Last evening about 7PM, M1 southbound near Luton.
The gantry had a 60 limit and this was confirmed by my camera based speed notification system in the car. I was doing 60 as I checked my speedo because the camera alert chimed in my car.
As I went under the gantry, the limits on the next gantry reduced to 50.
The camera on the gantry that I had just gone past then flashed twice and i was the only vehicle there. The speed limit indicator only changes on arrival at the sign, not before and still read 60.
The camera was to the side of the gantry
I guess as I was the only vehicle there, I must have triggered the camera, but have to ask how much leeway is given, as I suspect the limit changed just as I was going under the gantry or moments before?
Last edited by: VxFan on Fri 5 Jul 19 at 01:57
No, you won't get a ticket.
No you won't get a ticket, there is time leeway after a speed change
I triggered a couple over the years in the same way on the M6 - never had a ticket though.