Motoring Discussion > Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? Accessories and Parts
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 51

 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Zero
I have the time so I now service the home fleet.

The Lancer had a full service history, but at three years old, the pollen filter and engine air filter were filthy.

The dealer maintained Clio has left, replaced by the home maintained Polo.

Its on variable servicing from new (checked the build code info) and has three stamps in the book. 4 years old and 20k on the clock.

Giving it a once over, the Oil is clean and fresh as is the filter. The engine air filter is clearly brand new, and there are clean marks round the gearbox filler plug. The brakes are good and the wheels have been off recently. Clearly the car has been well maintained.

Out with the pollen filter (easy on this car) reveals a world of horror. Disgusting thing disgorged leaves, flies, bees spiders and all sorts of muck over the carpet. So bad the hoover was required to clean the floor.

A visit to Colbournes at Hersham obtained a new filter (£19.99) easily changed.

I have VW ELSA service manual, the ETKA parts manual, and I have a copy of VAG-Com to which I need to add the interface cable.

So the question... DO servicing guys ever change the Pollen Filter?

 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Fenlander
I never understand why but the pollen filter was often left filthy in cars I would see back when a few passed the gate on a weekly basis. Fair enough 10-15 years ago they were new to folks, sometimes hard to locate and replacements not always on the shelf. But now they're a bread and butter thing so no excuse really.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - AnotherJohnH
>> DO servicing guys ever change the Pollen Filter?

probably not as often as they aught to.

Also air filters - particularly if it involves a bit of effort - seem to be ignored for longer distances than I'd expect.

On the subject of Polo's, on one occasion visiting a tame garage for a MOT, the proprietor was muttering about a 60K mile Polo which had been brought in which would barely run.

Several torx screws (or whatever peple want to call them) later and a large engine cover out of the way, a filter was removed which was choked solid. Needless to say the Polo was better after replacement of the filter.

Full (dealer) service history. AFAIR.

 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - DP
TThe main dealer rarelyr bothered on my old Focus but then they didn't do a lot of things they'd charged the lease co for. I was lucky if it came back with the oil level correct or the locking wheelnut key back where I'd left it.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Crankcase
I wonder about the legality of charging for specific things you've not supplied. The prime example in the motor trade, and it appears, commonly accepted, is the concept of "the book says it's a two hour job, but if it takes ten minutes that's just fine, you still invoice and get the money for the two hours."

 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Old Navy
My Focus air filter was due to be changed at the third service, 3 years or 37.500 miles, I changed it and the pollen filter at half that as they were both filthy. I don't know what the reccomendation was for the pollen filter.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - corax
Recommendation for my BMW was every 2 years or 20000 miles, whichever comes first, so with my low mileage I do it every 2 years. Horrible job, as you have to get under the steering wheel, take of some trim covers, disconnect one of the air trunkings which is really awkward when you can only get your head in the footwell, then take off a cover and pull the filter out. It's filthy after 2 years. The new one has to be 'broken' at the ends to make it fit( there is a snap line provided), as the recess that it fits into is curved. I never look forward to it, but get satisfaction that it's been done, even though I have to recover from an aching back and neck afterwards.

They've probably made it easier to fit with the new models. I wouldn't be surprised if the main dealer neglected it on models like mine when they were serviced.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Bagpuss
My BMWs have had it changed at each service. At least it's always listed on the bill, never bothered checking whether it's actually been done or not.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - corax
>> My BMWs have had it changed at each service. At least it's always listed on
>> the bill, never bothered checking whether it's actually been done or not.

Apparently if it hasn't been changed for years you should notice reduced airflow through the vents, or a burning smell as the blower motor overheats due to a clogged filter reducing the airflow through it.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - mikeyb
>> >> My BMWs have had it changed at each service. At least it's always listed
>> on
>> >> the bill, never bothered checking whether it's actually been done or not.
>> Apparently if it hasn't been changed for years you should notice reduced airflow through the
>> vents, or a burning smell as the blower motor overheats due to a clogged filter
>> reducing the airflow through it.

Interesting point - I was only thinking that the airflow appeared pretty weak in Mrs B's car the other week. Will investigate as no idea when / if the filter has been changed.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Roger.
I change mine once a year.
The performance of the air-con deteriorates substantially with a dirty filter.
I once went to the Skoda dealer complaining that the air from the vents was not cold enough - a new filter and chilly air again!
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Dave_
I bought a mega-mileage Mondeo ten years ago with, among other faults, a blown heater fan resistor block. When I went to change it, I found the cause of the failure was water dripping in from the sodden pollen filter directly above it. New filter, new resistors, problem solved - very bad design.
Last edited by: Dave_TD {P} on Wed 22 Sep 10 at 21:41
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - RattleandSmoke
When I ran my dads Fiesta it had a horrible habbit of steaming up instantly and there was always a nasty smell through the blowers. I removed the pollen filter and the only way I could describe is it that I am sure terrorists could do a lot with it.

I replaced it, took two seconds to do and cost £8.50.

On some cars the pollen filter is in a tricky place though.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - BobbyG
Anyone know where the pollen filter is on a Beetle or an Altea?
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Zero
Bobby G, I'll load the Seat data into my Elsa system and send you a printout.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - BobbyG
Cheers Zero
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Zero
In your inbox Bobby
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - BobbyG
Got it. Thanks Zero
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Dave_
>> Anyone know where the pollen filter is on a Beetle or an Altea?

On my Octavia (Y reg) it was under the passenger side scuttle - you had to open the bonnet, lift up the passenger wiper, remove the passenger half of the black trim under the windscreen and then unclip the rectangular frame on top of the heater assembly to withdraw the filter element. Impossible to do without drawing blood. Not sure if that helps, same basic family of cars I would have thought though.
Last edited by: Dave_TD {P} on Wed 22 Sep 10 at 22:43
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - BobbyG
Will start on that side Dave, Ta
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Marc
That sounds very similar to the Galaxy (read VAG Sharan/Alhambra) except you also had to remove the wiper and linkage as well...
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Marc
I've fallen out with both Vauxhall and Ford dealers over pollen filters.

The Vectra is on ecoflex service which equates to roughly 15k/18 months between services. The pollen filter (an easy job) is scheduled and done at every service. At the last (minor) service they quoted for a simple oil change and pollen filter change. I picked up the car and all they had done was the oil. Asked about the pollen filter and they said is wasn't due. I explained the car was on ecoflex but the girl at the service desk didn't understand what I was on about. Worked out to be an expensive oil change so I wrote a complaint letter to the dealer principle but never even got a reply.

The Galaxy is on fixed time/distance servicing so gets done annually at around 8k. The pollen filter (a nightmare of a job) is an optional £70+VAT extra that I always get called about and decline. I therefore got a local guy to replace it for half the price and it stopped the misting up we were getting in wet weather.

This year I got a letter from the Ford dealership and a voucher for an "extra value" £99 service on the car. When I picked the car up I was shocked to get a bill for c £200 as they had also replaced the pollen filter - without asking for the first time ever. Again, explaining service schedules to the girl at the desk is a complete waste of time so a letter followed but I didn't get a refund.

Both cars are getting serviced by the local man next year.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - madf
This year I got a letter from the Ford dealership and a voucher for an "extra value" £99 service on the car. When I picked the car up I was shocked to get a bill for c £200 as they had also replaced the pollen filter - without asking for the first time ever. Again, explaining service schedules to the girl at the desk is a complete waste of time so a letter followed but I didn't get a refund.

It's called theft... I would have refused to pay more than the £99 - as they have done extra work with zero approval and in contradiction to the offer.

Still I expect they rely on owners rolling over and saying nowt...

 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - VxFan
>> On some cars the pollen filter is in a tricky place though.

Behind the glovebox on an Astra-G, which has to come out and then you have to access the pollen filter behind another screw on cover that's on the heater box housing. Often doesn't get changed by the dealers as they cannot justify charging 20 mins to half hour labour rate to change it.
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 23 Sep 10 at 01:20
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - L'escargot
My Ford dealer changes the pollen filter according to the schedule.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - R40

Have always changed them myself. Bit of a faff in the engine bay on the Rover 75 and V8. Now I have the Volvo and that is more of a faff inside and under the dashboard!
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Cpt. Flack
"My Ford dealer changes the pollen filter according to the schedule."

You think so.
I had my car serviced on the last two occasions (Focus) at the same Ford dealership. On the schedule they had ticked, pollen filter replaced.
This summer I noticed not very much air coming out the vents. I took it to a different Ford dealership and they found the filter was the original factory fitted one and that it was completely blocked.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - L'escargot
>> "My Ford dealer changes the pollen filter according to the schedule."
>> You think so.

I said my Ford dealer. I can't comment on yours.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Cpt. Flack
"I said my Ford dealer. I can't comment on yours."

So you're physically there on the shoulder of the technician when its replaced.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - L'escargot
>> "I said my Ford dealer. I can't comment on yours."
>> So you're physically there on the shoulder of the technician when its replaced.

After I get the car back, I check for evidence that the filter has been changed.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - bathtub tom
>>After I get the car back, I check for evidence that the filter has been changed.

So perhaps you don't completely trust them? ;>)
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - L'escargot
>> >>After I get the car back, I check for evidence that the filter has been
>> changed.
>> So perhaps you don't completely trust them? ;>)

It's so easy on my car to just glance at the filter cover to see whether it's been disturbed or not. It's not a matter of whether I trust them, it's just that I think it's unwise to blindly assume that work paid for has been done. It's not as if the technician fills out the invoice. Mistakes can happen.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - borasport
I 'fixed' the aircon on SWMBO's Astra the same way :-)
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - RattleandSmoke
The Fiesta MK4 has to be the best design ever, its in that box you can see just behind the passanger side wiper.¤t=enginebay.jpg

Two seconds to change.

 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - spamcan61
The Vextra B and Omega are both very easy, but SWMBO's Zafira A is mega hassle, you have to take half the passenger side trim and the glovebox out.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - bathtub tom
I don't think the main dealer ever did mine.

I bought it just after its second-year service with 10K on the clock, (the pollen filter should be done every two years/ 24K miles).

I had a look a few months later, it was filthy but not blocked, a bit like the spark plugs that should've been done as well. According to the service history the previous owner was charged for them!
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - RattleandSmoke
Simple case of fraud, charging for work not done yet they still get away with it.

I might try that one. I wait I want to be able to sleep at night.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - L'escargot
>> Simple case of fraud, charging for work not done yet they still get away with
>> it.

Who are they? You're completely unjustified in generalising like that. You have no proof whatsoever of the truth of your statement. Let's have no more of it.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - corax
>> Who are they? You're completely unjustified in generalising like that. You have no proof whatsoever
>> of the truth of your statement. Let's have no more of it.

They're those blokes you hear in the workshop when you're in reception, you know, the sound of lump hammers, whistling and swearing when something hasn't gone back together quite right...
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - RattleandSmoke
The dealer captain flapk used. I can say things like that based on what was posted by him.
We all know its goes on.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Lygonos
It should be replaced (usually as an extra to the main service when you look at the pricing schedules), and if not replaced, it should be thrown away.

Better to have unfiltered cabin air than a blocked filter leading to damp and stink.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - DP

>> Who are they? You're completely unjustified in generalising like that. You have no proof whatsoever
>> of the truth of your statement. Let's have no more of it.

There are good and bad garages, both indie and franchised dealers. Having the manufacturers logo on the sign outside does not guarantee a job well done any more than a backstreet shed guarantees poor workmanship. These are individual businesses employing individual staff with individual skills and work ethics.
The car repair trade on the whole has an appalling reputation, and some establishments are fully deserving of it. That is a simple fact.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - L'escargot
>> The car repair trade on the whole has an appalling reputation, ............

Not with me. However, I have to admit that virtually all my experience has been with franchised dealers.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Cpt. Flack
RE:Mr. Snail,

And the TWO Ford dealerships I used have been franchised dealerships. They are not perfect, believe me. But obviously you don't.

You must be one of the privilaged few who have never been charged in their service bill for things they say they did, but didn't.

So you always check the fluid levels afterwards. Check the filters have been changed. The plugs etc. No. Then you are a trusting customer and I doff my cap to you. I just hope you can see my salute past those blinkers.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - DP
>> The Fiesta MK4 has to be the best design ever, its in that box you
>> can see just behind the passanger side wiper.
>> Two seconds to change.

I agree its a great design, but the plastic catches on the lid are very flimsy and get brittle with age. It's very easy to snap them when opening them, and without a perfect seal, water can get in.
It's great access wise though. I remember having to.adopt a contortionist position doing the job on the S60. Head in the passenger footwell and legs across the drivers seat! Ouch!
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Clk Sec
I tend to poke my nose under the bonnet when my car has had its annual service, but I must admit that I've never given the pollen filter a second thought. However, as the aircon in my 8 year old Mazda is permanently switched on, and works as well now as it did when the car was new, I assume the filter is changed from time to time.

Fortunately, I have a main dealer that I trust.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - madf
Yaris pollen filter takes 1 minute : like Fiesta : but quality plastic hinges that flex rather than break..

 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - spamcan61
OK this thread inspired me to change SWMBO's Zafira one, I've not changed it in the nearly six years we've had the car, dunno about the previous owner. A little tedious but not too bad:-

1) Remove all 3 trim parts from the front passenger footwell (2 screws and 1 plastic clip)

2) Remove glovebox - disconnect light as you do (6 screws)

3) Remove metal bracket between side of car and centre console (4 bolts)

4) Remove plastic air trunking between centre console and footwell (1 clip)

5) Remove metal clips from end cap of filter (6off) ..accompanied by usual WTF happened to that clip ??? oowww my eye!!!!! etc.

6) Remove filter from air trunking and replace.

7) Like Mr. Haynes says - Refitting is the reverse of removal

Scores on the doors - 45 minuted total ish., one screw lost.

State of filter - well i think it was white at some point earlier, no field mice living in it or anything though. See photo if you like:-

You don't think that's excessively detailed for someone with an Asperger score of 11 do you????
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - corax
I always know that my mechanic has changed the oil because I can smell it burning on the exhaust manifold as I'm driving away. Just a quirk of his, he's a top man all the same.
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Iffy
...I can smell it burning on the exhaust manifold....

Ah, the old 'dab some waste oil on the manifold' trick. :)
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - Zero

I know one bloke who's idea of a service was to wipe a greasy hand over the steering wheel.

They always said "that feels much better"
 Do they ever change the Pollen Filter? - corax
>> ...I can smell it burning on the exhaust manifold....
>> Ah, the old 'dab some waste oil on the manifold' trick. :)

I used to watch him doing it (the oil change, not the above). Maybe I should leave a hidden camera in there next time eh? :)
Last edited by: corax on Mon 27 Sep 10 at 18:35
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