Motoring Discussion > Long threads... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: FotheringtonTomas Replies: 34

 Long threads... - FotheringtonTomas
No longer split into volumes?
 Long threads... - John H
>> No longer split into volumes?

.... until and unless Pugugly needs to read them on iPhone.

 Long threads... - L'escargot
Some threads are unnecessarily long because some people put a one line space between every sentence!
 Long threads... - John H
>> Some threads are unnecessarily long because some people put a one line space between every
>> sentence!

The worst offender is the one who uses a double carriage return at the end of each line.
Last edited by: John H on Tue 30 Nov 10 at 13:57
 Long threads... - Zero
Who's that then?

 Long threads... - BiggerBadderDave
People who post things like, "I can't help but I'm sure someone will be along soon who can" are just taking up unnecessary space and should desist.
 Long threads... - Tooslow
I once posted a qn on another forum. The first reply was from someone with ten zillion posts to his name suggesting I Google it. Yeah. Thanks. Hadn't thought of that one.

And then posts get longer because people digress...

 Long threads... - John H
>> Who's that then?

Sorry, my claim was a bit iffy. L'escargot's post was accurate.
 Long threads... - Skoda
Automatically paginate at 100 posts?

Although probs wouldn't work while we still have threading. Shoot my own idea down :-) Ahh it was an idea / belly rumbling.
 Long threads... - Clk Sec
>>Who's that then?

The chap who likes short paragraphs. As If you don't know.
 Long threads... - madf
People who write long paragraphs send their readers to sleep.. or to another thread, or even worse, to suicide...

People who write short paragraphs tend to get their message across as they write tight succint prose...

 Long threads... - Focusless
>> People who write short paragraphs tend to get their message across as they write tight
>> succint prose...

Paragraphs, or sentences?
Last edited by: Focus on Tue 30 Nov 10 at 15:35
 Long threads... - madf
Prose is prose...
 Long threads... - Focusless
>> Prose is prose...

Just asked because I can see the point in writing concise sentences, but can't see much difference between concise sentences grouped into one paragraph and concise sentences where each is an individual paragraph. Apart from the latter makes threads longer and the author appear more pompous (IMHO) :)
 Long threads... - WillDeBeest
So to express our concern about threads that fill up with empty space and meaningless content, we can have an entire thread of empty space and meaningless content? On the same principle as the wasp trap in the pub garden, I suppose. Inspired!

We could corral all those annoying, space-stealing smilies here too.

 Long threads... - CGNorwich
Just cut out all those unnecessary vowels

So to express our concern about threads that fill up with empty space and meaningless content, we can have an entire thread of empty space and meaningless content? On the same principle as the wasp trap in the pub garden, I suppose. Inspired!


So to exprss our cncrn abt thrds tht fill up with empty spce and mnigless cntnt, we can hve an entire thrd of empty spce and mngless cntnt? On the sme prncple as the wsp trap in the pub grden, I sppse. Insprd!

75% saving. Sorted!
 Long threads... - Zero
we cd do it in txt spk.
 Long threads... - CGNorwich
--- .-. -- --- .-. ... .
 Long threads... - Zero
--- -. .-.. -.-- / -.. .. -.-. -.- .... . .- -.. ... / ..- ... . / -- --- .-. ... .
 Long threads... - madf
>> Just cut out all those unnecessary vowels
>> e.g
>> So to express our concern about threads that fill up with empty space and meaningless
>> content, we can have an entire thread of empty space and meaningless content? On the
>> same principle as the wasp trap in the pub garden, I suppose. Inspired!
>> becomes
>> So to exprss our cncrn abt thrds tht fill up with empty spce and mnigless
>> cntnt, we can hve an entire thrd of empty spce and mngless cntnt? On the
>> sme prncple as the wsp trap in the pub grden, I sppse. Insprd!
>> 75% saving. Sorted!

Rubbish. Just write better English. Viz:

On the same principle as the wasp trap in the pub garden, we can fill an entire thread with empty and meaningless comments about the same on other threads.

30% saving is words: far better English..I was edukated proper.
Last edited by: madf on Tue 30 Nov 10 at 18:04
 Long threads... - Avant
Focus, you are clearly a very patient man! Part of the test that I set interviewees is to write three short ten-minute 'essays' on business-related topics: and believe me, if it's all in one para (as often happens, and these are graduates) one loses the will to live after about half a page.

I agree that you don't need one-sentence paras as in the tabloids, but after two or three sentences a break (with a line gap) makes all the difference.
 Long threads... - Robin O'Reliant
The worst culprits are those who post on a thread when they have nothing to add of any value.
 Long threads... - R.P.
They were split originally in the BR as many were on dial up connections and it took an age to download anything that was longer than 100 posts or so. With broadband it isn't much of a problem but it has become so on smart phones. So the question is, do you want them split up or not..?
 Long threads... - rtj70
>> So the question is, do you want them split up or not..?

Possibly a yes for me. Scrolling down isn't such a problem on Android/iPhone (using the new tag) but scrolling back up can be on Android. On iPhone and iPod a double tap at the top of the screen takes you back to the top without scrolling.
 Long threads... - ToMoCo
I'd vote to have them split. Mainly due to mobile devices. Not that it bothers me that much, If it's a lot of work for the mods then, meh, who cares.
 Long threads... - rtj70
>> The worst culprits are those who post on a thread when they have nothing to add of any value.

Just like the above? :-)

Note the smiley.

Wouldn't the length of the thread be shorter overall if the number of characters per line could be increased? On a widescreen monitor most of us have space to spare.

I think the splitting of threads at 100 posts was an old self-inflicted forum management trait in the past and it's mainly been ditched now. It was extra work that is not needed.

I do read this forum on my Android and scrolling through some threads is tedious. Clicking on the 'new' tag jumps to the first new post as we will all know (I assume).
 Long threads... - VxFan
>> The worst culprits are those who post on a thread when they have nothing to add of any value.

I wouldn't say they're the worst. It's the small handful of people who never bother to snip and summarise when they quote the post they're replying to despite the onscreen message asking them to.
 Long threads... - Zero

that message is so annoying and intrusive.
 Long threads... - Robin O'Reliant
>> >> The worst culprits are those who post on a thread when they have nothing
>> to add of any value.
>> I wouldn't say they're the worst. It's the small handful of people who never bother
>> to snip and summarise when they quote the post they're replying to despite the onscreen
>> message asking them to.
My attempt at irony can go down as a failure. Maybe I should have used a smiley.

 Long threads... - rtj70
>> >> >> The worst culprits are those who post on a thread when they have
>> nothing
>> >> to add of any value.
>> >>
>> >> I wouldn't say they're the worst. It's the small handful of people who never
>> bother
>> >> to snip and summarise when they quote the post they're replying to despite the
>> onscreen
>> >> message asking them to.
>> >>
>> My attempt at irony can go down as a failure. Maybe I should have used
>> a smiley.

 Long threads... - Zero
My wife does the irony in our house.
 Long threads... - Iffy
...My attempt at irony can go down as a failure. Maybe I should have used a smiley...


Not the first one to fall on stony ground and it won't be the last.

 Long threads... - L'escargot
>> >> The worst culprits are those who post on a thread when they have nothing
>> to add of any value.
>> I wouldn't say they're the worst. It's the small handful of people who never bother
>> to snip and summarise when they quote the post they're replying to despite the onscreen
>> message asking them to.

And those who don't use the "Quote Original Message" button to indicate that it's a quote from someone else's post.
 Long threads... - SteelSpark
One thing to consider is that, if they are split, it may reduce their "findability" via search engines. Probably not by much, and maybe that is irrelevant to most people here, who actually have to navigate the pages.

Oh, and if you are looking for something in a thread, and use your browser's search function, it obviously won't find things on other (split) pages.
 Long threads... - Pat
Should we have a thread on forum etiquette....?

Or on the other hand should we just enjoy ourselves. Come on Guys, life's too short!

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