Motoring Discussion > Could pay - have paid Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Iffy Replies: 16

 Could pay - have paid - Iffy
Worry not, I've not gone soft.

But I have decided to pay a private parking ticket.

Had to visit a hospital earlier this week, it's NHS, but run under the private finance initiative.

Large site, lots of parking spaces, although none were free when I arrived.

Cutting a short story short, I parked on a double yellow line.

It was within the site, and I returned to the car to find a private parking ticket issued by Balfour Beatty Workplace.

The ticket demanded £25, or £15 if paid promptly.

Despite it being no more enforceable than the demand I received from the motorway service station, I've paid it.


Because the charge is reasonable, it would have cost me £3 or £4 to park had I been able to find a space, so we are only talking about £10 or so extra.

And had there been 'VIP parking' close to where I wanted to be for £15, which is effectively what happened, I would have taken it.

The only negative factor is I did spend some time chugging around the hospital grounds looking for a space.

That's not good for me or other hospital users.

I'm due back next year, and I might turn up five minutes before the appointment and park in the same place.

It's worth £15 to me to save the time and trouble of looking for a space.

 Could pay - have paid - sherlock47
and why do YOU think there were double yellows?

safety or visibilty or pedestrian issues?

access issues - taxis - ambulances - urgent access for medical staff?

may not be obvious - eg only access required under disaster planning arrangements?

or was it just a case of trying to frighten people into the pay car parks?
 Could pay - have paid - Iffy
...and why do YOU think there were double yellows?...

Fair point.

All I can say is I assessed that before parking.

There was room to get a fire engine past my car, and that was without driving over an adjacent traffic island, which it would have been easy to do.

No pedestrian issues I could see, my car was on a road, albeit not moving.

I accept these things are not always obvious, but I'm as certain as I can be my parking caused no one any difficulties.

I was more concerned about doing endless circuits of the hospital, making a noise and fumes.

There were plenty of other drivers doing the same thing.

 Could pay - have paid - RattleandSmoke
Could you have not parked in a street near by?
 Could pay - have paid - mikeyb
15 quid is not a lot more than overnight parking costs at our local maternity ward. If ours is that cheap then I'll just park right outside the door next time (subject to not blocking anyone / causing access issues)
 Could pay - have paid - movilogo
£15 as a penalty charge is quite reasonable IMHO.

It is still some finite amount which you can save by parking somewhere free (streets?) little bit far away.

So it acts as deterrent for inconsiderate parking and if someone does, just enough for the privilege.

 Could pay - have paid - R.P.
Iffy's got a point. Mind you the local hospital has just scrapped payments for the car-park - despite being on "private land" they work in "partnership" with the local authority and they enforce the extensive DYL system.
 Could pay - have paid - Iffy
...could you have parked nearby?...

Not easily - it's surrounded by urban A-roads with bus lanes and the like.

The responsible thing for next time would be to look into bus travel, which I might do.
Last edited by: Iffy on Sat 20 Nov 10 at 09:45
 Could pay - have paid - Zero
This is really not in the same ballgame.

Iffy parked on yellow lines. Now we know they are probably not legal, but we also all know what they mean and what the intention is. It clearly and unambiguously says to all "Don't park here"

Iffy knew that, he ignored it, they slapped his wrist with a no all together unreasonable demand for 15 quid, so he paid it.

Sense all round from everyone I think.
Last edited by: Zero on Sat 20 Nov 10 at 09:53
 Could pay - have paid - -
That Iffi blokes got some serious wonga and throws it round like confetti, if reincarbonated i'm going into his line of work.
 Could pay - have paid - Iffy
...That Iffi blokes got some serious wonga and throws it round like confetti...

Dunno about that.

I justified the expenditure on the basis it's a one-off, or at least infrequent, visit.
 Could pay - have paid - Focusless
>> I was more concerned about doing endless circuits of the hospital, making a noise and
>> fumes.

On holiday in Wales last year my son slipped on some rocks and we had to take him to the nearest hospital - I think it was Aberaeron. But it is located in what appeared to be a housing estate, with not enough official parking.

So we ended up parking on a road about half a mile away. Then while waiting in A&E, I saw a CRV go past the entrance 5 times IIRC, circling around looking for somewhere to park.

SWMBO has just started working in Reading's Royal Berks hospital, which is quite big and has its own pay-and-display car park. But it's not big enough - she has to pay over a hundred quid (annually, not per day!) for a staff place, but it doesn't guarantee that there'll be one available.
Last edited by: Focus on Sat 20 Nov 10 at 09:56
 Could pay - have paid - Ted

Our major teaching hospital uses a 'pay the machine on exit' system...fair enough, but they haven't looked to the future. It's all brand new, the A & E has it's own access for ambulances and cars are not allowed, except, I imagine a car carrying an emergency case. Even then, the car can be cleared quickly away from the doors.

There are two public car parks near the main for disabled which is always half full of non-badge holders. That one is free.
The other, where you pay, is always full. But, there are acres of mown grass. Very pretty but must cost money to maintain.
If these areas were turned into car parks then the situation would be much better and the hospital would make money instead of spending it.

I imagine the pretty surroundings are the last thing on people's minds when they arrive.

Our other, even newr, teaching hospital has included a 4 or 5 storey car park in the grounds together with quite a lot of blue badge parking in cront of the various departments.

The local community hospital has plenty of parking...ticket to get into the paystation to get out. Blue Badgers press the exit barrier intercom, hold badge out of the window and thank the man nicely. Simples !

 Could pay - have paid - Iffy
...and the hospital would make money...

Part of the reason I paid the £15 was because I thought at least some of it would find its way back to the hospital.

 Could pay - have paid - Injection Doc
there are some car parks nowdays that are so expensive its cheaper and more convienient to park on double yellow lines and just pay the fine within a few days.
One of our local car parks is 23.00 for the day and is a fair walk so its easier to park on yellow lines for the day and just pay the 25.00
 Could pay - have paid - Dave_
>> One of our local car parks is 23.00 for the day and is a fair walk so its easier to park on yellow lines for the day and just pay the 25.00

An old friend has been a computer tech since leaving school, he told me once of a job in Birmingham city centre where the nearest NCP was £15.00/day and the double yellow parking ticket was £16.00... so he parked right outside the door every day for a quid extra!
 Could pay - have paid - Ted

Article in the paper today saying the parking fines would go up to £120.

I didn't read the full report but that should help in bailing the Irish out !

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