Motoring Discussion > Guilty Pleasures Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Runfer D'Hills Replies: 43

 Guilty Pleasures - Runfer D'Hills
I don't drive like a hooligan anymore. No really I don't, not for decades actually. Mr Sensible most of the time. Press on a bit when I take the notion but never deliberately do anything which might disturb / endanger anyone else or attract attention from those who have blue lights on their cars.

But...this afternoon I was coming into a wet roundabout at the 6 O'clock position to leave it at the 9 O'clock exit in my 4wd Squashy. Must have been clogging on a wee bit or maybe there was diesel on the deck, yes that would be the reason, diesel, officer.

The upshot was an unplanned but luvverly four wheel drift all the way round. Nice and stately, never felt out of shape, just a long 270 degree rather graceful if I may say so, slither. I did consider lifting off and gathering it all up but as there was nothing else about.....well, you know how it is....well you do don't you ?

Mildly ashamed to admit I thoroughly enjoyed it.

 Guilty Pleasures - Zero
>> just a long 270 degree rather graceful if

Yeah, those mini roundbouts can be awfully tricky
 Guilty Pleasures - Runfer D'Hills
Cheeky beggar ! It was a gert big 'un !
 Guilty Pleasures - Tooslow
I used to do that round the monster roundabout at Portrack near Stockton, in a Crappy. But only when I'd been called out, it was late and there was no one about. Monster? They used to take a crop of hay off it. Nice one Humph.


 Guilty Pleasures - R.P.
You need a motor bike Humph....
 Guilty Pleasures - Old Navy
Humph didn't say anything about a death wish.
 Guilty Pleasures - Zero
>> You need a motor bike Humph....

He needs new tyres.

and a clean pair of pants.
 Guilty Pleasures - -
What tyres you on Hump, must add them to the bargepole list..;)
 Guilty Pleasures - Runfer D'Hills
I am pleased to say my underwear was never in danger and that the tyres are in fact more or less new. Some long forgotten but apparently not entirely lost memory of when I used to spend my winters on snow in a lairy old V8 Landy must have kicked in....quite took the years off me ! er.... yo dudes....( or whatever one is supposed to say about such things now )


Edit - Bridgestone Duellers GB
Last edited by: Humph D'bout on Mon 13 Sep 10 at 19:17
 Guilty Pleasures - Bellboy
are you sure its 4wd?
 Guilty Pleasures - Runfer D'Hills
 Guilty Pleasures - R.P.
I had a similar experience in a Disco once on a roundabout - trouble is once something like that lets go there's no recovering it...
 Guilty Pleasures - Bellboy
this disco on the roundabout,what kind of music did you play because rattle needs to know about public licenses for this king of thing
 Guilty Pleasures - Runfer D'Hills
Major.. ahem... drift here....but I do actually know of a disco on a roundabout, well a traffic island anyway. It was in Bath and traded as "Bog Island" because it had been built into a converted underground public convenience. Never went myself. I preferred Moles.
Last edited by: Humph D'bout on Mon 13 Sep 10 at 19:43
 Guilty Pleasures - Zero
We had a mongolian barbeque on a roundabout near here,

we also have a pub on a roundabout.
 Guilty Pleasures - MD
4X4 = fine.

4x0 = nought.
 Guilty Pleasures - Runfer D'Hills
How exactly do you barbeque yoghurt ?
 Guilty Pleasures - Zero
Lord knows, everyone was always to drunk to care.
 Guilty Pleasures - BobbyG
270 degrees- thats 3/4 of a circle right??

So going from 6 o'clock to 9 o'clock, doing that, you must have ended up facing back out the 9 o'clock junction???

Best power slide I have done, other than the works van in the snow, was my dad's 2.0 FUEL INJECTED (when that meant fast) RWD Carlton.

Left at Whifflet lights in Coatbridge for those who know it, approached in second, floored it as I turned left, did a full 270 and ended up facing back down into the junction! Oops!
 Guilty Pleasures - Runfer D'Hills
Whoops ! Scrub 9.00 and substitute 3.00 !

 Guilty Pleasures - BobbyG
Wahay! After all these years I have finally made a pedantic point!!!
 Guilty Pleasures - Zero
Leave the poor lad alone, he thinks it was 270 degrees

We know it was only 90.
 Guilty Pleasures - Runfer D'Hills
And even spelled it correctly and got the maths right. Which for a Weegie is pretty impressive.....


 Guilty Pleasures - -
I can't power slide to save me life, just have to correct it.

Did watch a young fellow and his girl beside him doing full circuits of a decent size roundabout one day though, he must have gone round it 4 or 5 times perfectly balanced power slide.
BMW 3 series compact, he was good.
 Guilty Pleasures - R.P.
And obviously a real driver Gordon, refusing to be trapped in a front wheel drive nanny-mobile :-)
 Guilty Pleasures - Runfer D'Hills
Oh PU - you tease ! 'ere we go again........well I suppose it will be winter soon....better have a practice argument hadn't we.....

 Guilty Pleasures - -
>> And obviously a real driver Gordon, refusing to be trapped in a front wheel drive
>> nanny-mobile :-)

Wouldn't know anything about that...sniff...always preferred FWD seeing as RWD cars don't do winters..;)
 Guilty Pleasures - Runfer D'Hills
I know I just read that but I'm still struggling to take it in.....
 Guilty Pleasures - -
>> I know I just read that but I'm still struggling to take it in.....

Ignore the first bit, just look at the ..;)

 Guilty Pleasures - mikeyb
>> Major.. ahem... drift here....but I do actually know of a disco on a roundabout, well
>> a traffic island anyway. It was in Bath and traded as "Bog Island" because it
>> had been built into a converted underground public convenience. Never went myself. I preferred Moles.

Moles....good choice. Not sure if it still exists though :-)
 Guilty Pleasures - Runfer D'Hills
Some good bands used to play at Moles. Like you say I'm not sure if it's still there. Last time I went was about 1993 !
 Guilty Pleasures - Runfer D'Hills
Ah good !
 Guilty Pleasures - DP
Nice one, Humph! :)

I used to love wet roundabouts in my old Sierra. 165 section tyres meant I could get it sideways at about 25 mph. Trouble is, the 4 turn rack made major tankslappers a real possibility if you weren't accurate enough with the opposite lock. Our old MX5 was much better.
 Guilty Pleasures - R.P.
Not yet tempted the MX5 into a drift - only been out in the dry in it !
 Guilty Pleasures - Runfer D'Hills
The X1 will have RWD bias won't it ?
 Guilty Pleasures - Zero
I hope the X1 understeers, I would hate to see that ugly rump coming my way.
 Guilty Pleasures - Iffy
I once attempted to what Humph did in a Transit pick-up going around Marble Arch in London.

It was wet and I was leaving Edgware Road to turn right into Bayswater Road.

I thought I'll chuck on a bit extra righthand lock to get the tail out.

Too much extra lock resulted in 360 degree spin.

I was out of control from the moment the skid started until it stopped.

Didn't hit anything, and carried on my way, hoping nobody had noticed.
 Guilty Pleasures - Zero
I once managed to park a 3 litre capri sideways under this railway bridge one dark wet night.

My excuse was a rear tyre slightly down on pressure.,-0.231453&spn=0.001856,0.005659&t=h&z=18
 Guilty Pleasures - bathtub tom
I did an unintended 180 in a 200cc bubble car.

8BHP directed to a single rear wheel on wet cobbles.
 Guilty Pleasures - ....
Suggest you don't ever attempt St. Mary's St. In Edinburgh on a motorbike bt.

I thought Humph had tried to make his 6 to 9 270 slide on the roundabout interesting by maybe going the wrong way round via 3.
 Guilty Pleasures - Glaikit Wee Scunner Snr. {P}
Coming frae Embra I've many interesting memories of the wet granite setts in Leith and Edinburgh in the 60s and 70s. The old Dunlop C41 crossplies on my fathers Humber Sceptre had very little grip which is probably just as well as the extra power of the Holbay Rapier H120 ,which followed on the revolutiory SP68 radials, would additionally axle tramp and spin tyres in an unpredictable fashion while gripping occasionally.

Around the foot of Leith Walk a few streets had tar impregnated wooden setts, now I bet they were real fun.

My old Ford 100E was very easy to provoke recoverable oversteer with the wonderful Blue Peter remoulds. Modern cars tend to have a mild understeering slide if
I fell brave enough. Just testing the remaining grip on a greasy roundabout today coincidentally.
Last edited by: Glaikit Wee Scunner Snr. {P} on Tue 14 Sep 10 at 19:33
 Guilty Pleasures - Runfer D'Hills
Fi Embra ? Arrabest China !

 Guilty Pleasures - Armel Coussine
Why guilty, Humph? Are you a person or a small rodent?

The French writer Regis Debray, famous for having been with Che Guevara when he was caught by the Bolivian army and murdered by the CIA, wrote in a fairly offhand piece on the automobile: 'Personne ne roule innocemment a cent cinquante' ('No one drives innocently at 93').

I know Regis Debray having translated several of his efforts. He is a very good writer so the work is a doddle although people think it looks difficult. I took him to task saying that I, and a lot of salesmen driving Escort 1.3s on British motorways, drove innocently at that sort of speed quite often.

He giggled.
 Guilty Pleasures - Runfer D'Hills
Oh the title was only meant to hint at the slight self-doubt that I may have been indulging in a mild form of automotive onanism. Fear not, I don't feel any genuine remorse......

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