Motoring Discussion > Happy Birthday Traffic Wardens. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 3

 Happy Birthday Traffic Wardens. - Zero
it was 50 years ago today
Traffic wardens came out to play.

First ones in Westminster, and the birth of Parking Fines.
 Happy Birthday Traffic Wardens. - Old Navy
Pity they are a dieing breed, at least they used common sense and are not on commission.
 Happy Birthday Traffic Wardens. - -
They made my job a lot easier over the years especially on the car delivery game in London especially, tell them what you need to do and how long you need and they'd do their best to help.

These days my lad rings me up to tell me if he hasn't collected a ticket when delivering rentals to central London.
 Happy Birthday Traffic Wardens. - hawkeye
>> tell them what you need to do and how long you
>> need and they'd do their best to help.

When I first started handymanning I needed to park in Richmond Market Square for longer than discs permitted. Still do. The local traffic warden was most helpful. I often see her pointing out to strangers to the area where to get parking discs. And yet some people hate her. She may well be over 50.
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