Motoring Discussion > A Moo ving traffic offence. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 25

 A Moo ving traffic offence. - Zero
Last edited by: VxFan on Sat 15 Jun 24 at 21:32
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - zippy
If you have to put an animal down, there must be more effective and less painful ways.

Stains-Upon-Thames must have an armed response unit that could have used a shot to the animals head.
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - Manatee
I don't think they were trying to kill it, Shirley?
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - Zero
I think it was a round up attempt.
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - CGNorwich
Udderly irresponsible. The police heifer a lot of explaining to do.
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - Zero
clearly a bum steer
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - Zero
Staines does have an ARV. (I dont with this 'upon thames" shiesse, its always been Staines and will always be known as Staines,)
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - Robin O'Reliant
A massive own goal by plod when they've already scored a hatful in the last few years.
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - tyrednemotional
>> Staines does have an ARV.

...Animal Restraint Vehicle?....
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - smokie
They'd misunderstood orders to do a stake out.
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - Bromptonaut
The officers concerned are burgered now...
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - smokie
What's the beef about?
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - Robin O'Reliant
These ouns get well milked.
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - Ted
>> These ouns get well milked.

Are there any udders we should hear ?

 A Moo ving traffic offence. - smokie
I gather plod are doing the animal for inappropriate use of its horn.
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - VxFan
Is this available on MooTube yet?
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - Ted

It cud be.

 A Moo ving traffic offence. - smokie
I herd it was
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - tyrednemotional
.. don't you lot heifer give up?...
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - Zero
No we are on the horns of a dilema.
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - smokie
Haha have a pat on the back for that one.
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - bathtub tom
Will this end as an ox-tale?
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - VxFan
>> It cud be.

I managed to find it, but it keeps friesian up when trying to stream it.
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - smokie
Don't worry, Angus from Aberdeen will be along shortly to help!
Last edited by: smokie on Wed 19 Jun 24 at 11:45
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - Dog
Followed by Sir Loin no doubt.
 A Moo ving traffic offence. - VxFan
>> Don't worry, Angus from Aberdeen will be along shortly to help!

I have a feeling of Déjà Moo.
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