Motoring Discussion > Dealing with deceased’s car info Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Bobby Replies: 20

 Dealing with deceased’s car info - Bobby
As mentioned elsewhere, FIL died on Thursday.
I spent the afternoon going through his email inbox just to get any info on anything that he may have in the way of online accounts. Noticed a glut of insurance comparison websites this week which showed his car insurance due.
Talked through his physical file box with paperwork and see he is insured with Admiral with several later this month. I have completed an online bereavement form on Admiral website where I nominated MIL , who is a named driver, to take over the policy.

But I seem to get conflicting info, is the insurance still valid until we get this sorted or does it cease with the death of the policyholder?

Also for the car itself, it would appear we just complete the V5 new keeper part with MILs details and send it away with a covering letter? Anyone experience of this?

Any suggestions/ pointers would be appreciated.
 Dealing with deceased’s car info - Dave
When my dad died last year, and mum was named on his car insurance, Tesco insurance said it stayed valid with her as named until renewal date, upon which they changed it to her name only, and with some sort of introductory dicount in lieu of NCD that she didn’t have. The car was already in her name for some reason.
 Dealing with deceased’s car info - Bromptonaut
No personal experience of this as both our Mothers and my partner's Father had surrendered their licences or stopped driving long before they died. Dad's car may have been in the garage at home for a day or two after his death but it was way too big for her confidence etc level. He'd only had it a year or so and and she sold it back to the supplying dealer pdq.

I suspect that in law a contract for a service dies with the customer. However, terms and conditions may allow some continuity or even transfer.

If the car's off the road then there's no legal need for insurance but you would still want it covered for fire/theft. If Admiral have a bereavement team they would be the obvious people to ask.
 Dealing with deceased’s car info - zippy
If it's not going to be insured for 3rd parties, don't forget to SORN it.
 Dealing with deceased’s car info - R.P.
Sorry to read of your loss, as mentioned my FiL died just before Christmas. No cars involved but other matters had to be dealt with. Lloyds' Bank came in worst (similar to when my first wife died now 16 years ago this coming Tuesday) close second was BT - absolutly dreadful - dozen or so long phone calls, being shifted from pillar to post. In the end as Bromp suggested had to mention that contrats finish upon death of the customer, they have a get out clause in their T&Cs......dreadful company.
 Dealing with deceased’s car info - bathtub tom
Similar problems dealing with Barclays after death of MIL. Not to mention selling my old property.
The building society had been transferred through several others after the mortgage was paid off. Barclays stated they had a claim on the property, but fortunately I'd retained the letter stating it was fully redeemed. Solicitor couldn't sort it and have you ever tried dealing with Barclays when you don't have an account there?
Took a lot of phone calls, but finally got through to someone who knew what they were dealing with!
 Deceased's car - R.P.
Triggered some memories. A couple of weeks after my wife's death I was asked out by a group of frieds to a film and a meal. I went in my wife's Golf GTi, still in her name on the V5 and insured in my name and with her as a named driver. I became a little unhinged during the meal and one of my best friends noticed this and decided to accompany me home. I drove the 20 miles home like a banshee ! He stayed with me that night.....still a very good friend.

I sold the Golf to my brother in law. Big mistake he lavished it with neglect and it rotted in front of my eyes...
 Dealing with deceased’s car info - Slightlyfatdirector
Sorry to hear your news Bobby.

When my wife died last year I had the similar questions.

I called the insurer (Aviva), explained the situation and they were quite happy to leave the insurance in place if I wanted to use the car. When the docs came through the policy name changed to "The executors of...." and I remained as a named driver, and that will continue until the policy ends. I subsequently added my son in law to the policy as a named driver, and this was no issue, just extra cost.

Just a a few days before she died I had gone to tax the car which was to be free of charge as she had a blue badge and PIP. This involved me taking the V5C and proof of PIP to the post office on her behalf and they wrote "Disabled" instead of Petrol on the V5C and they sent that off to the DVLA.

When she died it was not clear if the car was still taxed as it was 'paid for' by a benefit she was no longer getting and I could find no clarity on this or anyone to call.

When the V5C came back in her name with the 'Disabled' bit added I then had to send it back to have it changed to my name with a covering letter to ask how do I tax it, as when I go to do it online it says it's already taxed.

I got the V5C back in my name, went to tax it online again only to be told that it was still taxed. In the meantime I got a letter from them separately (with condolences) and telling me that I was right, the car needed to be taxed by me and I needed to pay for it.

It then turns out that despite making it clear that the Disabled bit no longer applied, they had left that on the V5C

After ages of trying to find the answer to the question an online chat told me I would need to take the V5C to a Post Office, along with proof of insurance and MOT and pay for the tax then and that's what I did. They wrote 'Petrol' instead of 'Disabled' on the V5C and have sent it off yet again. They also did not want to see the MOT or insurance docs.

I was lucky in that most of our bills were in my name and so much of the process of dealing with a death was very straightforward for me. What was a surprise was that most organisations seemed very happy to just see a scan of death certificate / will. You used to have to get an original certified copy and I did not need one at any point.

 Dealing with deceased’s car info - Slightlyfatdirector
Just read your message RP.

>>>>>sold the Golf to my brother in law. Big mistake he lavished it with neglect and it rotted in front of my eyes...

My wife's car was a Golf GTI too. Roary (the racing car) is his name. In the last years of her illness she would say that I couldn't get rid of the car once she died as he is too nice....

She suggested that our daughter might want it, but she sold her car as she lives in London and has no need for one, so for the time being I am holding onto it and just taking it to work one day a week.

2017 plate with less than 30k on the clock. Very quick and the DSG box is astonishingly quick.. I might just keep it as they say it's a potential future classic (one of the last with a 'normal' dashboard as opposed to the digital ones), but I still have an XKR itch that I keep wanting to scratch.....

Three cars really would make no sense at all though, what with my company car too.
 Dealing with deceased’s car info - Bromptonaut
>> After ages of trying to find the answer to the question an online chat told
>> me I would need to take the V5C to a Post Office, along with proof
>> of insurance and MOT and pay for the tax then and that's what I did.
>> They wrote 'Petrol' instead of 'Disabled' on the V5C and have sent it off yet
>> again. They also did not want to see the MOT or insurance docs.

Our new Superb was in the disabled class for previous owner. Dealer knew it had to be done at the PO and drive me up there with V5 etc. Year's tax of just under £200 paid and all good.

Waiting now for the V5 and then get our personal plate on it.

Getting quotes for towbars is a bit of a pain too.
 Dealing with deceased’s car info - Bobby
Just a wee update on this.

After notifying Admiral of the death of FIL they notified me that MIL would be covered till renewal date, 27 Feb. Confirmed this in an email with a phone number to call if we needed anything else.
I called them about the renewal and the end result was they will transfer the whole NCB into MILs name and renew the insurance at the same price as they paid last year.
Which was a great result for me as any quotes I’ve was getting on comparison websites for an 86 year old woman with no NCB were scary! And I didn’t fancy trying to contact individual companies and enquire about getting NCB for her through being a named driver for last 30 years.

So well done Admiral!
 Dealing with deceased’s car info - Bromptonaut
>> Waiting now for the V5 and then get our personal plate on it.

V5 arrived over the weekend while we were away.

Personal plate transfer done on line and I'll go into town ang get plates made up and fitted this afternoon.

Oddity with the tow bar in that selling Skoda dealer said that the approved Skoda one was pushing £2k fitted. Other quotes are less than half that.

However being a cautious guy and as we intend to keep the thing a good few years I thought I'd ask the local dealer - another branch of the same chain - to quote. They say they cannot do it - as far as I understood something to do with the electrical connection and security.

Waiting for the selling branch to give me their side of the story.
 Dealing with deceased’s car info - Bromptonaut
>> Personal plate transfer done on line and I'll go into town ang get plates made
>> up and fitted this afternoon.

Plate fitted by well known national chain this afternoon.

On getting home I realize the rear plate's not level!!

I'm not convinced they've not made a dog's breakfast of the fitting screws too.

Back tomorrow!!
 Dealing with deceased’s car info - Ted
Can't do mine yet, got to take the Herod to be MOT'd. I have put the new plate on to see what it looks like, black/silver of course, like the originals. Have to put the original G reg back on for the test.

Been ill for a couple of weeks but I did empty the boot of all the stuff the previous owner had given me. There was 2 inches of water in the spare wheel well which I syphoned out before I could find, and knock out the grommet. I had noticed a few drops on top of the tank so I had anticipated needing a new boot seal, which I've had for three weeks or so, to be fitted soon. The boot floor is good and solid so just needs a clean-up and paint.

Onward and upward !

Last edited by: Ted on Tue 11 Feb 25 at 17:16
 Dealing with deceased’s car info - bathtub tom
There's something in the back of my head about black plates only being legal on pre '67 vehicles.

Are you aware of the reserve setting on top of the petrol tank?
 Dealing with deceased’s car info - Bromptonaut
>> There's something in the back of my head about black plates only being legal on
>> pre '67 vehicles.

I think 67 was the year the current white/yellow plates came in.

The black ones were allowed until, IIRC, the early seventies but now seem to follow the 40years rule for 'historic' class vehicles.
 Dealing with deceased’s car info - Zero

>> The black ones were allowed until, IIRC, the early seventies but now seem to follow
>> the 40years rule for 'historic' class vehicles.

Current MOT rules.......

display white, grey or silver characters on a black background - only on vehicles manufactured before 1 January 1980

Registration plates fitted to vehicles manufactured on or after 1 January 1980 must:

have black characters on a white background when fitted to the front
have black characters on a yellow background when fitted to the rear
 Dealing with deceased’s car info - Kevin
>On getting home I realize the rear plate's not level!!

Easily rectified by adjusting tyre pressures...
 Dealing with deceased’s car info - tyrednemotional
...or parking half on the kerb...
 Dealing with deceased’s car info - Zero
>> ...or parking half on the kerb...

Plates fine, the air suspension has failed one side.
 Dealing with deceased’s car info - Dave_
Sorry for your loss Bobby.

When my Dad died in 2013, the change of ownership of his cars was just about the easiest thing I had to deal with. I sent off the V5s with a covering letter, and the replacement documents in my name arrived within a week, accompanied by a letter of condolence. If only everything else (or indeed anything else!) was as straightforward.
Last edited by: Dave_ on Fri 14 Feb 25 at 22:05
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