My brother is buying a new car. Short list was down to an A3 or an A Class.
Even ordering now, the A3 delivery date was given as December which I thought was pretty reasonable.
But the Merc dealer has an A Class coming in, in the exact spec and colour he wants, at end of September. So the A Class won.
Interestingly, they are paying cash and got a discount off the RRP which I didn’t think was possible in these times.
>> Interestingly, they are paying cash and got a discount off the RRP which I didn’t
>> think was possible in these times.
New car sales have tanked. Discounts are now the norm.
House prices have also softened considerably in the last two weeks.
As Mercedes has just announced the end of the A Class, prices might be a bit soft as a consequence.
Don’t think that’s till 2025 though?
I don’t know about the supply of Benz GLCs, but a friend has just sold his GLC 45 AMG to a third party online buyer, after 3 years of ownership, for £2k more than he paid for it.
Admittedly he bought it as an ex demo with £10k off list, but that’s a good result.
There’s a guy along the road from me who, since prob mid 2020 , has had
Merc Coupe
Speaking to him he says he has not lost a penny over the course of the 5 cars so far, with the high end ones being sold for more than he paid for them.
He is extremely anal about car care. Without a word of a lie the car gets washed 3 times a week. And not just washed, we are taking dried polished etc. Even during winter.
He puts his car out in the street when he is doing it presumably to stop all the snow foam and chemicals landing on his driveway. The tarmac on the road is actually all marked with the shape of bottom of tyres where he obviously sprays tyre sheen on them every time.
Not sure what car he is waiting on now.