>> Except you don't do either on year knees in the dirt in front of the car do you.

Perhaps those on their knees are praying for someone else to adjust them. Mine can be adjusted without getting on my knees.

>> Face it - they don't get adjusted,

Hence why so many are misaligned. Oh look, we're back to where we started ;-)

>> Hence why so many are misaligned.

Only in your mind.
>> Only in your mind.

Eyes actually.
I thought we'd already blinded you?

Make your mind up.
Temporarily dazzled, not blinded.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - FotheringtonTomas
>> Hence why so many are misaligned. Oh look, we're back to where we started ;-)

Impossible to argue against your true statement with any coherence.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - FotheringtonTomas
>> Got no time for idiots who drive round with their fog lights on (front or
>> back) when they're not needed. They'd soon turn them off if it restricted their speed
>> to 30 mph.

That's a remarkably good idea!
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - hobby
I was thinking that as well... Strictly speaking if its that bad they need them on then they should be driving at 30 or slower, so its actually common sense...

So it will never happen....
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - CGNorwich
Forecast is fog for most of the country tomorrow. Don't forget to switch on your lights everybody!
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Woodster
Bromptonaut - I've had a eureka moment! I went to work last night and it was foggy down the unlit lanes. I discovered, to my amazement, that I can turn the headlights off in the Skoda and leave the foglights on. What a difference! Massively extended vision without my headlights, those foglights punching way, way ahead. In fact, they make the headlights redundant in fog, as was suggested. I can't now see the reason for the reflector bit behind my headlight bulbs. You know, the bit that focuses the light and projects it. the fog lights do a better job without them. I think you're right after all, in thick fog, turn your headlights right off and just use those fogs for seeing under that fog! Thanks!
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Old Navy
>> I think you're
>> right after all, in thick fog, turn your headlights right off and just use those
>> fogs for seeing under that fog! Thanks!

Glad to be of assistance, (Thursday 14:26). :-)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Fri 31 Dec 10 at 08:37
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Harleyman

>> That's a remarkably good idea!

It's not a new one; I mentioned it sometime last year, and I think the originator was a certain Mr. Clarkson.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - L'escargot
I'm not convinced that front foglights are that much better than dipped headlights when it's foggy. I tend to think that they're more a fashion accessory than anything else. I just wish that my car would allow rear foglights on without fronts.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Fri 31 Dec 10 at 07:51
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Runfer D'Hills
If front fogs are truly such a bad thing / useless / work of the devil, why do so many car manufacturers fit them as standard ? Just a thought...

Not that I use mine much.

Did I mention they don't bother me ?

 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Old Navy
>> Did I mention they don't bother me ?
>> :-)

Oh good, I'll turn mine on when I see a squashy approaching. What colour is it again, don't want to annoy anyone. :-)
Me? I am putting on my main beams for every Vectra I see coming as well, just in case its dave.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Runfer D'Hills
Not much annoys me these days on the roads. Or at least I don't let things annoy me nearly as much as they used to. I try to channel my emotional responses to Richard wads more towards bemused incredulity most of the time now...
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Old Navy
Same as me, just a mental "Richard head". You are showing your age Humph. :-)
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Runfer D'Hills
You are probably right ON.
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Fri 31 Dec 10 at 09:14
>> Me? I am putting on my main beams for every Vectra I see coming as well, just in case its dave.

Hope your trigger finger is as quick as mine on the high beam switch.
Oh yes. Don't worry about that.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - hobby
>> If front fogs are truly such a bad thing / useless / work of the
>> devil, why do so many car manufacturers fit them as standard ? Just a thought...

They aren't called "fogs", they are called "driving" lights or similar, no mention of fog in the literature (usually!) - Just a Fashion accessory and a way of getting more money out of the punter buying the car!
Last edited by: hobby on Fri 31 Dec 10 at 09:19
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - L'escargot
>> Just a Fashion accessory and a way of getting more
>> money out of the punter buying the car!

I agree. We had fogs long before we had foglamps. In fact, in the days of smogs visibility was even less. Younger people don't know what smogs were like.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Woodster
It was so bad that it's fogged some drivers brains.
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Runfer D'Hills
Not aimed at anyone in particular, but just to mention, in the passing so to speak and appropos of nothing really, that I'm really bored with this thread now...and yes, I do know the cure for that is in my own control...just saying...

 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - madf
The man that is bored by this thread is bored with life.

Tell us where you live Humph and we'll visit and relieve the boredom..:-)

(Permanently )
Last edited by: madf on Fri 31 Dec 10 at 17:13
 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - Runfer D'Hills
Started a bit early have we? Long time to go 'till midnight. Best get some carbohydrates down...

I shall be in bed long before midnight but I shall expect you all to be up and still celebrating when I get up around 3.30am:)

 ITS NOT FOGGY!! - hobby
A bit of thread drift (to the front of the car!)... has anyone else noticed that the front driving (fog?) lights tend to be used as an alternative to replacing a blown bulb in the main headlight(s)?
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