How would you go about promoting an idea for adoption into the highway code?
The problem with the idea isn't so much that i think it would be opposed, but that it falls squarely into the "who cares" bracket for most drivers.
In various countries there is guidance that in busy stop / start traffic on a motorway (or dual carriageway), traffic in lane 2 stays to the left, and lane 3 stays to the right. It creates an empty lane 2.5 for emergency vehicles (might be a safety boost for bikers too?).
A lot of our motorway network has hard shoulders, but a family member who's a traffic cop says that's the last resort, because the last thing you want is a puncture on a hurry up call.
It's a trivial thing really, there's only a very small benefit but similarly there's only a small cost: it wouldn't cost much to include in the discussions for the next revision (i'm guessing there are revisions scheduled every so often?) and if agreed it's just an extra paragraph in the published text.
I like the idea of a forward step, an improvement, even if it is tiny.