Motoring Discussion > BMW 5-Series E39 - Insurance claim Tax / Insurance / Warranties
Thread Author: Collos Replies: 2

 BMW 5-Series E39 - Insurance claim - Collos
I have a RHD BMW in Germany paid £2300 for it in the UK fully taxed an insured in the UK used mainly to travel to the UK as now retired I don't do much mileage.
A women driver came out of a side road hit the BMW police came as is the procedure in Germany attributed the fault soley to her,my car taken by the ADAC to a body shop a private engineer came (to me it was a right off) and would have been happy with £3k but no
the damage came to €9306 plus hire car plus one business return airfare to Manchester plus €30 for phone calls.I had no choice they have rebuilt the car new doors, wings front and back, sill,suspension ,wheels,two new tyres,countless bits of trim the list goes on I thought I was going to in the money but I had to have it repaired must admit it looks superb now the only bits not repainted are the bonnet and roof.
There were no questions asked by the other insurance company repairs were started straight away and took two weeks bit different from UK insurers ,apparently the car was valued at €7.5k and they are allowed to go to 130% of its value in repairs before its a scrapper.Anybody who wants to see the full report and pictures drop me their email and I will send them it makes wonderful reading.
 BMW 5-Series E39 - Insurance claim - Skoda
And quite right they were too. What a great machine the E39 is.
 BMW 5-Series E39 - Insurance claim - Perky Penguin
I am very pleased for you, and your car! That is a "Result" My e mail is in my profile if you care to send the details! Thanks
Last edited by: Perky Penguin on Mon 11 Oct 10 at 14:14
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