Motoring Discussion > B****** Again Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Bromptonaut Replies: 8

 B****** Again - Bromptonaut
Or rather bug grit.

Currently on our annual trip to Harris.

On the way up something hit the Fabia's windscreen and a foot long crack propagated across it as we drove through the Highlands and Skye last Saturday. As I suspected getting a windscreen out here and fitting it by close of play tomorrow is a logistical bridge too far and it'll have to stay as it is until we get home. They'll do it next Monday.

Today we were returning from our day's activates around Northton and Obbe. One bit of the road is being resurfaced my the technique of spraying it with tar and dumping chippings the nleaaving the cars to do what a road roller should.

Coming off that section it was apparent that we had a problem. A grating noise from the offside front. Either a wheel bearing issue or a bit of gravel somewhere.

Bearing in mind the possible need for a breakdown contractor to come from Stornoway I played safe and rang LV/Britannia. The agent was pretty good but the idea that you'd find us after about eight miles by following the main road past Tarbert and you'd see us was a bit much for him to grasp!!

Glad I called asap as the contractor was in Arnol - about 90 minutes away.

I then set about removing the wheel. That done I located and liberated a piece of road chipping caught between the inboard face of the disc and a 'backing plate' a few mm inboard.

Wheel back on, phone call to Arnol guy who'd let us know he was on his way and to LV and the job's a good un.

Chapeau to the two folks who stopped and asked if we were OK.

My son, who has inherited his mechanical knowledge via a skipped gene from my Father says:

Well that's all well and good but where are those genes when I need them
 B****** Again - Bobby
I had to do the exact same thing to my wife’s Beetle last week.

Phone call from her that the car is making a very bad noise. Told her to pull over and I would come and see. Definitely noise from front offside wheel.

Jack car up and wheel off and see the exact same thing as above. Except I couldn’t get to the wee stone that was jammed in.

Eventually I got a couple cable ties from the boot of my car, joined them together and then with lots of wiggling motion managed to free the stone and everything was hunky dory again.

We have red stones in our driveway and pretty sure it came from that.

Incidentally, I have Michelin Crossclimates on my own car and in the warmer times of the year, the stones jam into the softer tyre tread. Need to wiggle the wheel as I reverse out to let them fall back out.
 B****** Again - smokie
We had some sort of small stoned gravel here for a while, I think I'd gone over a flower bed with it to give us a bit more parking room when we get the second car.

The gravel was forever getting picked up in the tyre treads and sprayed over the front and the sidewalk. Irritating. So we paved it over properly :-)
 B****** Again - Lygonos

A piece of our driveway 20mm red granite chip got inside a void behind the front disc of my MG ZS a few years ago - made a horrific jangling/scraping noise as the wheel turned.

Had to take the wheel/caliper off to remove the disc and out plopped the stone.
 B****** Again - Bobby
Red granite chip - is that the official description Lygonos?
I knew no one would understand me if I said red chuckies!
 B****** Again - Zero
>a foot long crack propagated across it as we drove through the Highlands and Skye last Saturday. >As I suspected getting a windscreen out here and fitting it by close of play tomorrow is a logistical >bridge too far and it'll have to stay as it is until we get home. They'll do it next Monday.

Windscreen crack? that's a 'get it done the week before the next mot" diary slot in chez zero.
 B****** Again - Bromptonaut
>> Windscreen crack? that's a 'get it done the week before the next mot" diary slot
>> in chez zero.

Whatever it was that hit the screen did so low down on the offside. The crack is directly in the driver's field of view and 'flashes' when passing vehicles going the other way.

Given it doesn't get dark here until midnight I've not tried it after 'lighting up time' but I suspect it'll be a real distraction.
 B****** Again - Zero
I was hauling down the M20 in Kent, approaching a gravel truck, when I got three bullet holes in the screen, in a perfect line, right, left and centre.

As it was line of sight, each starred, I informed the insurance co (covered with no loss of NCB) who because it was a Beeme, sent me to a fitting centre* in Aldershot,

I rocks up.

"blimey" he says "what happened here?"

"Drive by shooting" says I

"Funny that" he says "I had one the other day, with 4 holes, front and rear, from the officers mess car park". "accidental discharge they said"

 B****** Again - Bromptonaut
New windscreen installed on Monday by a contractor to whom Autoglass had subbed out.

All looks good but I forgot to put my phone cradle back. I don't actually need satnav to get to Kettering Hospital where we do appointments on a Thursday but it would have been useful to know there were roadworks creating a hold up on the A508.....
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