Motoring Discussion > New Police Vehicle Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Pat Replies: 24

 New Police Vehicle - Pat

Gimmick, deterrent or a complete waste of money?

 New Police Vehicle - AnotherJohnH
probably the latter.

Pronounced P.R.
 New Police Vehicle - smokie
Chicago cops use segways

This isn't Chicago...
Last edited by: smokie on Sun 5 Sep 10 at 08:28
 New Police Vehicle - Fullchat
"Gimmick, deterrent or a complete waste of money?"

"The tractor is being lent for free and the National Farmers' Union has paid for the addition of the police stripes."

There would appear to be no cost implication so rest easy :-)
Last edited by: Fullchat on Sun 5 Sep 10 at 10:46
 New Police Vehicle - R.P.

Don't let the smallprint get in the way of a good whinging opportunity ! :-)
 New Police Vehicle - Zero
Well given that a Lancer was too fast and hot for them to cope with, I would think the tractor is about right.

Whos driving it? PC Clod?
 New Police Vehicle - Runfer D'Hills
Reckon they could pull a few with that, although I expect it'd plough on a bit in the bends. If they caught someone, I wonder if they'd get bailed......
 New Police Vehicle - BiggerBadderDave
They wouldn't have any problems catching Rattle
 New Police Vehicle - AshT
>Gimmick, deterrent or a complete waste of money?

The tractor may well have been loaned for free, and the paint job may not have cost anything, but it will presumably have a driver from the local force who's almost certainly been trained at the cost of the constabulary as well. I'm sure it'll have been the subject of a very extensive risk assessment too.
 New Police Vehicle - Pat
My feelings exactly AshT

It's not a case of not reading the small print, or taking the opportunity to whinge.
It's about the bodies required to staff this expensive PR and the simple fact that they could be utilised better elsewhere.

We are being told in our area that there will be cuts in the amount of policing because of lack of finance, and then we read this?
A mega PR gaffe IMHO.

 New Police Vehicle - Fullchat
Actually thinking laterally they could buy a few, attach a trailer, and drive them around collision hotspots. Would certainly slow the traffic down :-)
 New Police Vehicle - Runfer D'Hills
Wouldn't that require a combined force operation FC ? Using such vehicles in the field so to speak ?
 New Police Vehicle - Fullchat
You're on fire today Humph :-)
 New Police Vehicle - Zero
>> You're on fire today Humph :-)

Full of silage if you ask me.
 New Police Vehicle - R.P.
...and spreading it...
 New Police Vehicle - Stuu
It would be worth every penny to see it being driven over the car of an uninsured/no license/no tax etc drivers car, infront of them.
 New Police Vehicle - Iffy
....and spreading it...


If you are to make a success of your entry into polite county society, you need to brush up on your agricultural knowledge.

Silage is not spread, or at least not in the way you mean it.

It is fed to animals, often when they are indoors over the winter.

 New Police Vehicle - paulb
>> It's not a case of not reading the small print, or taking the opportunity to
>> whinge.
>> It's about the bodies required to staff this expensive PR and the simple fact that
>> they could be utilised better elsewhere.
>> We are being told in our area that there will be cuts in the amount
>> of policing because of lack of finance, and then we read this?
>> A mega PR gaffe IMHO.

Pat's helped define the point I was trying to make (without much success) in the last thread about eye-catching initiatives by local forces (the one with the trike). It's about how the thing is perceived by outsiders. Even if it's NOT costing any/very much money, it LOOKS like it is.

Therefore the public, faced with this sort of thing on the one hand and warnings of reduced frontline policing on the other, will make an obvious (albeit largely incorrect) connection between the two.

All this sort of thing achieves, coupled with stories like the one about the lady in Wiltshire, is to make life harder than it need be for the majority of the force who are trying to do their job. Resident lawmen - is this so?
 New Police Vehicle - Iffy
...All this sort of thing achieves...

All these initiatives send out another message:

"We can't/won't catch the criminals, so you are on your own."

If you are burgled, there is as much focus from the police on what you can do to stop it happening again, as there is on going out and nicking someone.

You - the citizen - are forced to pay for the police and their wonderful conditions of service, and you are also firmly encouraged to pay for all manner of security to reduce their workload.

If all the police are going to do is hand out a few leaflets at county shows, we may as well save a load of money, sack the lot, and give the work to housewives, students, or the unemployed.

If coppers showed more inclination to get off their backsides and do some genuine police work, then I would increase the budget, not cut it.

 New Police Vehicle - R.P.

If you are burgled, there is as much focus from the police on what you can do to stop it happening again, as there is on going out and nicking someone.

Sounds like common sense to me - getting advice on how to prevent a crime..Care little for Police workloads if my house was screwed, but I would care a lot about it not happening or reducing the chances of it happening again...

 New Police Vehicle - Iffy
...Sounds like common sense to me...

It is, but I do think the emphasis has shifted too far in that direction.

If I call a plumber to a burst pipe, first and foremost, I want the burst pipe fixed.

The advice to lag the pipe to stop it happening again should be very much secondary.
 New Police Vehicle - VxFan
>> Chicago cops use segways

So do security at the Gunwharf Quay shopping centre in Portsmouth.
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 6 Sep 10 at 02:09
 New Police Vehicle - IJWS14
Now I wonder if it has ever had red diesel in it?

And what colour is the diesel now?
 New Police Vehicle - Boxsterboy
The Met Police have taken to using those funny 3-wheeled scooters (with 2 small wheels at the front).

Presumably Health & Safety dictates there is less chance of them falling over when they forget to put a foot down when they come to a stop?
 New Police Vehicle - Ted

Now, this baby is what you want for real policing !

That'll keep the crims from going off the rails and put them back on track.

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