My car is painted black. It is currently bogging. I should wash it, after all it's a fine, if chilly day. Next week and for the next few weeks it'll be doing a thousand miles plus every week. Therefore if I wash it today it'll be bogging again by Tuesday. Trying really hard to work up the enthusiasm......
I've got a long and dreaded trip to the other side of Manchester so it give me an excuse to get my new temp car a good going over.
New pollen filter
Some oil so its no longer on min
A clean with autoglym shampoo
A full windscreen polish to so have the novelty of actually being able to see where I go.
Even after all that the car still looks very dirty. I really need a hose.
I've got a 25 mile run it tonight and depending on how well the car runs I will decide on how quickly to replace it.
Really in this weather its best to take cars to a car wash. I am too tight fisted though but having to pay out £100 for pads and discs on a car I am only keeping for a few months may be something do with it!
When I do wash it I find the local asylum seekers' car wash does a nice job for a fiver. Not sure how much of that goes to the staff though.
lternatively for a quick car wash try...
With apologies to Val Doonican -
Humphrey O'Roundabout's motor car
Is the finest ever seen:
It used to be black as me father's hat;
Now it's forty shades of green.
On TV and the radio
And in every public bar,
The burning question of the day
Is O’Roundabout's motor car.
I like the vision of the old God-fearing Irishman with his black hat.
Rats.......The car wash at the MOT station is £1.99 for a basic clean and it does the job OK. All you have to do is sit in the car with the heater and music on....great.
I was a bit concerned about aerials but the Note unscrews and the Vitara, on the A post, is long enough to pull down and trap inside the top of the door without damage.
No cold hands, wet legs or ice everywhere !
I've not got a dog at present but we do have a Guinea pig called Frank ifthathelps.....
Well, I did get around to washing the wheels yesterday before family demands on my time took over again. Of course it's now sunny and perfect car washing weather. I'll just have another coffee.....mustn't rush these things, got to be planned.
SWMBO really wants a new car now. We are still waiting to hear the insurance company's verdict on the Ka. For sure it's a write off but we have not had confirmation of that or an offer yet. She had lulled me into a false sense of financial security earlier in the week by saying the Mondeo was fine. I of course forgot that in woman speak fine doesn't actually mean fine.......
Humph you fool. You know "fine" means "this is really not good enough at all but i will use it in protest because its all that is availble but you will suffer for it if it goes on too long"
in woman speak "fine" is only just above "No" I wont tell you how bad "no" is
Fine is right up there with Nothing in woman speak...I always make an excuse to go to my garage when I hear those words.
Well, it is Mothers Day next Sunday so how about taking her out for a meal and having a new car parked in the car park for 'afters' :)
Have you been watching (and believing), the "Because she's worth it" adverts Pat?
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sun 7 Mar 10 at 18:42
Chuffin' heck Pat, it's her birthday next month, if I did that for Mother's Day I could hardly get away with the usual "here's a quid, get yourself a card or something love" after that.....
No, I've decided those adverts are not for me, if that woman had any self respect she would have ditched that footballer long ago!
Humph, just put her birthday card on the seat and roll the whole thing into one grand know it makes sense!
We sold a few cars as presents when I worked for the Renault dealer.
We kept a long roll of ribbon to tie around the car - usually a Renault 5 and usually for a lady - with a bow on the top.
s'pose I could run to a Renault 5 right enough.....
Last edited by: Humph D'bout on Sun 7 Mar 10 at 19:11
Would have to be a Gordini.
>> Would have to be a Gordini.
Ah cheers young man i'll have ice and a slice with mine and make it a double there's a fellow..
There's a sensible suggestion in there for Mrs H. Younger daughter and fiance have a Renault Twingo 1.2 turbo and love it. Renaults are well known for safety too, and if you don't want to buy new, have the advantage of depreciating fast.
Last edited by: Avant on Sun 7 Mar 10 at 20:38
Thanks for the suggestion Avant. Somehow I had managed to not realise there was such a thing as a new Twingo. Just had a look at them in the usual places and they seem very good value and rather nice. However, Mrs H is of a mind to have something bigger again. She's decided she would like her own Qashqai or similar apparently. Of course I don't really mind what she has. We tend to keep our cars for a long time so joking aside initial price is not so relevant as it will probably be amortised over a long period.
I think Mrs D'Bout is bucking a trend there....the only requirement by Mrs Cams is that the intended vehicle be of the correct colour.
I was amazed when she picked the black Note out of 3 available.
The best response to "it's fine" is:
'"Boy-fine" or "girl-fine"?' It means you are being sympathetic to the female in question, but allowing her the opportunity of telling you that it actually IS fine!