Hi All,
Knew you had all gone somewhere else!
Those who remember my deliberations on HJ site will know I am looking to change my old Megane because its driving position is causing havoc with my back. I am selling private to recoupe as much money as possible. However both people who have so far looked noted that all tyres are either at or very near the legal minimum.
The question is, do I spend say £150-£200 replacing all four with cheap (and if so which brand?) tyres or just leave it. I'm using the wifes car mostly at the moment so not too concerned for my own safety!
Good to have found the old guard!
I don't think I would spend the money, as there might be other reasons why they are not buying but the tyres is the easy get-out. You could always knock a few bob off and be up front that it needs new tyres soon, then you may discover another reason why it's not attracting 'em.
There's a question not too dissimilar to this on another forum. :)
The only snag with putting new tyres on is some buyers may wonder why that's been done on a car that's being sold.
In other words, you cannot win.
What you really want is four matching part-worn tyres, which would then look 'right' for the car.
Does it need an MoT?
That's the other way forward, because buyers will appreciate a new MoT and accept you put the tyres on to get it through.
Well spotted! :->
Part worn may be a good way to go that I hadn't considered..
MOT is til September, with advisories on the last one for all tyres.
It will sell easier with 12 months' MOT.
" you cannot win"
Yeah, reminds me when I was selling a Rover 827. First few punters seemed to baulk at the grubby engine bay so I had it steam cleaned. Next bloke asked what leaking that had made me decide to clean it.
Tell them you'll *give* them a ton as a contribution - or as you say buy some cheap tyres. It depends on what the car's worth. What is it "up" for?
If it was me looking at the car, I would look at the advisory, see the MOT is duein 6 months, decide it wont pass on the tyres it has, and walk away.
Get some part worn tryes fitted down your local scrappie.
Polish it up spotless including the tyres, if thats the only fault they can find then thats what they'll haggle you with. When they ask if there's anything wrong with the car just say it will need 4 tyres soon and with easter coming up there will be 4 for 3 offers coming up at tyre suppliers everywhere.