Motoring Discussion > RFL renewal / insurance question Tax / Insurance / Warranties
Thread Author: DP Replies: 4

 RFL renewal / insurance question - DP
SWMBO's insurance expires on the 29th December, and her RFL on the 31st. I have just tried to renew the RFL online, and it has failed the insurance check. From the list of possible reasons, I suspect it is because the existing policy expires before the new RFL is due to come into force.
The simple question is, do I have to wait until the 29th, and the new policy to come into force before I apply for the new disc, or is there any way of doing it sooner? This didn't arise last year, as we taxed the car for 6 months last time, and therefore the RFL renewal fell in June rather than coinciding with the insurance in December.
If it makes any difference, we have already bought and paid for next year's cover, albeit with a different insurer to the existing one. This doesn't come into force until midnight on the 29th when the existing policy expires.

 RFL renewal / insurance question - rtj70
As you have the new policy sorted... do you have the certificate yet? A trip to a RFL issuing post office or DVLA office will sort this.

And if you had to wait until it came into force (I doubt it) then you have a couple of days.
 RFL renewal / insurance question - DP
Thanks, rtj70.
Only renewed yesterday, so the certificate should be through hopefully by the end of the week.
I would like to get it done while it's in memory, as we're really busy between Christmas and New Year, and apart from getting time to go to the PO, I know I'll forget to do it. Brain like a sieve. :-)

 RFL renewal / insurance question - Iffy
...expires Dec 29 ...and it has failed the insurance check...

Something rings a bell that you cannot get a new tax disc if your insurance has less than a certain period to run, might be two weeks.

Presumably the database had not yet picked up on the new policy.

The DVLA allow five days after the old disc has expired, provided you've applied for a new one.

From their website:

"When you apply for a tax disc online or by using our phone service you are able to legally continue to drive your vehicle for up to 5 days after the tax disc has expired while you wait for the new tax disc to arrive.
"This will only apply when you have applied for a new tax disc before the current one expires. You should continue to display the expired disc on your vehicle, until the new one arrives."

 RFL renewal / insurance question - rtj70
Put a reminder/alarm on the phone! :-)
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