Motoring Discussion > big breaking news Tax / Insurance / Warranties
Thread Author: Bellboy Replies: 8

 big breaking news - Bellboy
you heard it here first
ebay in talks with major insurer players to offer online motor/other insurance policies via their site
you wont find this information via google im afraid as im reporting from under their table
 big breaking news - MD
Table of Rates?
 big breaking news - Bellboy
can talk loud they are havings schnapps at the mo
 big breaking news - movilogo
Why it is a big news? Isn't it just putting a link to some car insurance sites at their site - in a same way we see various ads in car4play site?

 big breaking news - Bellboy
time will tell-
boy some shoes smell down here :-(
 big breaking news - -
Any Commando's?
 big breaking news - Bellboy
lots of tuff shoes though with hidden compasses
 big breaking news - -
and some fell on stony ground....;)
 big breaking news - R.P.
I'm still wondering about the "commando style raids" the news were going on about - that was some mental image.
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