Motoring Discussion > China to limit new car sales in 2011 Buying / Selling
Thread Author: Auntie Lockbrakes Replies: 9

 China to limit new car sales in 2011 - Auntie Lockbrakes
750,000 new cars were sold in Beijing in 2010. The authorities have just decided to cap new registrations at 240,000 vehicles in 2011, to combat road congestion.

Interesting strategy! Can't envisage the UK ever doing this! Think of the loss of tax revenue alone!

Bad news for the car manufacturers - a China market contraction of over half a million units. Bad news for the economy, surely?

Aside, I hear that China also raised interest rates today...
 China to limit new car sales in 2011 - movilogo
People can still buy outside Beijing and commute to city. Isn't it?
 China to limit new car sales in 2011 - hobby
Blimey isn't China big enough to take an extra half million cars? I take it they are all concentrated in a few urban locations... First it was children they limited, now cars... what next, TVs?!
 China to limit new car sales in 2011 - hobby
First it was children they limited, now cars... what next, TVs?!
 China to limit new car sales in 2011 - Skoda
I'd be surprised if there was a dent in revenue, they auction the new registrations and currently they never go for less than £25k each and have gone for over £240k in some cases.

There's a rule that you're only allowed to drive 6 days, 1 day the car must stay in the garage (depends on your reg number, you're told what day you're not allowed to use it). The rich chinese (and boy are there tons of those!) commonly buy 2 cars to get round this.
 China to limit new car sales in 2011 - Auntie Lockbrakes
But this scheme will put a real dent in the revenue of the car manufacturers in 2011 won't it..?!
 China to limit new car sales in 2011 - rtj70
They will probably sell them to other parts of China surely? 750,000 cars for one city is a lot mind.
 China to limit new car sales in 2011 - Chris S
No they'll dump the other 500,000 over here!
 China to limit new car sales in 2011 - Zero
buying and using cars has been limited in Japan and Singapore for years.
 China to limit new car sales in 2011 - rtj70
>> No they'll dump the other 500,000 over here!

Some of the Chinese built cars wouldn't even get a 1 star in the NCAP tests. They might not shift many. And some mandatory safety features like ABS, EBD, etc. will almost certainly be missing.
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