It is rather tight!!!
Pretty sure there was a similar set up down in Great Yarmouth when we were there in summer.
Definitely breathed in as I went through it.
Here's one in Sheep Walk, Shepperton.
No doubt there are lots around the country.
The set up is designed to stop Woodend Ave being used as a rat run for goods vehicles on the A405.
The only thing stopping sub 7 foot cars using it is drivers failure to (a) judge the gap and (b) reduce speed accordingly.
I'm surprised the original article didn't say the guy who had put up a camera was breaking GDPR or something. Thought you weren't allowed to point cameras into the street.
There is something similar in Wokingham, but without the high poles alongside, designed to push larger traffic round the main road. However as the other direction in the road is a bus route, the width restriction only applies on one side. Drivers of larger vehicles (I mean SUVs and vans) have often been known to go through on the wrong side, much to the annoyance of a surprising number of people on social media.,-0.8334114,3a,75y,229.99h,89.22t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ssT09r3pzv5GhZjcJk5RiMw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
I did have a bit of an online ding-dong with one driver of a large SUV who moaned that the gap was too small and she was damaging her tyres each time she used it. She wasn't happy that I suggested she just used the main road, which is about 20 seconds slower usually.
>> It is rather tight!!!
Just looked at it with streetview. Its not tight its dangerous. The (SIX!!!) bollards are below side window height, one of the bollard bases sticks out beyond the kerb. Pretty sure if someone wanted to sue the council for damages in court they might have a good shout.
It looked very [stupidly] narrow with a car going through it, but look at this....,-0.3791336,3a,75y,222.25h,90.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1stZq-eOnV5F6YP9vGvM2pfw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
If I've done it right that shows a Luton type thing going through, and he seems to have found sufficient space.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Tue 14 Dec 21 at 09:39
>> If I've done it right that shows a Luton type thing going through, and he
>> seems to have found sufficient space.
I noticed that as well. The Luton body may be above the level of the posts which I agree are brutal. Could be caught out there with the caravan which is only just short of 7 feet wide.
>>Could be caught out there with the caravan which is only just short of 7 feet wide.
...s'ok. Just pretend you're a bus.....
This local one is 6 inches narrower (as is the one smokie pointed out in Wokie) and I never hear of any issues:
Big LWB pick up just gone through it. But then again you'd only get a Humphed alloy wheel here, rather than a bollard down the side. The Watford one needs the bollards moving in to the pavement a bit, as with this one, or use the cone-shaped things seen here on the other side instead.
>> This local one is 6 inches narrower (as is the one smokie pointed out in
>> Wokie) and I never hear of any issues:
>> Big LWB pick up just gone through
What is that lovely thing?
Looks like a great wall pick up.
>> What is that lovely thing?
Toyota, by the looks of the badge.
>> Big LWB pick up just gone through it. But then again you'd only get a
>> Humphed alloy wheel here
Yes - where is Humph?
Not sure Crankcase, but I do know he’s been driving since 1975, never had an accident, never even so much as scratched a car in fact, other than that one time, 6 blinking years ago, when he ever so slightly grazed a wheel on a protruding kerbstone. In a moment of weakness, he shared his chagrin about that on here.
I think he should be cut some slack to be honest.
Last edited by: Runfer D'Hills on Tue 14 Dec 21 at 12:30
he cant even have a proper accident
I think he should be admired for reintroducing the skill of ricochet parking.
I think it is worth mentioning that we only have his word that it is his wife who hates door mirrors.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Tue 14 Dec 21 at 13:45
Ah, there you are, Runfer. Just seemed a long time since your good natured wit had popped up here.
One of the cars that hit the Watford bollards is a Toyota Aygo. Possibly the narrowest of all modern cars!
I wondered quite how they managed to launch themselves quite so far off the ground. When you see it from that angle behind the Luton, it seems they must have just been catching the kerb.
From they way they go flying you'd think they might be going a bit too quick, though it doesn't really look like it.
I wondered the same. In the end I assumed that the front left wheel/tyre was hitting the bollard fairly full on and thus running up it, launching that corner of the vehicle upwards if you see what I mean.
Ask Humph, 'spect he'll know.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Tue 14 Dec 21 at 19:10