Nearly all of the servicing of all my cars over many years has been done by small garages.
I have just had my 13 year old car serviced by a main dealer plus free tea and biscuits etc.
I am not familiar with their feedback process but soon became aware of it.
!. Verbal alert this might happen.
2. In writing on invoice.
3. In email today .....Soon you may receive an email....
Just to advise, the scoring used is based on a 9 or a 10 being considered positive, whereas an 8 or less is considered negative. Your Advisor is measured on these scores so it is very personal to them to gain your recognition for a good job or understand how to improve.
I await the survey details.
Is this the normal pestering approach ?
On normal scales I would rate them overall an 8 but is this corporate approach getting too much ?
Wot no live video of the bloke inspecting the bottom your car?
>> Wot no live video of the bloke inspecting the bottom your car?
Was I robbed or short changed? must be a down grade to a 5
My son showed me a similar video of his Audi pointing out that his radar needed re calibrating.
I hate these. Usually my satisfaction, or lack of it, is with the company not the individual. And yet I suspect any negative feedback just means grief for the worker.
A bit off topic but the Daily Telegraph sent me one yesterday that said it would take 15 minutes. I had a look and they weren't joking. There were multiple questions that, if I had bothered to do it properly, needed thought as to what they meant, let alone what my answers would be. I zapped through it randomly in a couple of minutes in the outside chance I would qualify for a £200 voucher.
>> I hate these. Usually my satisfaction, or lack of it, is with the company not
>> the individual. And yet I suspect any negative feedback just means grief for the worker.
I refuse to complete these things for exactly that reason.
It doesn't even need to be negative, just not sufficiently positive. I'd regard 8/10 as OK but apparently in some of these systems that's enough to trigger a stewards inquiry on the whole interaction.
I have been a car owner for 55 years.I have never paid to have a car serviced. I consider myself a competent DIY mechanic. At my last MOT i decided to "push the boat out" and pay for an oil & filter change. To my amazement this cost me £76. Time to dust down my very old boiler suit!
>>I have never paid to have a have a car serviced.
Time and effort is payment in a currency I prefer not to use on jobs I don't like. Considering opportunity cost, then these days I prefer to pay money.
>> Is this the normal pestering approach ?
The Honda dealer we use does all the things you mentioned, and calls as well.
Bearing this in mind, it's quite odd how "I haven't done the satisfaction survey yet, but...." has never yet yielded a positive reponse.
They're the worst of all the franchise dealers we use, with mutiple customer service failures.
They also hassle on the sales side too - in a different league to any of the others, with post, emails, calls and texts.
>>I await the survey details.
>>Is this the normal pestering approach ?
>>On normal scales I would rate them overall an 8 but is this corporate approach getting too much ?
The latest email arrived.
No rating by a score just a blank window to create a reply.
Surprise, surprise I have now got a big advert /latest offer.
Wake up there. I had an old Jaguar serviced and I get detail of new Range Rovers.
I used their wonder "talk to me" system and it then asks me what dealership?
A bit of joined up thinking and joined up systems required by them
I guess I will be pestered for ever. :-(
My council MOT test centre won't get much of a review from me.
Just got back. I was told on arrival 'we're running late and he's just gone for his lunch'. When they started, they left the engine running for around twenty minutes to warm it up (it was warm fifteen minutes earlier when I arrived at the appointed time).
Added nearly 30K to the odometer reading, but corrected it when I pointed it out.
Failed to spot a dead LED in the high level rear brake light, that I reckon should have been an advisory.
My recent issues with the Scunthorpe Kia dealership have been documented on here.
At the time I had 2 electronic questionnaires which I went to town on. A Marshall group one on one from Kia UK.
I was contacted by the Dealership Manager, who I'd already had interaction with, who claimed to be on his holidays at the time and would contact on return. Diddly from Kia UK.
I recently had the first annual service on the Dacia shopping trolley.
This was done by the supplying dealer, Evans Halshaw, Doncaster.
I not only received an electronic questionnaire, but also a personal phone call.
Comments? Just two - the front and rear cameras had been disconnected and left so and the spare wheel tyre pressure had, as far as I could tell, not been checked, nor ticked as done on the service report.
A spare wheel is not standard on this car, so I guess, despite my mentioning it to the service receptionist on booking in, it was just overlooked.
The dash and rear cameras - Data protection issue (Ha, ha) but apologies tendered for not re-connecting them.
Over all, I gave them 8 out of 10.
Last edited by: Roger. on Fri 13 Mar 20 at 09:50