Seems fair but it only seems to affect some parts of the south East and rural places. The Met, GMP, West Midlands and Merseyside police don't appear to have signed up so this really only effects some parts of the country.
We need a system which applies to the entire country as at the moment there is far too many different rules operated by different police forces which causes confusion.
I like the automatic fines for repeat offenders. I have always felt current systems were harsh on new drivers who are already under too much pressure to avoid points.
>> I have always felt current systems were
>> harsh on new drivers who are already under too much pressure to avoid points.
They are only under pressure to drive responsibly. Their inexperience often kills.
I think all drivers require regular top-up training.
If they self-select by being caught over the limit then that's an OK start
>>I have always felt current systems were harsh on new drivers who are already under too much pressure to avoid points. <<
I don't agree, they are only under pressure to start off a long and safe driving career aware of the law and it's limitations.
Far better to get to know what 30mph feels like early on and to understand that along with a driving licence, comes the responsibility of driving within your limitations.