Motoring Discussion > Crit’Air sticker Miscellaneous
Thread Author: CGNorwich Replies: 16

 Crit’Air sticker - CGNorwich
Just a reminder that if you intend to visit France and are visiting certain cities you meet a Crit’Air sticker. You need to apply before you go. No sticker = hefty fine.
 Crit’Air sticker - Rudedog
I have one, very easy to get via their website.

Just wondering if I need the German equivalent (green 4) for just skirting around the boards?

Can't find the same type of official website as the French one - eBay has them for about £7 (inc postage) I'm guessing I need to copy much the same as I did for the CA sticker?
 Crit’Air sticker - tyrednemotional
...I think this is where I came in to this forum....

You can obtain the German one at many car dealers in Germany itself, or at TüV stations and equivalent, but if you want one in advance, or to avoid any misunderstanding over the contents of your UK registration documents, then getting one by mail from the Berlin local authority is both cheap and easy.

(Delivered rapidly by post with Teutonic efficiency)
 Crit’Air sticker - Runfer D'Hills
I have both on the Merc, which would have been great if that was the car we took this summer…
 Crit’Air sticker - R.P.
I was intending to to go to Boulonge this summer. Although it appears I don't need one of these, I applied (lust in case I wandered elesewhere). what a palava
 Crit’Air sticker - Boxsterboy
£7 for the French Crit Air which lasts the life of the vehicle seems more than fair to me. I've got one, just in case we stray or the zones expand.
 Crit’Air sticker - Rudedog
Where should these be stuck in a RHD car as you only get one chance?

I'm thinking of when I'm parked up and a 'warden' might want them on the pavement side even on a RHD car.

My UK sticker is on the rear lefthand side which I thought best being on the outside when driving on the right.

In reality does it actually matter?
 Crit’Air sticker - Dave_
Mine’s in the lower offside corner for the reason you suggested.
 Crit’Air sticker - Rudedog
So for a RHD car they should be on the same side as the driver? If I put them (French & German) in bottom right then I'm hoping it doesn't block my view when turning in.

 Crit’Air sticker - tyrednemotional
...crit'air and Umweltplakette both in lower o/s portion of windscreen...

(It helps that the motorhome has a big screen ;-) )
Last edited by: tyrednemotional on Fri 11 Aug 23 at 22:17
 Crit’Air sticker - sherlock47
£7 ?

Did you get ripped off by a 'non-value add' site? I am sure that I only paid 3-4£!
 Crit’Air sticker - Duncan
3.70 - can't remember if it's pounds or euros.

"French or foreign motorists can order the sticker online on the website of the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition (the only official site authorised to issue them, beware of scams! ): (External link)
The cost is 3.70€ plus postage (3,11€ + 1,50€). The estimated delivery time is 5 to 10 days.
Please note that offending vehicles will be fined 68€ for a private car and 135€ for a coach.

More information on the official website of the Crit'Air certificate: (External link) (available in English, German, Italian, Spanish)."
 Crit’Air sticker - Boxsterboy
Yes it was €4.61 - don’t know why £7 came to mind.
Instructions say (in French) bottom right hand corner (so off-side to us), and the sticker is very sticky!
 Crit’Air sticker - Bromptonaut
We're off to France this afternoon. I'd read this thread last year and made a mental note to get a Crit'Air thing but forgot until last week when one of Mrs B's friends told her they were mandatory. They're not unless you intend to enter one the the cities that require them.

Nearest one to where we're going is Clermont Ferrand. No need or intention to go there although last time we were in that neck of the woods we were with a friend who needed to go as he needed a replacement jockey wheel for his caravan.

There are also circumstances, high pollution, where the Puy de Dome region can, or at least has powers to, impose restrictions.

Thought at first we we're too late as they come by post and some sources suggest they take a while to process. Further reading and thought we'd be better if we could show we tried and applied on line 24 hours ago.

With surprising efficiency, particularly since today is both Dimanche and quatorze Juillet, by the time I got up this morning a temporary certificate was in my email.

Chapeau to the Service de délivrance des certificats qualité de l'air!!
 Crit’Air sticker - CGNorwich

No need to capitalise months and day of week in French.

Best wishes
International pedant.
 Crit’Air sticker - tyrednemotional

>> Best wishes
>> International pedant.

Which reminds me. Did anyone get any news about Duncan?

I know questions were asked at the time of his disappearance, but I'm not aware of any conclusion.
 Crit’Air sticker - legacylad
September 2024 I crossed Newhaven - Dieppe en route to Spain, so paid approx €5 for the sticker. Drove through Rouen on a Sunday, was going to look around, but changed my mind...roadworks through the centre and I decided to crack on.

I wasn’t sure if Crit’Air was needed but glad I had it.

No plans for France again....both road trips in 2025 are directly to Spain from Portsmouth, 21:30 BF crossing, two nights at sea with an outside cabin. Hang the expense. It ain’t cheep, especially travelling solo.
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