Motoring Discussion > "Eyebrow" headlights Miscellaneous
Thread Author: BobbyG Replies: 9

 "Eyebrow" headlights - BobbyG
Last night I noticed the car behind me had , what I can only describe, as eyebrow headlights!

Had normal headlight and then, from my view in the mirror, further back from the light there was a slight arc above each light in eyebrow shape!

Anyone else seen this - from what I could make out it was a SUV type, I am guessing maybe one of the new Kia,Hyundai, Mitsubishi ones but not sure which!

Made a change from the normal Audi LEDs!
 "Eyebrow" headlights - Old Sock
All such lights strike me as the motoring equivalent of frilly knickers.

"Look at meee, look at meee"!!
Last edited by: Old Sock on Tue 21 Sep 10 at 15:35
 "Eyebrow" headlights - scousehonda
Ah, but you can't beat a sly look at a pair of frilly knickers!!
 "Eyebrow" headlights - VxFan
>> Had normal headlight and then, from my view in the mirror, further back from the
>> light there was a slight arc above each light in eyebrow shape!

Did it also have a dump valve as well?
 "Eyebrow" headlights - Iffy
...Made a change from the normal Audi LEDs!...

I thought Bobby was describing the Audi LEDs.

The ones on the bigger Audis look like a string of fairy lights which a home bodger has glued to the lens.

 "Eyebrow" headlights - L'escargot
You also get headlights with a frill under the light. I don't know which car(s) because I try to ignore them.
 "Eyebrow" headlights - Old Navy
I predict that the soon to be across the board LED's and DRL's are going to get as much attention here as mud flaps and car mats. :)
 "Eyebrow" headlights - Dog

 "Eyebrow" headlights - Iffy
Good 'ol currant bun.

Proper news from a proper newspaper.

 "Eyebrow" headlights - Dog
>>Good 'ol currant bun.<<

S'funny, I used to be a Sun knocker (and The Mirror) for years, but now I read it todo dia (on-line).
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