Motoring Discussion > Whoops2 Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Dog Replies: 24

 Whoops2 - Dog
 Whoops2 - Netsur
Serves her right!

She probably never had a driving licence and would be a menace behind the wheel. Why is she permitted on one of these scooters. They just get in the way.
 Whoops2 - Ted

Obviously been ditched by her partner !

 Whoops2 - Bromptonaut
Maybe I'm missing something but this looks like an unfortunate accident - perhaps had to manoevre suddenly to avoid a child?

That lady is somebody's wife/sister/mother. Not sure it's fair to wave the picture round on the internet for the rest of us to giggle at.
 Whoops2 - Dog
>>Obviously been ditched by her partner!<<

S'funny you should say that, my m8 sent me the photo as an idea for a caption competition, and his offering was "Should have gone to Specsavers".
 Whoops2 - Old Navy
I am sure her insurance will cover the damage to the barrier, hole, scooter, and any medical expenses.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Thu 7 Oct 10 at 11:58
 Whoops2 - FotheringtonTomas
Oh dear, I do hope she was OK and not injured. A fall like that for someone elderly and disabled could be quite nasty.
 Whoops2 - Bellboy
too many of these nasty things using the roads these days by arrogant people who never drove a car but buy these things on 10 bob a week drip
dammed nuisance they should keep to pavements and 2mph
oh and that picture is very very old.....
 Whoops2 - hobby
To be fair to her looking at the location of the road and the kerb it looks like she was on the pavement... though they would apear to have dug a hole in it which she's fallen into!

I'd agree that they can be dangerous on pavements, however, at the risk of offending some people I feel that the potential danger from cycles on pavements is far worse than from those things... at the moment...
 Whoops2 - Dog
I posted that picture purely for its visual impact + a tenuous motoring connection,
obviously I am as concerned as anyone about the outcome of it all,
I know nothing about these buggies or whatever they are called,
or whether they are road legal or meant to be used on the pavement,
I don't see em here in Cornwall, too many ills I spose.
I can just imagine a victor mildew type person in one though :(
 Whoops2 - FotheringtonTomas
>> too many of these nasty things using the roads these days by arrogant people

That's cars you're talking about, isn't it? How many people are killed and injured by arrogant people driving *them* - lots and lots.

I have only seen mobility scooters on the roads a few times.

>> who never drove a car but buy these things on 10 bob a week drip

They're used by disabled people. They help disabled people to get out and about, which often they can't, unless they have one of these things. Many disabled people buy them themselves, and don't get funding for them.

>> dammed nuisance they should keep to pavements and 2mph

Most are driven on the pavement. Most cause no problems. Most are not driven recklessly. Laws apply to mobility scooters and their use.

>> oh and that picture is very very old.....

I agree there - it's about 5 years old, I should think.

The attitude of arrogant people who object to these things in general, stinks. It's a similar attitude, in my opinion, to people who arrogantly occupy disabled parking spaces. One is tempted to hope that a few of these sad individuals get a taste of what it's like to *need* to have mobility aids.
 Whoops2 - Bellboy

quote...............A spokesman for Avon and Somerset Police said: "Because mobility scooters are not classed as a 'motor vehicle', legislation such as the unsafe carriage of goods or driving without reasonable consideration does not apply............unquote
Last edited by: Bellboy on Thu 7 Oct 10 at 16:18
 Whoops2 - hobby
If they really wanted to, BB, there are other laws they could use to prosecute him... Just they don't seem interested in this case.
 Whoops2 - FotheringtonTomas
Are you trying to say that no legislation applies to mobility scooter users?

Here is a clip of the carpet-carrying prat, for your enjoyment:
 Whoops2 - Pat
Good for him!

There's a certain sense of immense satisfaction about NOT having to ask for anyone else's help.

 Whoops2 - R.P.
As said in one of the comments on the vid - looks just like a giant reefer that !
 Whoops2 - Clk Sec
He's earned his wings.
 Whoops2 - bathtub tom
We've been here before.

I think you'll find that they now have to be registered, although they don't need to carry registration plates.

They're restricted to 4MPH on the footpath, but if they're equipped with lights and mirrors, they're allowed on the road with an 8MPH limit.
 Whoops2 - Bromptonaut
>> They're restricted to 4MPH on the footpath, but if they're equipped with lights and mirrors,
>> they're allowed on the road with an 8MPH limit.

I regularly see one of the latter on the A45 between Weedon and Dodford welll after 9:30 on a night when I'm bringing Bromp junior home from the ATC. This is a main trunk road with lots of HGV traffic and a mix of NSL and 40 limits where it skirts villages. The driver is an old bloke who looks as though he's going home from the pub/club.

He rightens me to death!!
 Whoops2 - FotheringtonTomas
>> Good for him!

Yes, but, he could've done it a bit better - arrange it like a lance, or at least put flashing beacons along the end... I agree with BB that it was slightly silly to carry it that way.
 Whoops2 - Pat
I agree FT, it was everso silly, but sometimes silly is fun and just has to be done!

 Whoops2 - MD
Shag pile?
 Whoops2 - Bagpuss
>> Here is a clip of the carpet-carrying prat, for your enjoyment:

I wonder which is worse. Carrying a carpet on a mobility scooter in a dangerous if rather entertaining attempt to save a few quid in delivery charges, or driving one-handed whilst using a camcorder to film it.
 Whoops2 - Pat
On the subject of silly things...........

Some years ago I decided I wasn't going to have a Christmas Tree, but early on Christmas Eve morning I relented.

I drove the 5 miles to our local DIY store and bought a bigger one than I wanted because that's all that was left.

Needless to say, it wouldn't fit in my Capri at all, however we tried.

Suddenly it all became clear.......

I sat my passenger in his seat, wound down the window and got him to get a firm grasp of the Christmas tree and hold it upright, close to the side of the car.

We had a steady, but humorous ride home:)

 Whoops2 - MD
Did you give the brush off to any pedestrians or were the needled at the sight of it all?
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