Motoring Discussion > 54 Points and No Ban Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Perky Penguin Replies: 9

 54 Points and No Ban - Perky Penguin
A driver who has accumulated 54 points on his licence has not been banned from driving on the grounds that such a ban would cause "Exceptional Hardship" He got the points for:-

Using a mobile while driving
8 seperate cases of failing to identify the driver of a vehicle when required to do so
Using his phone, again
Driving otherise than in accordance with a licence.

An FOI request reveals that 1 in 4 drivers who appeal against a totting up ban are successful; 31110 were banned and 11220 were succesful in their appeals

Alright for some!
 54 Points and No Ban - Manatee
None of those really comes under the heading of "unlucky, could happen to anybody" does it?

Very strange. I assume the "exceptional hardship" would have applied to someone else who was dependent on the driver.
 54 Points and No Ban - Cpt. Flack
In my view driving is a privalage not a right. If this person breaks the rules to that extent they deserve to lose that privalege, whatever the circumstances.
Having to use cabs or public transport for a year or so might focus the mind.
 54 Points and No Ban - CGNorwich
I'd like to know what his insurance renewal premium will be
 54 Points and No Ban - R.P.
No worries just another six points so why bother ?
 54 Points and No Ban - RattleandSmoke
Exactly and with those convictions it seems the person in question is less than honest anyway. Even if he/she does have insurance I would not be surprised if they lied about the point of points to the insurance company.

It makes me sick that some people are loosing their licences for getting 6 points while others carry on with 54.
 54 Points and No Ban - Harleyman
>> I'd like to know what his insurance renewal premium will be

And I'd like to know who his solicitor is!
 54 Points and No Ban - Bill Payer
>> A driver who has accumulated 54 points on his licence has not been banned from
>> driving

He has been banned now, the issue is that he got off with it until he got to 54 points.
 54 Points and No Ban - Perky Penguin
Thanks for that BP. I see that he was banned on 2nd August but the story was in my paper today, giving the impression that this loon was still on the road I guess he will have to take another driving test and, as someone else has pointed out, insurance may be a problem when he gets his licence back!
 54 Points and No Ban - Iffy
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