Motoring Discussion > Lady lorry driver Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Stuu Replies: 8

 Lady lorry driver - Stuu

Nice little story.
 Lady lorry driver - Berisford
Nottingham Palais eh.........................

.......................happy days, though from 20 years later.
 Lady lorry driver - Mike Hannon
The lorry in the first pic is a Bedford TK. Not too heavy on the steering one would hope.
Around 1960, probably earlier, I certainly recall a woman driver working for a firm at Launceston in Cornwall called Glover & Uglow. She drove a Leyland Octopus 8-wheeler. Now that was a man's job.
Last edited by: Mike Hannon on Sun 10 Oct 10 at 14:01
 Lady lorry driver - Iffy
...Leyland Octopus 8-wheeler...

Wonder why they called it an octopus? :)

 Lady lorry driver - Notdoctorchris
What a lovely and exciting tale.
I got out of the secure and well-paid life of medicine fairly recently as my mental health was in a nose-dive and the job was pure drudgery. The unpredictable and itinerant lifestyle of this lady really appeals, though I realise it was a very hard life.
The new woman in my life would appreciate this tale, I must show her. She's tried everything in her time but hasn't driven for 4 or 5 years (car licence only, not HGV, but she's done boxing so would have coped with those old wagons).
 Lady lorry driver - Dave_
So I'm not the first to take my daughter to work with me then...
 Lady lorry driver - Pat
I think it's a lovely story and well done to her.

 Lady lorry driver - Mike Hannon
>...Leyland Octopus 8-wheeler...

Wonder why they called it an octopus? :)<

Well, I felt I had to put it in...
There was also a Bison, a Beaver, a Hippo and a Buffalo. Only the Octopus was self-explanatory. :-)

I spent all my early years riding in the cabs of my father's lorries - including an Octopus - and all I ever wanted to do was be a lorry driver too. He wouldn't hear of it.
 Lady lorry driver - Chris S
Lady lorry driver? I wouldn't leave my car anywhere near her when she's parking!
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