Motoring Discussion > Ferrari - Do not lend your Ferrari to strangers even for £15 Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Falkirk Bairn Replies: 6

 Ferrari - Do not lend your Ferrari to strangers even for £15 - Falkirk Bairn
Car dealer lends his car to raise money for charity. Punter crashes car and then car dealer claims he was driving!

I do not have a Ferrari but I would not lend my cars to a stranger for £15 even for charity. Would you lend your car?
 Ferrari - Do not lend your Ferrari to strangers even for £15 - Redviper
I would never lend my car to anyone but very immediate family (IE my dad who is very mechanically sypmathetic and a memeber of IAM), charity or not.
Last edited by: Redviper on Mon 11 Oct 10 at 09:02
 Ferrari - Charity Begins at Home &Honesty is the Best Policy - Perky Penguin
Bad Luck Sir!
 Ferrari - Charity Begins at Home &Honesty is the Best Policy - paulb
1) Someone biffing your nice motor when you are trying to raise a few quid for charity = bad luck.

2) Neglecting to arrange adequate insurance cover for the event contemplated = carelessness.

3) Making a fraudulent claim on normal insurance to try and rectify the consequences of 1) and 2) = folly.

But hey.
 Ferrari - Charity Begins at Home &Honesty is the Best Policy - FotheringtonTomas
It's a red car in the link in FB's earlier post:

This one's yellow.

threads merged
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 11 Oct 10 at 19:56
 Ferrari - Charity Begins at Home &Honesty is the Best Policy - Tooslow
That's because the paper couldn't be bothered to get a photo of the actual car so used a stock photo. Lucky they got a Ferrari, never mind the colour!

 Ferrari - Do not lend your Ferrari to strangers even for £15 - 832ark

>> I do not have a Ferrari but I would not lend my cars to a
>> stranger for £15 even for charity. Would you lend your car?

Think you got the wrong end of the stick there. It was the dealer driving giving passenger rides. When he got tired he got a friend of his to do the driving but the friend wasn't insured.
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