Do you use a garage or parked outside?
Do you park your car in a garage or outside the home?
Mine is outside in all the weathers but many who have a garage fill them with junk.
So if you could would you home your motor or still leave it outside?
I would if the garage was wide enough to open the doors not like many new style homes were you can drive in but not get out!!
Do you think a car kept in a garage will run any better start better than one kept out in all weathers?
Sure the paint work will be smarter no sun uv rays and bird poo & it may start better in minus temeperatures when it's warmer inside i guess.
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 13 Dec 10 at 00:31
Both, BT... The Princess is in the garage and the rest on the drive...
>>The Princess is in the garage and the rest on the drive...
Yeah, my garage is full of junk too. ;0
We have two cars in our garage but we're the only people in our road of about 40 houses who do. It does seem illogical to have £000s of car outside and worthless junk inside - but I suppose the junk has to go somewhere.
And as you say the newest houses are built with garages too narrow for to-day's wider cars - builders cut inches off where they can to get as many houses on a plot as possible, and perhaps they also know that most of the garages will be used for junk.
Modern cars should start in all weathers but getting ice off the windows is tedious.
I don't have a garage, only a driveway.
In this snow I've been very glad to have a driveway to put my car on as I live on a hill and always worry that a car parked on the road would be run into.
If I had a garage I would park the car in it, if only to prevent me accumulating worthless junk.
Garaged cars do start easily and are not covered in ice and snow. However, if garaged when covered in salt and road dirt, they probably rot a lot quicker.
Fiat Pandas fit into the smallest garages that the building trade contrive to provide.
...into the smallest garages that the building trade contrive to provide...
An estate agent described one of these to me as a 'holiday garage'.
I think she meant it was suitable to push the car in while you went on an overseas package tour.
The assumption being every family which buys a little housing estate house takes a package holiday abroad.
I have a garage, which used to house my old Triumph, but as we're moving next year the Triumph has been re-housed for a while and the garage is full of boxes.
Our two daily drivers are parked on the road oustide (North London) and regularly over the years i've had to have the bumpers re-sprayed due to noticeable parking shunts (my car both bumpers re-sprayed twice...and needs both doing again, wife's car rear one done once and needs doing again).
I have the world's shortest driveway, so although I once got a 1990's Renault Clio on it (with the bonnet poking over part of the pavement) I do not have the option of off road parking. I did consider re-configuring my back garden to allow it, but decided that was small enough as it was, so didn't bother.
Garden shed in the back garden housed my motorcycle (couldn't get the Triumph and the bike in the same garage as i'd nicked part of the garage to make an office), although the bike has been re-housed for a while and the shed full of boxes as well.
I don't know why, but my wife's car has been an aboslute magnet for people driving in to it. Rear bumper hit so hard it went down to the white plastic underneath everything and passenger's door stuffed in, so looking forward to the day they will all be off road AND under cover. Thaty's the plan.
>> Fiat Pandas fit into the smallest garages that the building trade contrive to provide.
Planners. Let's have it right eh Doctor.
Recently-built house with garage - wide & long enough to have car, washing machine, gas boiler, lawn-mower, plus junk. Well-ventilated because of boiler but rarely goes below 10degC even when below freezing outside. About 1m either side of car when inside, but still grateful for folding mirrors going through the door! Being able to drive straight off in the mornings without scraping ice and/or wiping condensation is a real bonus.
...About 1m either side of car when inside...
Bet the developer called that a double.
Driveway - garage full of bikes and er...stuff.
Car in garage, unless its wet, I also speak to it b4 starting it in the morning, learnt that one from my German girlfriend - a Witch from Prussia.
Both cars on driveway, garage full of "stuff" - mostly kids garden toys / bikes / camping gear.
Its a double garage with two doors on the front rather than one large. I have managed to fit the sharan in, but Mrs B made me get it back out again, and the C5 will only go in if the mirrors are retracted. Just as well the drive is big enough
Me too, in the garage unless it is wet. I have sworn at a few cars in the past, didn't do much good, they were still temperamental piles of junk, usually British built. It would take more than witchcraft to get them going!
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sat 11 Dec 10 at 12:15
...Its a double garage with two doors on the front rather than one large...
My brother has something similar.
He puts his Civic and Panda in there, but it's a snug fit.
The 'double' garage would not easily take two Focus-sized cars.
That sounds like a one and a half garage.
>> That sounds like a one and a half garage.
I could get two cars in mine if pushed and it wasnt full of other stuff, but looking at the single garages on this development then your assessment is correct!
>>It would take more than witchcraft to get them going!<<
Just as well there was Motorcraft in those days then!
I keep mine in the garage. If it's wet when I put it in I switch on the dehumidifier. When not at home I only ever park on the road as a very last resort, following a traumatic experience about 30 years ago. My car was parked outside a friend's house on New Year's Eve and a passing car caused damage equal to half the value of my (18 months old) car.
3.5 car garage - but only just room for the TR7 in it. Full of useful crap. 3 cars on the driveway.
SWMBO does get a little upset at having to clear off the snow and ice at 07.30. By the time I am up the sun has melted it on mine!
Mine is garaged with plenty of room to exit. Wouldn't dream of leaving it outside.
All of the houses where I live had garages built with the houses, but many have had the garages converted to more living space, gyms or swimming pools. One house in particular has had the garage converted to a bar with a fruit machine and what looks like a juke box. They have an enormous frontage that has been paved over. This is walled with drive in and drive out gates, yet they often leave their cars outside. One guy with a swimming pool parks his Mercedes wholly on the pavement outside his house.
Last edited by: Robbie34 on Sat 11 Dec 10 at 14:22
...One house in particular has had the garage converted to a bar with a fruit machine and what looks like a juke box. They have an enormous frontage that has been paved over...
More money than taste.
Sounds rather a nouvea riche neighbourhood.
>>Sounds rather a nouvea riche neighbourhood<<
Nouveau is double you!
>>Nouveau is double you!
Just as well he's not a pedant!
...Nouveau is double you!...
I knew that, of course.
Must be a typo.
(Departs, whistling tunelessly.)
>>Must be a typo<<
Could be a faulty u key on that cheap laptop you bought recently.
...Could be a faulty u key on that cheap laptop you bought recently.
I thoght that.
If you use a car every day its pointless putting it in the garage at night unless you are concerned about security. Makes some sense I suppose in frosty weather but otherwise a complete waste of time.
It's a waste if the car will go in and it's not been used for the motor.
Lawn mower, boxes, roof box, wellies, tosh..................
My car has just gone into the garage for the first time in 10 days or so, (snow). The car is filthy, but dry, I have washed the salt off of the wheels, checked the fluid levels and tyre pressures, and put the battery on charge until I next need the car, (tomorrow sometime or maybe Monday).
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sat 11 Dec 10 at 15:41
>> If you use a car every day its pointless putting it in the garage at
>> night ...........
What's your reasoning behind that statement?
I put mine in our integral garage for lots of reasons other than security. I can check the tyre pressures, engine oil, screenwash etc in comfort and at any time and top them up as necessary with what's in the garage. I can load the car up with luggage for a journey without all the neighbours or passing lowlife knowing that I will be away for some time. I can unload shopping from the boot. I can wash the car, put it in the garage and then the next day polish it in the garage even if it's raining. I can take wheels off to check brake pads etc in comfort. The list is extensive.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Sat 11 Dec 10 at 15:43
Exactly my setup, and if you play your cards right you can even get coffee and biscuits delivered. :-)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sat 11 Dec 10 at 15:48
I think i want to be a pensioner :)
I'd love to have a place to polish and work on my cars indoors. I hadn't really thought of all the extras that snaily spelled out but i wish i had those too.
>> I think i want to be a pensioner :)
We are not as daft as many think ! :-)
>> I think i want to be a pensioner :)
Me too, but without the aches and pains :)
What's your reasoning behind that statement?
1) I can check the tyre pressures, engine oil, screenwash etc in comfort and at any time and top them up as necessary
Not sure why its more comfortable doing that in garage than on the drive. 5 minute job once a fortnight
2) I can load the car up with luggage for a journey without all the neighbours or passing lowlife knowing that I will be away for some time.
Garage further away than drive so no point . Always tell the neighbours when I am away for a long period. No passing lowlife
3) I can wash the car, put it in the garage and then the next day polish it in the garage even if it's raining.
Wash it then polish it same day. Twice a year job
4)I can take wheels off to check brake pads etc in comfort.
I pay the garage to do this
The car is a tool to me. I want it to be readily available whenever I need it. Garaging a car every night and getting it out every morning in a right pain.
Last edited by: CGNorwich on Sat 11 Dec 10 at 17:15
>>Garaging a car every night and getting it out every morning in
>> a right pain.
Oh yes, really difficult to press a button to open the garage door.
>> >>Garaging a car every night and getting it out every morning in
>> >> a right pain........................
>> Oh yes, really difficult to press a button to open the garage door.
I am afraid it is the sign of the times! People use the excuse that they are in such a rush that they haven't got time to do the essentials.
No one near me, apart from one or possibly two exceptions can even bother to sweep the pavements outside their houses and then complain to the local council about the amount of leaf fall and general debris lying around.
What on earth is "essential" about putting your car in the garage Oldgit
I am never really sure whether I will need to go out again in the evening when I get home. That means I either put the car in the garage and have to get it out again or leave it on the drive and put it away at 11.00 p.m with a cold engine which hardly does it much good. Eight hours later I'm getting it out again. Pointless. Waste of my time and of no benefit to the car whatsoever.
What on earth the connection is between parking my car and people sweeping leaves off the pavement I can't figure out.
>> What's your reasoning behind that statement?
I gave my reasons for putting my car in my garage. I wasn't implying that you, or anyone else, should do the same.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Sun 12 Dec 10 at 07:59
Double garage with motorbike, 4 bicycles, 3 mower, rotavator, genny and boxes of erm stuff. I did have room for the 2cv years ago but the chances of getting a car in there nowadays are slimmish.
3 cars and a caravan in the yard.
Both cars live out. Garage is home to 8 bikes, large freezer & spare fridge, garden tools & other stuff. Although houses are only 12 years old garages are just about big enough for a car; the one over the road is identical to ours and takes' just, the owner's A3. Not sure the Berlingo would go under the up and over door, it would certainly need the radio aerial lowering. Also, becuase of the layout it's much easier to reverse in to our drive and exit forwards.
Out of 10 houses round the cul de sac, all with 2 cars only 3 keep either car garaged.
>> becuase of the
>> layout it's much easier to reverse in to our drive and exit forwards.
Why is that a problem?
I would garage my car, but its too long with all my junk in the garage right now, but i garaged the Charade and Carina.
>> but i garaged the Charade and Carina.
Do they get stolen to order where you live?
Oh, theres a huge market for lilac getaway cars, commonly used by the blue rinse gang, feared throughout the land :-)
Actually, its because quite often I wash my car, mainly in summer and the next day its covered in that dust which seems to only appear overnight. So it goes away, no dust :-)
Outside for all three. Garage full of useful (one day) stuff!!
Fortunately I have a double garage. My previous Legacy estates, Mazda 626 & current 3 Series have all lived inside. Every night. The other half is racked out for tools, paint, mower, pressure washer etc etc. No junk in my garage! I am a minimalist person so if not used within recent memory...decreasing in old age to 12 months, its gotten rid of.
I would prefer a large single door rather than two singles, but the cost of fitting a heavy duty RSJ, and dismantling the centre supporting & dividing wall when I have two perfectly good leccy doors seems just daft.
Better spending the money on beer & nice things for SWMBO!
Thus I have a surfeit of brownie points.
>>Outside for all three. Garage full of useful (one day) stuff<<
Shepherd Neame or Greene King?
Both in and out for me. The Jowett lives in the garage, of course, there's about 7' on one side and 5 on the other. the 3 bikes lodge in the 7' bit and the pushbike is hung up above head height.
I don't really do junk...I'm quite OCD about keeping it all clear although I have a pine bedroom suite in there waiting for a lady pal of mine to decorate a room before I deliver it to her. Only single doors on this garage to keep down security risks. The other side of the garage, another 16'wide, is secure in it's own right and only accessible through the Jowett garage. The workshop and model railway room are in windows !
The moderns live outside. In frosty weather, I can park one next to the house. There's a 6' fence on the other side of the drive and that keeps the frost off somewhat. Both moderns are always off the road at night. I have room in the drive for maybe 6 or 7 cars, 4 behind the locked 6' gate if needed.
Early Winter mornings mean the Sun is shining directly down the road at eye level and I've had two cars written off outside so not a good scheme to leave anything out !
I had a small erection in the spare flagged area in front of the garage, in the form of a 6 X 4 shed. All the caravan stuff lives in there together with the produce of Mr Shepherd Neame, Jennings, Marston and others. The caravan tucks in nicely between the garage and the shed and is mains powered from the garage in case anyone wants to stay.
Grandkid's stuff lives in the Wendy House in the garden area.
>> Both in and out for me.
>> I had a small erection in the spare flagged area in front of the garage
I don't think we need to know all the details Ted
Last edited by: corax on Sun 12 Dec 10 at 09:01
I leave it out in summer and garage it in winter. I like it to be warm and free of snow.
I garage it if guests are coming, to free up parking spaces. I can open the door almost fully if it's tucked up against the wall but there's no room to polish it or do anything else in the garage when it's in there.
>> >> becuase of the
>> >> layout it's much easier to reverse in to our drive and exit forwards.
>> >>
>> Why is that a problem?
Because (a) it would be a tight fit reversing the car into garage & (b) I don't want to fill garage & kitchen/utility which would result from having the exhaust discharging into the garage.
>> Because (a) it would be a tight fit reversing the car into garage & (b)
>> I don't want to fill garage & kitchen/utility which would result from having the exhaust
>> discharging into the garage.
(a) Thats a use for mirrors.
(b) Good point.
No garage, no drive.
All of a sudden, I feel like I'm in the wrong place....
Campervan sits on the drive, focus on the road, no garage and tbh i dont think I would want to try to put either into a normal garage. Fitting my mates vw camper in the garage involved putting it on steel rims with no tyres, taking the garage door off (after breaking the skylight on the van) and a lot of pushing as he had taken the engine out before hand!
We had to do that with a 1926 Willys Overland Crossley 1 ton lorry.
Ran it in on its rims on wooden planks to protect them.
Later we dismantled the garage, it was a neighbour's across the road, and rebuilt it on a 1ft brick wall.
Came in handy later on when he was restoring a 1920s Rolls 20HP Thrupp & Maberley limo.......that was high as well !
Both cars in the garage, that's why we built it.
Large double garage filled with bikes, a motorbike and all sorts of family paraphenalia so the cars (three currently) live outside.
Even if my garage wasn't full of crap, which it is, the car wouldn't fit in it anyway.
A decent sized garage (or space to build one) is on my criteria list for the next house.
Funnily am currently thinking on the opposite lines. Have a reasonably sized double garage which never use for the car so thinking of getting rid of garage doors adding a window,ceiling ,insulation and heating and turning it into a decent workshop and store room which would be of far more use to me.
I'm lucky in this house in that respect - the x1.75 sized garage here was built as a garage as per the plans but was used as a lounge, it has got a full sized roller door a radiator, an el-cheapo carpet and proper lighting - central pendant and three spots as well as loads of power points and a TV aerial point, what more does a boy want eh ?
My brother has just moved into his new house with a garage for 4 cars. He's converted half into a workshop. His other house only has a double garage. This is the USA mind.
>> Funnily am currently thinking on the opposite lines. Have a reasonably sized double garage which
>> never use for the car so thinking of getting rid of garage doors adding a
>> window,ceiling ,insulation and heating and turning it into a decent workshop and store room which
>> would be of far more use to me.
Why not get an insulated sectional garage door, it is wind and watertight and would maintain the versatility of the space. I have one and it is excellent.
For the first time I now live in a house with a decent sized garage. It's called a double but it would be a tight squeeze for two cars. It has just one large up and over door.
It was full of junk but I had a charity/eBay clearout and now has less junk along with tools, lawnmower and bikes etc. I bought a second hand electric door motor and then put our main family car in there. It's changed my appreciation of putting a car in a garage completely.
If it's raining we can get in in the dry and return & unload shopping in the dry - I don't care about putting it away wet. Now I don't have to scrape any windows before my wife does the school run - she gets in and drives off with perfect visibility.
If I ever move, a garage to house one of the cars is now very important to me as is fitting an automatic door motor to it.
>> If I ever move, a garage to house one of the cars is now very
>> important to me ..........
Me too. I wouldn't dream of buying a house which didn't have a garage which had enough room for my car.
>> ......... as is fitting an automatic door motor to it.
Having experience trouble with my Henderson Screwdrive on more than one occasion, I'd think twice about that.
So far I've had to .........
(a) Replace both travel limit switches.
(b) Replace the switch console in the garage.
(c) Buy a replacement remote control.
(d) Adjust the opening force and the closing force
(e) Lubricate the opening/closing screw mechanism every few weeks.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Wed 15 Dec 10 at 11:28
Ere! ... I've taken Zed's idea - I dug out an old Belling 3 heat fan heater, unused for God knows how many years.
I stick it on the floor of the car (garaged) for 5 mins before driving orf ... all I need now iz an engine pre-heater :-)
Latest headlines: Fire engulfs car taking garage with it :(
>>all I need now iz an engine pre-heater<<
This was posted on 'the other' site 5 years ago ~
"When I was in Canada many years ago the locals used to fit an electric kettle element into the sump and connect it to a drive away socket. You put an extension cord onto this gadget, plugged it into a timer and it heated the sump oil up in the morning. The special socket was for the inevitable time when you rushed out and forgot to disconnect it".
>> Having experience trouble with my Henderson Screwdrive on more than one occasion, I'd think twice
>> about that.
I have a Hormann belt drive door operator. It does not have limit switches, after selecting the type of door, it has a learning mode during which it senses the door travel, door weight, and soft open and close end of travel periods. It also reassesses the power required to move the door each time it is used. It is maintenance free, other than a drip of oil on the door hinges and track wheels every 6 months or so. The belt is self tensioning.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Wed 15 Dec 10 at 11:42
Mine's a henderson chain driven opener. Fitted it a year & a half ago and not had to do a thing with it. No limit switches just a couple of setting screws on the motor itself. It was surprisingly very easy to fit.
Last edited by: Enoughalready on Wed 15 Dec 10 at 11:51
>> Mine's a henderson chain driven opener. Fitted it a year & a half ago and
>> not had to do a thing with it. No limit switches just a couple of
>> setting screws on the motor itself. It was surprisingly very easy to fit.
I used to have one of those, the screws you mention adjust the limit switches. The screws on mine were white plastic.
We have to open our treble garage doors by hand.
Just moved to a house with an electric (double) garage door. It's ok, but I don't feel like I've been missing too much. Although I guess it would be more useful if we used the garage for putting cars in and wanted to open it without getting out of the car.
Actually it's a pretty big garage - previous owner had about 6 classic bikes in there. We're currently getting builders to give us quotes for extending the (narrow) kitchen into it, still leaving room for cars.
Me too, Mad....electric doors are for Jessieboys !
Regular spinach and Olive Oil keeps a man strong..:-)
Last edited by: madf on Wed 15 Dec 10 at 16:36
>> Regular spinach and Olive Oil keeps a man strong..:-)
So that's why she feeds me spinach, and preserves my strength for things other than opening the garage door. :-)
Do enlighten old mariner mate !
Not been scrapping with that Bluto again ?
She feeds me spinach, and let me buy a new garage door and power operator, she must be keeping me in good nick for some reason. ;-)
>> Pension?
That must be it, she only gets half of it after she has bumped me off.
>> Me too, Mad....electric doors are for Jessieboys !
>> Ted
You're only jealous.