Motoring Discussion > Parking Miscellaneous
Thread Author: smokie Replies: 11

 Parking - smokie
In Wokingham...,-0.8312998,3a,72.2y,144.79h,72.91t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNKqtj3mjgxkVZl1ThtD7ww!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDgyNy4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

If I were disabled, when can I park there?

And as I'm not, can I ever park there?
 Parking - Zero
>> If I were disabled, when can I park there?

Mon to Sat 8am to 6pm*

>> And as I'm not, can I ever park there?

No because bays clearly says "Disabled"

Not sure what your query is its very explicit and clear on the sign.

* Times explicitly displayed likely because surrounding roads have a 8:00am to 6:00 pm restriction.
Last edited by: Zero on Thu 29 Aug 24 at 15:17
 Parking - smokie
I agree, that's how I interpreted it.

It came up this morning on a local FB group, without the bay in the pic (which for me gives it away - without the bay I wasn't so sure). The group is up in arms (as it is about pretty much anything and everything :-) )

Apparently a disabled person parked in it after 6pm without displaying her badge and got ticketed.

They are fairly hot on parking here. The other week I waited in a nearby street while SWMBO visited the doc. The street is limited to 30 mins, no return in two hours. Shortly after my arrival a traffic enforcement officer came along taking pics and noting stuff. Shortly after that, the space in front became free, which is about as close as you can get to the docs so I edged forward into it

Same office came along about 5 mins later, tapped on my window and said if I moved right away she wouldn't give me a ticket. I agreed that I'd not been there even 15 minutes yet. She pointed out that by moving I'd cancelled my 30 minutes and couldn't return in 2 hrs. (So anyway the next bay along is a charging bay, subject, in the daft way of things, to the same restriction - how much charge can you get in on a 7kw charger in 30 mins? 4 miles if you're lucky! I asked can I go there. She asked if the car was electric and when I confirmed she said I could, so I did. And faffed about finding the charge cable and time-wasting till SWMBO came out, well within the 30 mins...)
 Parking - RichardW
Para 13.11.2 in tyrednemotional's post gives the info viz:

The times of operation may be included on the sign; outside these times any vehicle may park in the bay unless signs and markings indicate otherwise.

Hence non BB holders can park there outside of the stated times [otherwise IMO the restriction is nonsensical!]. Suggest the ticketed driver gets over to and gets some advice on appealing it.
 Parking - tyrednemotional
>> I agree, that's how I interpreted it.

...but is not as described in the link I provided (which gives a very similar example).
 Parking - smokie
I did read your link and thought it was saying the same. That's assuming the word "Disabled" written across the bay is a valid marking!

"The times of operation may be included on the sign; outside these times any vehicle may park in the bay unless signs and markings indicate otherwise."
 Parking - tyrednemotional
The "disabled" section in the document seems to indicate that bay marking is an optional extra, has no additional significance (presumably done for greater visibility), and that the vertical pole sign is the definitive rule.

I don't think the marking of the bay as disabled has any relevance here in terms of the bay(s) being or not being usable outside the posted times by anyone. (i.e. I think it's free-for-all outside the posted times).
 Parking - smokie
Oh OK!!

I know someone who (I think) knows the parking manager at the local council so I'll see if they can find out what the council think they are saying...
 Parking - tyrednemotional
Section 13.11.2 (page 162) here:

gives your answer.
 Parking - smokie
Completely unrelated to this thread but the thread has an appropriate name... this made me smile
 Parking - zippy
For a moment I thought he was going to exit via the sun-roof!
 Parking - bathtub tom
We had to convince our MIL to give up driving, when she got the car wedged sideways in the garage.
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