The latest.
It bemuses me that there are so many out there have not got the slightest basic clue about cars and how they function.
Never mind about pointing out where the dipstick is ( Elf n Safety risks on opening the bonnet & propping it) better to understand that in an emergency wrecking the gearbox kills the progress and it will slow down ( on the flat ).
Mountains out of molehills, the first article would terrify an inexperienced driver.
Don't think Toyota's out of the woods yet, this'll go on for years as claimsRus crew jump on the bandwagon.
From henry's first link:
"Imagine you're driving down the inside lane of the M4 at 70 mph,"
When did you last see anyone do that? ;>)
>> the first article would terrify an inexperienced driver
The comments on the first article scare me somewhat... Do these people really have driving licences? An example:
"I was gently accelerating away from a roundabout when my accelerator became stuck and the car continued to gain speed despite no pressure on the pedal. The car very quickly accelerated to speeds above 70 mph which was an extremely frightening experience for myself, I managed to use the clutch and take the car out of gear but unfortunately lost control at this point and crashed into the central reservation after the car spinning across the dual carriageway"
As we all know, "speeds above 70mph" invariably lead to the car spinning and crashing on dual carriageways. Hmmm.