Motoring Discussion > Warranty on 2nd hand Buying / Selling
Thread Author: MD Replies: 12

 Warranty on 2nd hand - MD
If I purchase a used van from a dealer is there such a thing as sold as seen or are they obliged to provide some form of warranty?

 Warranty on 2nd hand - Falkirk Bairn
How old, mileage and price paid.

£500 for a 12 year old escort van is "buyer beware", £5,000 has a warranty value on purchase,
 Warranty on 2nd hand - Tigger
Van dealers often see their business as trade to trade sales. So they often quote a price ex VAT for instance (not allowed if selling to consumers).

If its a sale to a consumer ... No legal obligation to provide a 'warranty' per se, but they do have sale of goods act responsibilities.
Last edited by: Tigger on Sun 26 Sep 10 at 07:26
 Warranty on 2nd hand - MD
06plate £8k. 30k miles. This is from a dealer, but no vat. He 'thinks' the first and only owner was a one man band builder who went squit. If he acquired it at auction say and the vendor was not vat registered wouldn't he still have to vat it upon resale?

 Warranty on 2nd hand - matt a
No, he can sel it under the margin scheme if there was no vat on it when he bought it ie the last owner was not vat registered etc . In otherwords you pay the price and he pays the vat on his profit much the same as he would on a car transaction
 Warranty on 2nd hand - Zero
>> 06plate £8k. 30k miles. This is from a dealer, but no vat. He 'thinks' the
>> first and only owner was a one man band builder who went squit.

He thinks? he doesn't know?

Make sure he knows if it has finance outstanding, or if its likely to be seized by the inland revenue or creditors, or is even still on lease with someone else.

 Warranty on 2nd hand - MD
I'm Listening. Will HPI show it all up. I have heard of them not getting it right.
 Warranty on 2nd hand - Zero
>> I'm Listening. Will HPI show it all up. I have heard of them not getting
>> it right.

It should tell you some of that. Wont tell you if someone else has laid claim to it.

 Warranty on 2nd hand - Hugo
It should tell you about outstanding finance though Zero.

In any case, I would have thought that a van sale or car sale via a dealer would be subject to exactly the same consumer rights. After all the dealer is selling to the end user - IE general public, which in this case Martin is.

If Martin was buying it to sell on and the deal was a proper 'trade' deal between 2 dealers then the situation is different.

However, if Martin then decides to replace it after a few years or just sell it then he can do so privately or through a dealer.

In this instance his legal obligations as a private seller would be the same as if it were a car, motorbike, van, bus etc. Chopping it in as a P Ex, again it's the same for him whether he trades in a car, motorbike, van, bus etc.
 Warranty on 2nd hand - Mapmaker

>> In any case, I would have thought that a van sale or car sale via
>> a dealer would be subject to exactly the same consumer rights. After all the dealer
>> is selling to the end user - IE general public, which in this case Martin
>> is.
>> In this instance his legal obligations as a private seller would be the same as
>> if it were a car, motorbike, van, bus etc. Chopping it in as a P

 Warranty on 2nd hand - Collos
Don't keep us all in the dark.
 Warranty on 2nd hand - Hugo
>> >> In any case, I would have thought that a van sale or car sale
>> via
>> >> a dealer would be subject to exactly the same consumer rights. After all the
>> dealer
>> >> is selling to the end user - IE general public, which in this case
>> Martin
>> >> is.
>> >> In this instance his legal obligations as a private seller would be the same
>> as
>> >> if it were a car, motorbike, van, bus etc. Chopping it in as a
>> P
>> Wrong.

OK, but why or how?
 Warranty on 2nd hand - Mapmaker
On a B2B sale, SOGA may - to an extent - be disapplied, hence a dealer is not required to apply the sorts of warranties you would expect as an individual.
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