For the last couple of years my Fabia has been insured with Direct Line.
Earlier this month I received an email inviting renewal. This linked me through to their website with a premium broadly the same as last year, c£250, with a clear statement that it would auto renew on 29-01-21.
Explored other quotes via (a) a local broker and (b) a comparison site. Former was less than DL but only £15 or so. Latter was Hastings Direct at £202. That was however a fairly basic policy and my previous experience with Admiral group is that they find reasons to jack up their quotes once your passed to them from the comparison site. Decided to leave as is.
I then got two letters from DL suggesting renewal action might be needed.
Rang them this morning. System, like that for Universal Credit, obsessively assumes you can go on line; I'd already tried their 'chat bot' and found it useless. After a 20 minute wait I was advised they could not auto renew as no bank details held.....
Now done and paid over the phone (a pullava of its own) and complaint made.
Wonder what their attitude would be if I'd relied on auto-renewal and then got pulled via ANPR...
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Mon 24 Jan 22 at 11:00