Motoring Discussion > Toyota RAV-4 - Driver Assist system fails
Thread Author: Kevin Replies: 9

 Toyota RAV-4 - Driver Assist system fails - Kevin clean up the gene pool.
 Toyota RAV-4 - Driver Assist system fails - Fullchat
The news article was painful to read.

if someone alleges a mechanical defect the vehicle has to be inspected.

She didn't. It wasn't and the court didn't believe her fabricated excuses either.

Case closed.

Noted that the collision was between Southampton and Glastonbury and the case was heard in Barnsley.
Last edited by: Fullchat on Tue 21 May 24 at 19:12
 Toyota RAV-4 - Driver Assist system fails - Robin O'Reliant
"The driver was spoken to under caution by officers where, when asked, she was noted no recent issues with her vehicle. She did not mention any defects through the course of the interview."

 Toyota RAV-4 - Driver Assist system fails - zippy
When Lane Keeping Assist was first introduced, I remember Honest John kicking up a stink about it by saying how dangerous it was, e.g. you could be driving along, need to swerve to avoid a kid running in to the road and the system wouldn't let you.

My experience of LKA is that even the pressure from my little finger can override the automatic steering.

It is rather cool to take ones hands off the wheel and see the car follow the white line markers.
 Toyota RAV-4 - Driver Assist system fails - Fullchat
"You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defence IF YOU DO NOT MENTIONED WHEN QUESTIONED SOMETHING WHICH YOU LATER RELY ON IN COURT. Anything you do say may be given in evidence."
 Toyota RAV-4 - Driver Assist system fails - Zero
"Diane says she was moving from a 60mph zone into a 40mph zone.

She says the car went straight on at a bend despite turning the wheel after it was pulled out of her hand "by the car" and started spinning."

Picture looks like the road was wet. Looks like a typical case of lift off oversteer to me.
 Toyota RAV-4 - Driver Assist system fails - Manatee
Even supposing she is being truthful, it illustrates a problem with this type of driver assist.

She seems to be saying the car should have followed the lines, ergo it wasn't her fault.

White lines are frequently worn out, and even where they aren't they can be hard to distinguish when the road is wet and the surface reflective. What I assume to be the oncoming car also has its headlamps on. I'm not surprised the lanekeeping didn't react. Is it even realistic to expect it to manage cornering?

When people start assuming the car will bail them out the project has failed.
 Toyota RAV-4 - Driver Assist system fails - Bromptonaut
Her sense of entitlement seems to have no bounds.

Whether it's down to her garbled account or poor writing by the paper what's being suggested by Ms Brian isn't 100% clear. She seems however to think the automation makes it 'impossible' for the car to cross a white line. I'm reminded of those people who, when ABS was a new thing, thought it meant they could defy the laws of physics.

Agree with Z that it looks as though she may have had lift off problems or that Newton took over and the car went straight on. We have bend on the road out of the village that's susceptible to that kind of accident. Most recent was this morning; wet road after a short dry spell. The fence on the road was replaced about a for night ago after the last demolition.

Heard in Barnsley 'cos that's where she lives, probably a concession to her disabilities.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Wed 22 May 24 at 11:06
 Toyota RAV-4 - Driver Assist system fails - Fursty Ferret
Since when do you need a car to attend a “safe and considerate driving” course?

Perhaps she’d got used to letting the car provide a nudge when drifting towards the white line and this time it didn’t? But she sounds like a chancer, especially going in with a recall notice for something completely irrelevant. And if I were a magistrate I’d have raised the question as to why she was in the car that is, in her opinion, unsafe to drive yet in full knowledge of that fact.

Having said that I’m cursing the contractor who dug a channel down 10 miles of A-road near me and refilled it with concrete and not tarmac. The line isn’t even straight but weaves drunkenly left and right across the lane, and the car frequently sees it as the central white line or the edge of the road.
 Toyota RAV-4 - Driver Assist system fails - Bromptonaut
>> Since when do you need a car to attend a “safe and considerate driving” course?

Trying my very best for the woman the write off was a Motability car and perhaps she'd no transport without it :-)
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