What's the best way to do Gatwick to Devon tomorrow night? Will be leaving Gatwick at about 0030 in the morning.
Used the M4 / M5 a few weeks ago and it seemed OK but obviously it's about 50 miles further than the A303, which of course is closed. Is it worth taking the A303 and following the diversion?
* Thanks to the supreme example of joined up thinking from the Highways Agency the M4 was also closed the last time I did this journey, but that's another matter.
Diversions are no fun at the best of times, let alone in the middle of the night. I'd go M23 / M25 / M4 / M5.
Thanks for telling us that the A303 is closed - don't you get sick of these little tinpot tyrants who assume their job is more important than anyone else's.
At night, from the M25 J12 take the M3 to J3 then A322 to Bracknell and then A329 (M) to M4 might be worth considering.
Zero might confirm this
A303 every time from Gatwick. I too was unaware of a closure so go with Avant's advice.
Martin Devon.
I would go with the A303 and use the diversion.
Night time will mean it is running freely and during the day lorries are using it succesfully even if adding time to the journey.
Full details are available here
The A303. As Pat says at that time of night, diversion or not, it will be free running and 50 miles extra via motorway is a long way.
If you did motorway it, I would cut the M25/M4 corner off via M3/Bracknel as Henry suggested.
In the dark ages, when I drove V8's & XJ6's I would fly down the M4/M5 from S.London & stop at Honiton for a full English.
But these days, when flying is frowned upon - its gotta be M3/A303/A30 IMO.
I did Exeter to Guildford last Friday, my satnav diverted me south via the A35, sort of Dorchester - Wimborne and then back up onto the bottom of the M27 (iirc). It was a nightmare (Friday afternoon)
But the approved diversion isn't a huge amount better, its virtually taking you up to Bristol and then across. If I was you i'd go as far as you can on the A30 then A303, then try and divert south around Yeovil and then back up.
>> The A303. As Pat says at that time of night diversion or not it will
>> be free running and 50 miles extra via motorway is a long way.
>> If you did motorway it I would cut the M25/M4 corner off via M3/Bracknel as
>> Henry suggested.
Doesn't that just still just form a square? Only asking. Has anyone clocked it?
Best reg's .........M
yes i did a few years back
Its about 7 miles shorter via M3/ Bracknel / A329M than M25/M4
Only 7 miles - interesting; I'd thought more. Given the number of roundabouts on the Bracknell route, the difference in time taken may be even more marginal.
Yes, but on empty roads they are the fun bits. :-)
Time saved on the bracknell route is entirely dependent on time of day and traffic on either route.
Its marginal for those who want to carry on down the M25, for me its a no brainer route to M4 east due to where I live.
Thanks for the advice - was feeling lazy and couldn't be bothered to mess around with roundabouts and diversions so took the M4/M5 route. Shade under 4 hours with a 5 minute toilet stop.