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Thread Author: legacylad Replies: 6

 Brittany Ferries - legacylad
2025 booking portal to Spain opened today

Considering Cantabria autumn 2025..coast & mountains, east to Cap Finisterre then ( as friends did last year) track the Spain/Portugal border south to Cadiz then return from Bilbao.
Last edited by: legacylad on Tue 16 Jul 24 at 20:16
 Brittany Ferries - Zero
Friends of mine sailed from Nothern spain, down the Portuguese coast to gib. They had a wonderful time.
 Brittany Ferries - legacylad
Was that a cruise or rubber dinghy ?
One of these days I’m going to investigate travelling on a cargo vessel, across an ocean, books to read and not a lot to look at.
Think the options these days are very limited..
 Brittany Ferries - Zero
>> Was that a cruise or rubber dinghy ?

Its a 50 foot catamaran. Its currently in Sicily I think, will be flying out to malta to see them in October.
 Brittany Ferries - legacylad
A friend of mine, once retired, was part of a small crew who delivered brand new vessels to their new owners.

The entire crew, bar the captain, jumped ship in Sicily....apparently the ‘transit’ crew were not allowed to use the toilets nor kitchen...had to cook on camping stoves and poo in buckets on the new owners instructions...which they were not informed of beforehand.

At the first transit point the captain went ashore, they had packed their meagre belongings surreptitiously and legged it as soon as he was out of sight. It was an unpaid job, but free sailing.
 Brittany Ferries - zippy
In a time before mobile phones were common, some friends had a yacht berthed at Rye Harbour and went around the world in it.

They were nearing retirement and sold it to buy a huge campervan, intending to tour Europe.

They hadn't had it for long and it was parked up on their drive, wheel and steering wheel clamped.

Some scrotes turned up in the early hours with a low loader and craned it on to the back.

Friends called the police then went out to confront them but they were brandishing baseball bats so he backed off - wisely.

The police were prompt, but they were gone by the time they turned up and the campervan was never found.
 Brittany Ferries - Boxsterboy
>> Friends of mine sailed from Nothern spain, down the Portuguese coast to gib. They had
>> a wonderful time.

I hope they weren't pestered by the over-inquisitive Orcas that can be a real problem down the Portuguese coast and into Gib? My brother sailed down there earlier this year on his way over the Atlantic (ARC), and they were OK, but apparently lobster pots can almost be a bigger problem.
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